In order to study gay versus straight voices, researchers look at parameters such as pitch variation, like how much a person's pitch changes as they talk, duration values for vowels and consonants, aka how long people hold their A, E, I, O, O sounds, or how long people hold their S's, and some studies just straight up get random people to listen to people talk and try to judge whether they thought that person speaking was gay or straight.
為了研究同志與異性戀的聲音,研究人員會研究一些參數,比如音高變化,比如一個人說話時音高的變化程度,元音和輔音的持續時間值,也就是人們發出 A、E、I、O、O 音的持續時間,或者人們發出 S 音的持續時間,還有一些研究直接讓隨機的人聽別人說話,並嘗試判斷他們認為說話的人是同志還是異性戀。