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Someone’s screenshot we totally lost asks:
Tell me more about couple culture in Korea.
Do couples really wear the same clothing?
Like you see in Korean dramas?
Now in a previous TL;DR we wound up
Talking about Korean dating culture
But we’re adding a whole bunch of
Different points today to that
Not necessarily the first stages of dating
But now you’re a couple
What’s the culture of couples like
Yeah, couples in Korea like to show
Everyone in Korea that they are a couple
And when were talking about couple clothing
Were not just meaning like couple shirts
Were talking about couple hats
Couple shirts
And even couple shoes!
And I've seen couple backpacks too
I’ve seen like full-fledged,
I haven’t actually seen the backpacks yet.
Yeah, just last week,
I saw a couple that looked amazing
They were wearing 80s style clothing
With knee socks. Both of them.
Up to their knees.
And shorts.
Matching sneakers, matching backpacks.
Matching tank tops.
That’s pretty badass.
It was amazing.
But, its not like we would do anything like that.
Definitely not.
That’s crazy right?
How did they get those photos? Awkward.
Wait a second.
Before Martina continues,
I want to say that for today’s TL;DR,
I wanted to bring in our couple outfits
And I wanted to wear them for this segment
But she was like
“Oh noooo, I’m wearing a pretty dress”
I was the one that wanted to wear the tank top.
I was the one that wanted to wear the shorts
And the flip-flops
But you said no because you’re like
“I’m so pretty right now”
I said no because no one is going to be able to see it
All they’re going to see is the same matching t-shirts.
Well then we would back up and we would dance and
We would show them our couple pants!
They can’t see our couple underwear though!
The question is—
We’re not wearing any!!
Or are we?
Or are we not?
We have couple pajamas as well.
We do.
We sleep naked.
So does Spudgy!
So does Meemers!
Everyone’s a nudist in our house!
Indiana Jones and whip your fxcking dxck out!!
And Spudgy’s like
“Now whip, your dxck out, whip, whip, your dxck out”
Couple rings!
So a lot of Korean dramas focus on
The couple ring.
And couple rings,
As you might imagine,
Are rings that you exchange
But to me,
Rings are like a really serious thing,
Like even in high school,
You didn’t exchange a ring.
Or jewelry with somebody
Unless it was like you’re dating for like
A year or something.
It was only that couples that
Seemed like they were together forever that had couple rings.
But I mean in Korea it seems like something that is very normal.
Like you can get couple rings to say that you’re dating.
In fact like down the street there’s a guy
That’s selling rings and engraves it for you as well
And when I was walking by yesterday
I heard a girl telling him the spelling of her name.
However, interestingly,
Once you get married, you buy rings,
And then you never wear them!
What’s with Korean people not wearing wedding rings!
I’m not saying all of them don’t
But every Korean person I know
Doesn’t wear they wedding ring.
They have them!
Yeah, they put them in their jewelry box
Yeah, or a safety deposit box or something like that.
So when you’re dating you’re wearing couple rings
And when you get married you’re like
“my work here is done”
“Mission accomplished!”
Thousands of dollars on a ring and
I’m going to put it in a box.
Alright, so there are like a gazillion
Different days that you have to remember
When you’re dating someone in Korea
I think the most important purchase
that you’re going to make
when you start dating somebody
is a calendar
because there are so many days that you have to celebrate.
Ok the main one is going to be the 100-day dating day.
Yes. So you’re like,
“I’ve been dating for 100 days!”
And it’s weird, because like for us, you say
Oh, you’ve been dating somebody for like
Six months, or like few months,
But in Korea it’s like 100 days
Or 55 days!
It’s a lot more specific.
It’s like, having a baby.
My baby is 38 months old.
I can’t math! asldkfjalskdfjalskfj (yelling)!!
What does that mean!?
Two years old? Just say it!
No one speaks like that.
Moms….. Moms….
So after 100 days, guess what’s after that, Simon.
200 days!
300 days!
400 days!
Sooo, it might be hard to keep track of the days,
So guess what?!
There’s an app for that.
We actually recently ended up getting it
Because when we were researching this topic
I had been reading about this app called “Between”
That is supposedly really really popular in Korea.
Supposedly one in five couples in Korea
Use this app. Here,
We actually downloaded it
Where’s my phone
I lost my phone!
Where are your pants?
I lost my pants! And my phone was in my pants.
Leigh? Leigh can you get my phone it over there
ooo ripito, flipito I hope it’s slow motion
Or my phone is broken
Thanks Leigh.
And what’s funny about this app
Is that we said to Soo Zee, like,
“What is this ‘Between’ app?
Have you heard of this before?”
And Soo Zee’s like,
I’ve totally never heard of this app before.
And we’re like, Soo Zee are you dating anyone?
