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Hi, I'm Carl Azuz, it's great to have you watching this Tuesday.
嗨,我是 Carl Azuz,歡迎收看每週二登場的 CNN10。
We have an update on a 21st-century space race coming up in just a couple of minutes.
接下來幾分鐘,我們會為您報導 21 世紀太空爭霸戰的最新消息。
First, though, family members, politicians, historians, and civil rights advocates are paying tribute to Colin Powell, an American military and political leader who passed away Monday at age 84.
第一則消息,美國軍事兼政治領袖 Colin Powell 於週一病逝,享年 84 歲。他的家人、政治人物、歷史學家、民權倡導者紛紛為其離世致上敬意。
Powell had an extraordinary resume dating all the way back to his work in the Reserve Officer Training Corps while he was in college.
從大學時期加入後備軍官訓練隊開始,Powell 逐步譜寫了其成就非凡的一生。
At that time, Powell attained the ROTC's highest rank and he continued to advance his military career from there.
在獲頒後備軍官訓練隊的最高軍階後,Powell 繼續展開他的軍旅生涯。
Powell served in combat during the Vietnam War and became a four-star general in the US Army.
During the presidency of Ronald Reagan, Powell became America's first black national security advisor.
在隆納·雷根擔任美國總統期間,Powell 成為美國第一位黑人國家安全顧問。
Under President George H. W. Bush, Powell became the first African-American Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, the country's highest-ranking military officer.
在老布希領導美國期間,Powell 成為美國第一個非裔參謀長聯席會議主席,這是美國軍隊最高級將領。
And in the administration of President George W. Bush, Powell became America's first black secretary of state.
接著在小布希擔任美國總統期間,Powell 成為美國第一位黑人國務卿。
In a statement on Monday, Former President Bush called Powell a great public servant, saying he was such a favorite of US leaders that he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom twice.
前總統小布希在週一發布的文告中形容 Powell 是一位偉大的公務員,並深得美國歷任領導人的信任,甚至兩次獲頒總統自由勳章作為對他貢獻的肯定。
One regret Powell said he had came after a speech he gave at the United Nations in 2003.
然而,Powell 2003 年在聯合國安全理事會會議的一次發言,成了他的終身遺憾。
In his address, Secretary Powell warned that the nation of Iraq was hiding biological weapons, something inspectors never found afterward during the US-led war with the Middle Eastern country.
Powell called the speech "a blot" on his record.
Powell 後來視自己因誤判而發表的這段演講為其一生的汙點。
He worked as a speaker, an author, and an adviser at a venture capital firm after serving in the federal government.
Powell's family says he died from complications from COVID-19, though he had been fully vaccinated against the disease.
Powell 的家人說,雖然他接受過完整的疫苗接種,但仍死於新冠肺炎的併發症。
Up next, 183 days in space.
下一則消息,太空 183 天之旅。
That's how long three crew members from China will be in orbit, working on their country's new space station, taking spacewalks, testing out the facility's technology⏤that's part of their mission.
中國三名宇航員將在軌道上生活 183 天,並在那期間從事中國新太空站的維護工作、漫步太空以及測試中國太空站的最新科技。
It's the second time a crew has been sent up here to work on the orbiting lab.
China hopes to have it fully built and operating by next December.
中國希望趕在明年 12 月前建成並運行該國的太空站。
The country has scheduled six missions after this one to help make that happen.
China's space program is overseen by the nation's military, according to a US National security researcher.
That's one reason why the US Congress has prevented NASA from cooperating with China in space.
也因此,美國國會禁止 NASA 與中國合作太空項目。
But the communist country's program is advancing rapidly, contributing to what some call "a new space race in the 21st century".
不過值得一提的是,中國的太空項目發展迅速,甚至被預期會與其他大國上演「21 世紀太空爭霸戰」。
90-year-old star trek actor William Shatner blasted into space, becoming the oldest man to reach such heights amid great fanfare in the US.
