# 佳句 來源影片
1 fill up 【英文會話】奧客飲食英文-餐廳抱怨篇 (Complaining at a Restaurant - Food English Conversation - English lesson about food)
2 realistic 來學習如何撰寫創業企劃書吧! (How to write a Business Plan)
3 come out 歐巴馬:無論發生什麼事,太陽明天依舊會升起 (Obama: No Matter What Happens, ‘The Sun Will Rise in The Morning’)
4 start off 【TED】拖延大師解析「拖延症」這件事 (Tim Urban: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator)
5 kind of 【TED】拖延大師解析「拖延症」這件事 (Tim Urban: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator)
6 as far as 【TED】二十歲的你,決定重要的未來人生!Meg Jay:Why 30 is not the new 20
7 creatively 快來台灣!台灣最棒的 10 件事情!(10 BEST THINGS ABOUT TAIWAN | Fung Bros)
8 degenerate 【TED-Ed】原來三明治是這樣來的! (How the sandwich was invented | Moments of Vision 5 - Jessica Oreck)
9 nutrient 為何動物吃自己的便便? (Why Do Animals Eat Their Own Poop?)
10 issues 歐巴馬:無論發生什麼事,太陽明天依舊會升起 (Obama: No Matter What Happens, ‘The Sun Will Rise in The Morning’)
11 Silicon Valley 學霸聚集地,來看看世界頂尖學府有哪些 (What Are The Best Universities In The World?)
12 resource 【Fung Bros】一路玩到掛!死前必了心願 (WHAT'S ON OUR CRAZY BUCKETLIST?!)
13 graph 終極問題:為什麼長得好看的人常常是個混蛋? (Are Good Looking People Jerks?)
14 habenula 懶惰是大腦的責任? (Is Your Brain Making You Lazy?)
15 cutting you down 誠實為上策?吵架的時候就不確定了!(If Couples’ Fights Were Honest)
16 lo mein 【Fung Bros】看到流口水了!林書豪帶你吃遍美式亞洲美食!(FUNG BROS FOOD: Americanized Chinese Food w/ JEREMY LIN)
17 at all 【Go Education】美國遊學|Embassy English New York (紐約)|美國語言學校介紹
18 are seen to possess 兄弟姐妹排行真的會影響個性?!快來看你是不是符合這些特質!(Does Birth Order Affect Your Personality?)
19 I hope I can protect the one thing I can't live without. 鋼鐵人3 (Iron Man 3) 預告片 Trailer
20 Nothing has been the same since New York. 鋼鐵人3 (Iron Man 3) 預告片 Trailer
21 I've got a lot of apologies to make. 鋼鐵人3 (Iron Man 3) 預告片 Trailer


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