字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 There's nothing to do now but wait for nature to perform its miracle of fermentation in its own good time. 現在什麼也做不了,只能等待大自然按自己的時間創造發酵奇蹟。 Two hours it takes to rise up and fill the pan. 兩個小時就能漲滿鍋。 It doesn't do to speed the pace of nature, it must be allowed the slow natural process which is the very heart of a loaf of bread. 加快自然的步伐是不行的,必須讓它經歷緩慢的自然過程,這是麵包的核心所在。 All you can do is to utilise the strength of steel for kneading the rising dough, reactivating it so that the yeast can make the bread even livelier until it is ready to be scaled. 你所能做的就是利用鋼鐵的力量揉捏發酵麵糰,重新激活麵糰,讓酵母使麵包變得更加鮮活,直到它可以按比例製作。 Nature will need another two hours to work on the dough before it's ready to go down the elbow chute to the bakery below. 大自然還需要兩個小時的時間來處理麵糰,然後才能把它從肘槽送到下面的麵包房。 And here's one of the earlier mixes that is ready. 這是已準備就緒的早期混音之一。 The dough divider cuts it up into small pieces which go by conveyor to be moulded by what they call the umbrella. 麵糰分割機將麵糰切成小塊,通過傳送帶送入所謂的 "傘 "中成型。 Now the dough's got to recover and form its shape. 現在,麵糰必須恢復併成形。 This is the beginning of the proving process. 這是證明過程的開始。 It'll do five circuits in the muslin pockets of this first prover, slowly sorting itself out. 它將在第一個驗證器的薄紗口袋裡轉五圈,慢慢地整理自己。 A gentle shaping roller gets it ready for its tin. 用滾筒輕輕塑形,就可以裝罐了。 This bread they're baking is twist loaf. 他們烤的麵包是麻花面包。 It's an art our bakers have developed of turning those long stretchy yeast bubbles so that they lie across the loaf where their shadows don't hide the whiteness of the bread. 這是我們的麵包師發展出來的一門藝術,他們將長長的酵母氣泡翻轉,使其橫躺在麵包上,其陰影不會掩蓋麵包的潔白。 And now nature takes over again. 現在,大自然再次接管了一切。 The pans go into the second prover for yet another period of settling down and forming a shape. 平底鍋進入第二道工序,再次進行沉澱和成型。 It's the age old process that grandmamma learned from her grandma to give us our daily bread, the staff of love. 這是外婆從外公那裡學來的給我們提供日常麵包的古老過程,也是愛之杖。 Only now we've made our bread better and even more hygienic. 只是現在我們把麵包做得更好更衛生了。 Small loaves take thirty minutes to bake and large loaves take seven minutes longer. 烤小麵包需要 30 分鐘,烤大餅需要多烤 7 分鐘。 Then just look at it, wonderful bread. 你看,這麵包多棒。 They've even got a machine to take the bread out of its pans. 他們甚至有一臺機器可以把麵包從鍋裡拿出來。 Now mother nature again at a three hour cooling cycle. 現在,大自然又開始了三小時的冷卻週期。 What bread do you like best? 您最喜歡哪種麵包? You can take your choice with Sunblessed. 您可以選擇 Sunblessed。 For me, cottage loaves with their crusty bases are the best. 對我來說,脆皮面包最好吃。 See how they're shaped? 看到它們的形狀了嗎? Grandma would never believe it's possible. 奶奶絕不會相信這是可能的。 That looks like Vienna bread. 看起來像維也納麵包 Just watch them roll out French bread, French sticks they're known as. 就看他們擀法式麵包,也就是人們常說的法式麵包條。 All sorts of things, knot rolls, bloomers, all carefully scored. 各種各樣的東西、結卷、綻放的花朵,所有這些都經過了仔細的刻痕。 Here they come, baps. 