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  • Everyone's heard the age-old question: what's your sign?

  • When people say "sign," it's assumed that they mean someone's sun sign,

  • which is all the majority of people know about astrology.

  • Sun signs are a simple aspect of astrology. It mainly refers to the position of the sun

  • at a person's birth.

  • Although, astrology is very complex. Since different planets mean different things for our personality,

  • sun signs provide a basic description of one's self, ego, and identity.

  • The twelve sun signs, also known as zodiacs, are:

  • Aries,

  • Taurus,

  • Gemini,

  • Cancer,

  • Leo,

  • Virgo,

  • Libra,

  • Scorpio,

  • Sagittarius,

  • Capricorn,

  • Aquarius,

  • and Pisces.

  • Aries, the ram.

  • Aries are very enthusiastic and energetic.

  • However, under their natural optimism

  • may lie insecurity, due to their desire to succeed. They are go-getters

  • with a need for adventure and independence,

  • but can get moody, impulsive, and selfish.

  • Because of their low tolerance of boredom, Aries make great leaders.

  • Taurus, the bull.

  • Taurus are the most loyal people you'll ever meet.

  • They are patient, persistent, generous,

  • and even have a romantic side.

  • But they can tend to be exceptionally stubborn,

  • materialistic, and somewhat lazy.

  • Despite that, Taurus make great friends, and will

  • surely protect those they love.

  • Gemini, the twins.

  • Gemini are highly intelligent and clever.

  • They're witty, charming, and naturally flirty.

  • Gemini are flexible, but also superficial, since they can be flighty,

  • emotionally distant, devious, and somewhat two-faced.

  • Their two-facedness comes from their desire to please everyone.

  • Overall though, Gemini are interesting people with great enthusiasm,

  • who will always bring a good time with them wherever they go.

  • Cancer, the crab.

  • Cancer are very sensitive.

  • They're loyal, dependable, and caring.

  • Since they're extremely protective of their friends and family,

  • they may be very clingy.

  • They also have a tendency to be moody,

  • self-pitying, and self-absorbed.

  • Cancer are one of the hardest signs to understand,

  • but generally, they are one of the kindest Zodiac signs.

  • Leo, the lion.

  • Leos are bold, ambitious, and encouraging.

  • They know what they want, and when they want it.

  • They are generous and confident,

  • though perhaps, sometimes, a little too confident.

  • Their confidence can lead them to be vain,

  • pretentious, and melodramatic.

  • Although they are independent,

  • they prefer to have an audience to admire them.

  • Consequently, they make exciting friends with their

  • outgoing and social nature.

  • Virgo, the virgin.

  • Virgos are hard-working, analytical, and observing,

  • but while they're very reliable and precise in their work,

  • Virgos can be fussy and inflexible.

  • As one of the more reserved Zodiac signs,

  • Virgos can also be cold and rather skeptical.

  • But once you warm up to them,

  • they're great friends you can trust, and look to for advice.

  • Libra, the balance.

  • Libras are peaceful, and somewhat lazy.

  • They come off as warm and friendly people.

  • They're flirty, idealistic, and can see every side

  • to an argument, but that doesn't stop them

  • from being one of the most indecisive Zodiac signs.

  • Libras can also be superifical, vain, and unreliable,

  • making others do their dirty work for them.

  • But generally, they're one of the most relaxing Zodiac signs to be around.

  • Scorpio, the scorpion.

  • Scorpios are very independent. They're ambitious,

  • passionate, and resourceful.

  • Although most Scorpios have an unyielding nature,

  • they're actually very emotional.

  • Scorpios also need to be in control,

  • which leads to their constant possessiveness and jealousy.

  • They can also be very moody, and manipulative.

  • At the end of the day, however, Scorpios are very loyal and trustworthy,

  • so don't be afraid to tell them a secret.

  • Sagittarius, the archer.

  • As one of the more adventurous Zodiac signs,

  • Sagittarius are always up for a good time,

  • with their energetic yet optimistic personality.

  • They are very independent,

  • and love learning about new things.

  • Sagittarius are very flighty, and rather unemotional,

  • as they put logic over feelings.

  • Although they can be reckless,

  • Sagittarius make fun friends with their selflessness

  • and overall geniality.

  • Capricorn, the goat.

  • Capricorns are very responsible. They're independent,

  • helpful, and intriguing, but they may lack imagination

  • due to their hard-working temperament.

  • They can also be somewhat stern and melancholy at times.

  • This, however, makes them very organized,

  • and good at time management.

  • Overall, Capricorns are very sympathetic,

  • caring, and have a unique sense of humor.

  • Aquarius, the water bearer.

  • Aquarius are progressive thinkers.

  • They're all about change and ideas.

  • Aquarius are witty, and sarcastic, so they always have a joke to tell you.

  • They can be rebellious, stubborn,

  • emotionally detached, and aloof,

  • since they're always trying to be different.

  • Aquarius are intellectually driven, however,

  • so if you ever need help, or someone to conspire with,

  • call an Aquarius.

  • Pisces, the fishes.

  • Pisces can be very clingy.

  • They always need someone to keep them grounded.

  • Pisces may be oversensitive, but

  • that just means they're extremely dedicated to

  • helping out friends.

  • Pisces are very intuitive, imaginative,

  • and adaptable.

  • They love adventure, so your friendship with a Pisces

  • will surely be fulfilling.

  • Now that you know the characteristics of each Zodiac,

  • what's your Zodiac sign?

  • Do you think your Zodiac's characteristics match your own?

  • Comment your answers down below.

  • If you enjoyed this video,

  • be sure to follow our Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook

  • for more content.

  • And don't forget to subscribe!

  • Thanks for watching, and have a wonderful day.



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12星座和它們對你的啟示 (12 Zodiac Signs and What They Say About You)

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    fionalinyang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日