1 attach ourselves to0:33
影片例句:Why do we gossip? I think to feel better about ourselves. And to attach ourselves to the other person that we're gossiping with.
attach ourselves to 是「對某人事物有牽掛、依附」的意思。attach 本身的意思是附上,最常在郵件使用裡面看到郵件附件 attachment。這個字也可以用在 "to have an attachment for something" 來說明對某事物有情感。 E.g., Tom has an immense attachment to his dogs, he just can't live without them.
Tom 超級愛護他的狗狗,沒有他們他活不下去。
補充:attach 的反義字是 detach 就是分離的意思,通常形成片語 detach from someone / something。
2 drama1:03
影片例句: The ego loves drama. So the ego creates drama and focuses on dramas.
drama 是戲劇,形容詞是 dramatic。這裡的 drama 意思偏向於大驚小怪的事,或是在一般生活不會出現的事。可以和 queen 一起形成復合名詞 drama queen 指總是大驚小怪的女生。 E.g., Jenny is such a drama queen, she threw a tantrum just because she got cut in line.
Jenny 超愛大驚小怪,他只是被人家插隊就鬧了脾氣。
3 flaw1:36
影片例句:It's the one time we get to completely forget about our own flaws and just focus on other people's.
flaw 是一個東西或是人的瑕疵,也可以說 fault 或是 defect,不過後者比較多指東西的瑕疵。加上 -less 字尾,就會變成 flawless 毫無瑕疵也就是完美。 E.g., Although there are some flaws in your logic, your argument is still considered valid.
4 bring sth to a stop2:25
影片例句:It just brought the friendship to a crashing halt which could never ever again be revived in the same confidence or the same closeness.
bring sth to a stop 也可說是 bring to a stop、bring to an end,用來形容「讓某事結尾」。影片例句裡說到 "bring to a crashing halt" 的 crashing halt 是急促的、慘烈的結束。 E.g., The lack of funds will surely bring our current researches to a stop, not to mention prospective ones.
5 as opposed to2:47
影片例句:But if you talk to the person as opposed to talking about them, you actually get somewhere.
as opposed to 就是比較兩個,某一個選項比另一個好。「與其這個,不如那個」的意思。oppose 本身是反對的意思,所以反對其一,偏好另一個選項。同義的連接詞可以說 rather than 或是 instead of,不過使用 as opposed to 通常是在講比較嚴肅的話題。 E.g., As opposed to just talking about solutions, the government needs to take actual action.