他們來了,麵包圈。 They're shaping baps now. 他們現在正在塑造麵包。 Imagine it, a great travelling oven full of lovely baps. 想象一下,一個巨大的旅行烤箱裡裝滿了可愛的麵包。 Slicing, wrapping, all done by modern machinery. 切片、包裝,全部由現代化機械完成。 And every single loaf from this and every other Sunblessed bakery is sold within hours of leaving the oven. 這家麵包店和其他每家 "陽光祝福 "麵包店的每一塊麵包在出爐後數小時內就會售出。 This is the traditional Scottish batch loaf. 這是傳統的蘇格蘭批量麵包。 Most Scottish people prefer this type of bread with its crisp crust and nutty flavour. 大多數蘇格蘭人更喜歡這種麵包,它的外皮酥脆,帶有堅果的香味。 It's a fine example of a good Sunblessed loaf. 它是上好的 "太陽祝福 "麵包的典範。 The loaves go into the oven 27 in a row. 麵包連續放入烤箱 27 個。 Spaced so that when they rise they lightly touch each other which stops the side crust forming. 它們之間要有一定的間距,這樣當它們升起時就會輕輕地相互接觸,從而阻止側皮的形成。 Wooden battens which space out the rows are whisked away so that the ends of the loaves also touch. 隔開行間的木條被拂去,這樣麵包的兩端也能接觸到。 This process makes splendid tall loaves snowy white all round with crust only at bottom and top. 用這種方法制作出的高麵包通體雪白,只有底部和頂部有面包皮,非常漂亮。 Generations of Scots have enjoyed this kind of bread produced nowadays with modern methods and under the best conditions. 蘇格蘭人世世代代都在享用這種麵包,如今這種麵包是用現代方法在最好的條件下製作出來的。 Truly bread at its best. 真正的頂級麵包 Here in the dispatch department the personal orders for individual shops and roundsmen are loaded on separate trolleys. 在調度部門,各個商店和巡視員的個人訂單分別裝載在不同的手推車上。 This is a shop delivery van and this is the department where they really get a move on. 這是一輛商店送貨車,也是他們真正開始行動的部門。 You can't speed up Mother Nature's fermentation processes but you can get a move on with deliveries. 你無法加快大自然母親的發酵過程,但你可以加快運送速度。 And you'd think these chaps were sending evening papers the way they're hurrying things along. 你還以為這些傢伙是在發晚報呢,他們還真是匆匆忙忙的。 Fresh lovely bread by the van load. 一車車新鮮可愛的麵包 It needs a big fleet of vans and impeccable organisation to get that new baked bread to your table while it is still fragrantly fresh. 這需要一支龐大的車隊和無懈可擊的組織,才能在新出爐的麵包還散發著香味的時候將其送到您的餐桌上。 It's a challenge that Sunbless took and triumphantly solved. 無太陽公司接受了這一挑戰,並取得了勝利。 And here you are, the squeeze test to see it light and springy. 在這裡,您可以通過擠壓測試看到它的輕盈和彈性。 Like as not you'll find a big range of Sunbless bread varieties in the supermarket as well as in the baker shops. 無論在超市還是麵包店,你都能找到種類繁多的無太陽面包。 Your corner shop is usually up to date as far as stocks are concerned. 就存貨而言,您的街角小店通常都是最新的。 You can reckon on getting Sunbless bread from the best of them. 你可以指望從他們中的佼佼者那裡獲得無太陽面包。 A lot of the Sunbless vans are mobile baker shops providing a doorstep service on the big housing estates. 許多 Sunbless 麵包車都是流動麵包店,為大型住宅區提供上門服務。 They're well stocked, these vans, with a whole variety of different loaves because every housewife has her own favourite kind of bread. 因為每個家庭主婦都有自己喜歡的麵包,所以這些麵包車上都備有各種不同的麵包。 Look at them, bouncing with health and energy. 