字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Whether you're headed back to school or just wanting to pick up a new skill like a language or an instrument, learning new things is amazing. 不管你是重回學校或者是要開始學習新的語言或是新的樂器,學習新事物是很新奇的。 But is there a better way to learn something quickly and retain that knowledge? 可是有沒有好的方法去更快的學習並記住這些知識呢? First step is, skip the laptop. 第一個步驟,不要用筆電。 Though you might be quicker at typing, writing with pen and paper is the way to go when taking notes. 雖然打字比較快,用筆和紙做筆記還是比較好的。 Not only are there oodles of distractions online, but researchers have found that those who type process the information at a shallower level. 不只是因為網路上有大量令人分心的東西,研究人員也發現那些打字的人只能較淺層地去處理資料。 As opposed to simply transcribing verbatim, re-framing the information into your own words while writing out physically leads to better performance on tests. 如果不單單只是逐字逐句地抄寫,而是寫下自己重新整合的句子,在考試上會有比較好的表現。 And to retain those notes, study-sleep-study. 而為了要記住那些筆記,讀書-睡覺-讀書。 In a French experiment, two groups were taught the Swahili translation for 16 French words over 2 sessions. 在一個法國的實驗中,兩組受試者在兩個時段中被教導 16 個法文的斯華希裏語翻譯。 Group 1 studied in the morning, then took a break and studied again in the evening. 第一組在早上學習,然後休息一下,傍晚再繼續學。 But group 2 studied in the evening, slept for the night and then resumed studying in the morning. 不過第二組是在傍晚學習,睡了一晚,早上再繼續學習。 Though there was the same amount of time between the 2 study sessions, the sleep group could recall 10 of the 16 words while the no-sleep group could only get seven and a half. 雖然兩段學習的時間是相同的,睡眠組可以回想起 10 個單字,但沒有睡覺的那組只能回想起 16 個單字中的 7.5 個單字。 Learning a new motor skill? 正在學習一項新的動作技能嗎? Try modifying your practice slightly. 試試看一點一點地修改你的練習。 A study of 86 healthy volunteers were asked to learn a computer-based motor skill over 2 training sessions. 有一個實驗要 86 位健康的志願者在兩段訓練時間中學習電腦技能。 One group's second training session had them learn the task in a slightly altered way, while the other repeated the task with the exact same practice. 有一組的第二段練習時間中,稍微改變了他們學習的方式,而另外一組則是重複一樣的練習。 Those who used two different strategies nearly doubled the speed of accuracy of the task compared to the control group. 跟對照組比起來,那些接受不同練習的人加快了完成任務的速度與準確性將近兩倍。 What does this look like in the real world? 這在現實世界中會是什麼樣子呢? Say you're perfecting your tennis game, try switching between rackets with slightly different weights between sessions. 如果你在加強你的網球技能,試試看在不同的練習使用重量有些微差別的球拍。 However, researchers suggest you don't make the modification too big. 但是,研究人員建議不要有太大的變化。 For example, switching between tennis and badminton shows no increase success in tennis. 例如,交替網球拍跟羽毛球拍並不會對學網球有幫助。 Can't focus? 沒辦法專心? Get some exercise. 多做一些運動。 A study found that those who worked out for 15 minutes on a stationary bike, and then completed a memory task, completed the task significantly faster than the group that didn't exercise. 一份研究顯示,那些做了 15 分鐘室內腳踏車運動的人比那些沒有做的人更快速地完成記憶力的測試。 Even a quick walk around the block can clear up your mind. 即使只是短暫的在街區走一下也能讓你的腦袋清醒。 Trying to memorize the electromagnetic spectrum in order of increasing frequency? 想要照頻率由小到大記住電磁光譜嗎? Who isn't? 誰不是呢? Try a mnemonic device such as an acronym sentence like "Raging Martians Invaded Venus Using X-ray Guns." 試試看一個幫助記憶的方法,像是藏頭句「憤怒的火星人用X光槍入侵金星。」 This method has been proven in several studies as a way of committing information to memory. 