And Soo Zee’s like,
And were like,
can you message one of your friends that are dating someone?
And she’s like, “Ok.”
She messages some of her friends,
They’re ALL using this app!
Yep, this thing is really really popular.
Essentially what this app is,
It’s kind of like Kakaotalk,
Very similar to that
Except it’s only for couples
And you can only use it
If you have another person that you’re dating
And you both register your phone number to this.
It can’t be like, Simon, Martina, and our friend.
It’s literally just a personal messaging system between two people
So there’s no three way app going on
There’s only a two-way app going on.
They’ve got a D-Day countdown clock.
And D-Day is a term in Korea that is used for lots of things
Like, exam day, or D-Day 100 for when you’ve been dating.
We typed in our anniversary for our wedding.
And it says, like,
D, - , however many days.
So it warns you.
I wind up remembering all the days
When we wound up meeting, and our first date, and our first kiss,
And when we got engaged,
Martina’s really bad at remembering these days.
And when I put them in here it ends up telling you
On the side, like,
Which is how many days we’ve been married now.
Over two thousand days
I thought that means when we have to celebrate our anniversary.
No it says how many days.
So the point is that you have to check this app regularly
So you can be like, Oh! It says D+99,
Tomorrow’s my 100-day anniversary.
And besides your 100 day, 200 day anniversary
There’s also a whole ridiculous slew of holidays
In Korea that mostly fall on like the 14th of every month.
Ok so like the first obvious one is February 14th,
Valentines Day.
But in Korea, the girl gives something to the guy,
Then, if the guy winds up accepting the chocolates
that the girl wound up making
then he has to give her something for white day
which is the month afterwards, March 14th.
We did a couple videos about these a really long time ago
So click on the buttons here if you want to see them,
Man those are really old videos.
We look awful and fat. But we’re wearing couple clothing!
Couple clothing!
February is for girls to boys,
March is for boys to girls,
And then April 14th is Black Day,
The day of sadness for single people,
Which we actually talked about in our jjajjangmyun delivery video.
And after that,
There are a whole shxtload of ridiculous ones.
Like May 14th which is Rose Day!
Which I didn’t even know about
Until we were walking around Hongdae and
I was like, “Is it just me
or are there a lot of girls with roses today?”
And after May 14th is June 14th which is
Kiss Day!
Martina Singing: Someday my prince will come…
You need a day for kissing?
I kiss my wife like all day everyday.
Your nose is cold.
Like a 100 kisses right there.
Maybe it was kiss on the lips day.
Sexy time!!
And July 14th is Silver Day!
Youre like, I love gold!
I love silver!
It’s supposed to be like the change of rings day
But honestly, Soo Zee and I were looking up these holidays,
And she was like, “What? Silver day?
What?! Kiss day?”
So I don’t really know if it’s that popular,
But I do remember seeing couples doing things like that,
Like, Cookie Day?!
Yeah, supposedly there’s like Cookie Day as well!
I remember seeing couples with like an
Extraordinary amount of cookies!
And wondering if it was some bakery
So my guess is that these days
Are mostly celebrated by new couples that need
Things to do with each that aren’t necessarily
Really comfortable
So on 14th lets give each other cookies and kisses.
I think we should adopt this
And every 14th we should just do something totally awesome.
Or the 16th! Since that’s our wedding anniversary.
Every 16th lets be like, The next month is Cookie Day!
The next month is Coco Curry Day!
The next month is Coco Curry Day
And the next month is Coco Curry Day
Martina’s really addicted to Coco Curry by the way.
If you live in Japan, please send me Coco Curry packages
Japanese people! Coco Curry!
Give it to us!
By the way Simon?
If you check your meeting app?
I actually put a Coco Curry day in there.
I’m serious.
It was five days ago.
Coco Curry day.
But the mall was closed
And I was heartbroken you owe me!
How dare you ruin our holiday!
Anyhow we talked about couple culture
If you want to learn more about it
We have some more insights in our blog post
Make sure you click on the link here
And you can share your stories as well
So that’s it for this TL;DR if you have a question
For next week’s TL;DR
Leave your question in the comments section below
Also look at the questions already asked and thumb them up
To get them to our attention
Or send us a tweet!
And don’t forget to subscribe to more TL;DRs
Where we talk about our obsession with Coco Curry.
I love Coco Curry. It’s really really good.
You know last time we went to Japan?
We ate at Coco Curry because it was 24 hour?
And we saw U-Kiss on the menu
and I sent a picture to Kevin
being like, ‘You’re on the menu!’
and he’s like “We’re following you everywhere!”
Because they were in Japan at the same time
I didn’t even know that
You’re so special to me!
They fill it with crack or something in there because
It’s scary guys.
Woah. It’s not right.