看看他們,健康而充滿活力地蹦蹦跳跳。 The health and energy you get from bread. 從麵包中獲得的健康和能量 So many of us take bread for granted, forgetting what a valuable food it is. 我們很多人都認為麵包是理所當然的,忘記了它是一種多麼珍貴的食物。 With its rich supply of calcium and other minerals, with its vitamins and its high protein content. 它含有豐富的鈣和其他礦物質、維生素和高蛋白。 It's not called a staff of life without good reason. 被稱為生命之杖並非毫無道理。 The squeeze test from the youngest lady. 小姑娘的擠壓測試 Do you cook with bread? 你用麵包做飯嗎? I know my wife does. 我知道我妻子是這樣想的。 Amazing the variety of things you can make with it. 用它能做出的東西種類之多令人驚歎。 Bread pudding is just the beginning. 麵包布丁只是一個開始。 Omelettes with bacon and fried bread croutons. 煎蛋卷配培根和油炸麵包丁。 My wife makes this one, summer pudding with raspberries. 這是我妻子做的夏季布丁配覆盆子。 And of course croutons and soup. 當然還有面包丁和湯。 Brown Betty pudding. 布朗貝蒂布丁 So you can go on. 所以,你可以繼續。 Now that's a new one on me, a bread and cheese dish. 這對我來說可是個新鮮事兒,麵包加奶酪的菜餚。 Well you can make them up as you go on. 好吧,你可以繼續編下去。 And who'd ever eat a hamburger, a good hot sizzling hamburger, with its rich aroma without putting it in a roll of bread? 誰會吃一個漢堡包,一個熱氣騰騰、香氣撲鼻的漢堡包,而不把它放在麵包卷裡呢? Oh there are endless the different ways there are of enjoying bread. 享用麵包的方式多種多樣,數不勝數。 Especially sun-blessed, crisp and crusty, light and springy. 尤其是在陽光的沐浴下,酥脆爽口,輕盈如春。 Brown with the vitamins and the wheat germ or white and wonderful. 棕色的含有維生素和小麥胚芽,白色的則非常美味。 But you'd better come back to our harvest festival. 不過,你最好回來參加我們的豐收節。 The service is over and they've just been auctioning all the harvest produce for church funds as they always do. 禮拜結束後,他們像往常一樣拍賣所有收穫的農產品,為教會籌集資金。 Now we're all rediscovering some of the good things to eat that you make with bread. 現在,我們又重新發現了一些用麵包製作的美食。 Yes I will. 是的,我會的。 How about some tomatoes with your bread and cheese, eh? 來點西紅柿配麵包和奶酪怎麼樣? Mmm. 嗯 Well they should be good, they cost ten bomb apiece. 它們應該不錯,每個要 10 炸彈。 Cheese and brown bread, that's splendid. 奶酪和黑麵包,太棒了。 And you? 你呢? Fine. 很好 Right then, three please Mr Bradford. 好的,布拉德福德先生,請說三句。 Oh and cheddar if you will. 哦,還有切達乾酪。 Right. 對 And a crusty roll for me too please. 請給我也來一份麵包卷。 Fine. 很好 And try some of the wife's appetizers while you wait. 在等待期間,還可以嚐嚐妻子做的開胃菜。 Congratulations. 祝賀你 Dig in Jeff. 傑夫 Thank you. 謝謝。 You earned it. 這是你應得的。 Thanks. 謝謝。 All the real goodness of the quiet countryside on a plate. 將寧靜鄉村的真正美味裝盤。 And the bread we both helped to make is the centrepiece. 我們倆幫忙製作的麵包是中心裝飾品。 This is the occasion I get quite lyrical about the one foodstuff which in one or other of its many fascinating forms and shapes we could never do without. 在這個場合,我會抒發對一種食品的讚美之情,這種食品有許多迷人的形式和形態,我們永遠都離不開它。 Here here. 在這裡 Thank you. 謝謝。
B2 中高級 中文 英國腔 麵包 麵糰 大自然 麵包店 發酵 太陽 我們每日的麵包》--第 2 卷(1962 年) (Our Daily Bread - Reel 2 (1962)) 38 0 BBC TSO 發佈於 2024 年 06 月 05 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字