熱門影片01:08【看影集學英文】錢德邂逅網戀女友! (Chandler Meets His Online Girlfriend | Friends)#上帝#影集中文A1 初級04:01【看動畫學英文】消防隊長大大! (Grizz the Fire Marshall! | We Bear Bears | Cartoon Network | Cartoons for Kids)#熄滅#漢堡中文B2 中高級03:48阿茨海默症無藥可治,但會「雙語」將是解藥嗎? (There's no cure for Alzheimer's. But could speaking 2 languages help?)#雙語#大腦中文A2 初級09:38【BBC】拜登作為美國總統與習近平舉行最後一次會晤 (Joe Biden holds last meeting with China's President Xi as US president | BBC News)#特朗普#唐納德中文B2 中高級11:58夜貓族小心了!「不睡覺」對人體傷害究竟有多大?! (How Not Sleeping Actually Kills You)#睡眠#不足中文B1 中級字幕已審核08:05如何在瞬息萬變的世界中找到人生的意義? (How to find meaning (in an fast-changing world ?))#冥想#生命中文B1 中級03:52科技不斷進步,但為何我們還沒有辦法治癒癌症? (Why Haven't We Cured Cancer?)#癌症#突變中文B1 中級02:07大家都討厭的「介系詞」到底是什麼,又該如何使用?! (What is a preposition? Prepositions with Georgie)#介詞#學習中文A2 初級08:03想要加強英式口音嗎?快跟著Katherine學習「跟讀法」! (Shadowing is AMAZING!! ? | Learn My British Accent ??| ADVANCED ?)#大蒜#湯姆中文B1 中級
最新影片全部13:56可以減輕焦慮、抑制飢餓感,電子菸真的有那麼「美好」嗎? (Vaping Is Too Good To Be True)210中文B1 中級06:43AI 如何幫助品牌更快地識別消費趨勢? (How AI is helping brands identify consumer trends faster)519中文B1 中級03:38【聽音樂學英文】ROSÉ 抒情單曲 - Number One Girl (ROSÉ - number one girl (official music video)324中文A1 初級字幕已審核03:41【珍妮的台北歷險記】臺灣年輕人是瀕危物種? (Young Taiwanese are an Endangered Species | The Jennie Show)4691中文A2 初級04:05【看動畫學英文】《史奴比》探險童子軍! (What do you mean "Explorer Scouts ARE NOT ALLOWED!?" | Camp Snoopy | Cartoons for Kids)891中文B2 中高級06:23曾經的聚會首選「TGI Fridays」為何逐漸走向沒落? (TGI Fridays: How the American Icon Became a Shell of Itself | WSJ What Went Wrong)1941中文B2 中高級09:15【BBC】普丁宣佈俄羅斯可能會發動核打擊以應對常規攻擊 (Putin declares Russia could launch nuclear strike in response to conventional attack | BBC News)10329中文B1 中級13:12教你 10 個小技巧快速提升任何語言的流利度! (10 Tips to Boost Your Fluency in Any Language ASAP!)10767中文A2 初級
為你推薦02:02【TaiwanPlus News】教師和學生抗議臺灣的「雙語教育」政策 (Teachers, Students Protest Taiwan's Bilingual Nation Policy|TaiwanPlus News)7367中文B1 中級字幕已審核08:05如何在瞬息萬變的世界中找到人生的意義? (How to find meaning (in an fast-changing world ?))26253中文B1 中級字幕已審核03:51【珍妮的台北歷險記】珍妮會說中文,對吧? (Jennie Speaks Mandarin, Right? | EP. 2 | The Jennie Show: Season 2)4106中文B1 中級字幕已審核03:41【珍妮的台北歷險記】臺灣年輕人是瀕危物種? (Young Taiwanese are an Endangered Species | The Jennie Show)4729中文A2 初級字幕已審核03:54你有多自律,就有多自由! (Self-Discipline is Freedom... From Yourself. | Why it's Important.)56808中文B1 中級08:03學習一門新語言其實很容易?! (learning a new language is easy, actually)58034中文A2 初級12:32外國人都看不下去!為什麼臺灣的「市容」如此糟糕? (Why Do Taiwanese Cities Look So Bad?)23928中文A2 初級02:56夏天家裡果蠅滿天飛,讓你很困擾嗎!專家教你用簡單的 DIY 技巧趕走惱人的蟲子! (Simple DIY trick to getting rid of fruit flies in your house)22034中文B1 中級