很多研究都證實這是牢記資訊的一種方法。 Why? 為什麼呢? Theory suggests that adults can only hold a limited number of items in our short term memory. 理論指出,成人在他們的短期記憶中只能記住有限的東西。 By grouping items into a mnemonic, it allows your brain to hold onto larger amounts of information 把要記的東西整理成幫助記憶的口角,這讓你的大腦可以記住更多的資訊。 which can eventually aid into the creation of long term memories. 最終可以幫助形成長期記憶。 And the weirder the sentence is, the better 句子越奇怪越好。 as unique sentences have a higher chance of sticking than boring ones. 因為奇特的句子會比無聊的句子更有機會被記起來。 And, say it out loud. 大聲唸出來。 Test individuals were given a list of words where half were read silently, and the other half were read out loud. 一半的受試者默念,另外一半的受試者則是把單字唸出來。 When given a new list of words and asked to identify which ones they had already read previously, 當受試者被給予一張新的單字並被要求辨認哪些單字是之前讀過的。 they were able to recall the words read out loud with significantly more frequency than those read silently. 那些大聲唸出來的人跟默念的人相比起來,明顯的更能回想起這些單字。 Here's a no-brainer. 接下來這個步驟就滿明顯的。 Make sure you're hydrated. 確保自己水分補充足夠。 In a study where participants fasted and abstained from fluids since the previous evening, they were asked to perform on a reaction test. 在一項研究中,參與者在前一天晚上開始禁食並且禁止喝任何液體,他們被要求參加一個反應試驗。 One group was given 500 mL of water right before the test while the other group wasn't. 一組在試驗前給他們 500 毫升的水,另一組則沒有。 The group that was able to hydrate before the test obviously performed significantly better. 測驗前有喝水的那一組明顯表現比較好。 This is because water helps improve overall mental processing and learning. 這是因為水幫忙改善整體心理的活動與學習。 And after all that hard work, give yourself a reward. 在努力之後,給自己一個獎勵。 One study found that reward motivated-learning 一項研究發現獎勵會激勵學習, —in this particular study it was monetary compensation— 研究中主要是用金錢獎勵。 led to increased memory formation, and this effect even increased when the reward was of higher value. 獎勵增加了記憶的形成,而且如果獎勵的價值越高,學習效果會更好。 This finding highlights how reward motivation promotes memory formation, via the release of feel-good neurotransmitter dopamine in the hippocampus prior to learning. 這個發現顯示出增加獎勵會促進記憶的組成,這是從學習前在海馬迴中釋放了較少的神經傳遞物質多巴胺所得知。 If you're really keen to learn faster, check out Brilliant.org, who sponsored this episode and is one of the best places to do just that. 假如你真的對快速學習很有興趣,快去看看 Brilliant.org,是這集節目的贊助商之一,也是最能找到這類的資訊的地方。 Like us, they believe that if you're excited, you'll learn quickly, that active learning is best, and that questions that spark curiosity are so important. 跟我們一樣,他們認為如果你感到興奮的話,你就會學得更快。 Whenever we want to build up our logical thinking powers or break down the physics of everyday experiences around us, we check out Brilliant. 不管我們是想要建立我們邏輯思考的能力,或是分析我們日常活動背後的物理原理。 It's a great way to challenge your mind on-the-go and you can master foundational concepts through guided in-depth problem solving quizzes. 他是持續鍛鍊你思考的好方法,而且你可以透過深入的問題測驗來精通基礎概念。 Check them out at Brilliant dot org slash asapscience to sign up for free now and let us know how it has helped you learn faster. 快去看看 Brilliant.org/asapscience 並免費註冊,並告訴我們它如何幫助你加快學習。 And subscribe for more weekly videos every Thursday. 並訂閱頻道收看每周四的影片。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 學習 單字 記憶 獎勵 研究 練習 如何快速學習 (How To Learn Faster) 73275 4767 Sih Jing 發佈於 2019 年 01 月 15 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字