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  • My name is Lawrence Grecco. I live in New York City, and I'm a Life Coach and an Astrologer.

  • I've been practicing Astrology for over 20 years. You can check out my website at

  • I'm here to talk to you today about Horoscopes. The fifth sign of the zodiac is Leo so, if

  • you were born between July 21st and August 20th that makes you a Leo. So, Leo is symbolized

  • by the lion which is considered king of the beasts and they're known for their sovereignty,

  • courage, and ruler ship. Leos are ruled by the sun and, as we know, all planets in our

  • solar system revolve around the sun so, that gives a big clue in Leo because Leo people

  • often like to be the center of attention. And above all, Leos are concerned with self-expression

  • and creativity and they really wanna make, um, a strong and positive impact on the world.

  • So, Leos really love people. They tend to be really creative. Um, they're natural born

  • leaders and a lot of people in the arts or in any kind of performance fields are Leos.

  • On the down side, some Leos can be a bit conceited, pompous, domineering, and constantly in need

  • of attention. Some famous Leos include Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Lucille Ball, and Madonna.

My name is Lawrence Grecco. I live in New York City, and I'm a Life Coach and an Astrologer.


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如何理解獅子座的星座|十二星座 (How to Understand Leo Horoscope Sign | Zodiac Signs)

  • 182 8
    Hhart Budha 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日