高齡 90 歲的《星際大戰》演員 William Shatner 日前被送上太空,成為最高齡太空旅行者。
Oh, wow!
Thousands of miles away here in the Gobi desert, China's latest space mission won't set any records, but it is a major step forward in this country's fast-growing and increasingly ambitious space program.
CNN gaining rare access to the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern China.
CNN 罕見地被允許採訪位於中國西北部的酒泉衛星發射中心。
Shenzhou-13 carrying three Chinese astronauts to the country's soon-to-be-completed space station called Tiangong, or "Heavenly Palace".
載著三名中國太空人的神舟 13 號即將升空,飛往中國建造中的太空站——「天宮」。
China has touted their space station as next generation, an alternative to the International Space Station.
But the 15-country ISS has already been occupied for more than 20 years.
由 15 國合作運營的國際太空站已經服役超過 20 年。
The US passed a law barring china from participating, leading some experts to question:
If we had brought China in to work with us on ISS, would China have felt as compelled to develop their own fully-independent program as rapidly as they have?
It's Hollywood's portrayal coming to reality⏤Sandra Bullock's character in "Gravity" saved by a Chinese space station on her way back to Earth.
好萊塢的電影情節成真了—— Sandra Bullock 在電影《地心引力》中飾演的太空人在返回地球途中被中國的太空人救起。
Wang, Ya-ping told us in 2015, it is her favorite film.
王亞平在 2015 年接受采訪時告訴我們,《地心引力》是她最喜歡的電影。
She is one of three Chinese astronauts on this mission.
The crew also includes a newcomer to space travel⏤41-year-old Ye, Guang-fu, who took part in cave training with astronauts from five countries in 2016.
這次升空的太空人中,有一位是太空旅行的新手—— 41 歲的葉光富。他曾於 2016 年與另外五國的太空人一起參加洞穴訓練。
I hope one day I can fly with other international astronauts in space and welcome them to visit China's space station.
But Western astronauts will need to study up first.
These operation interfaces are in Chinese, and China's state media reports that European astronauts are already taking language courses so they can visit the Chinese space station.
Despite a late start in the space race, China is rapidly catching up.
It has returned samples from the moon and, like the US, put a rover on MARS, all within the last year.
It's also got big plans for commercial ventures and for deep space exploration, including to build a base on the moon with Russia and send humans to Mars in the 2030s.
中國也有意商業化及深度探索太空,包括與俄羅斯合作在月球建立一個基地,以及預計在 2030 年把人類送上火星。
From launching billionaires to cosmic explorations, the US is still leading, with plenty of headline-grabbing launches and a long history of success putting 12 men on the moon.
從億萬富翁的太空旅行到宇宙探索,美國目前在太空事業的發展上仍保持領先地位。過去也有多次升空成功及把 12 名太空人送上月球的輝煌記錄。
But the more pressing challenge?
Prioritizing the multi-billions in funding needed for the US to hold on to that lead.
Some experts believe the added competition from China might fuel more innovation.
If you're somebody who wants to see, um, humans land on Mars and more scientific probes throughout the solar system, um, geopolitical competition is probably not the worst thing in the world.
While Captain Kirk is helping capture US imaginations to propel the US forward in this tightening space race,
China's three astronauts now embarking on a six-month mission⏤the country's longest yet⏤to secure their footing out of this world.
David Culver, CNN, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China.
David Culver,CNN,中國酒泉衛星發射中心報道。
10-second trivia: Which of these inventions came first?
10 秒問答:以下發明當中,哪一個最早出現?
Electric vacuum cleaner, electronic calculator, enclosed shopping mall, or electric car.
Believe it or not, the electric car was the first of these inventions; it hit the road in the 1890s.
無論你信不信,電動汽車是他們當中最早被發明的,並在 1890 年代就上路了。
Up next: A new example of what could become an air taxi of the future.
It's not a helicopter, it's not a plane, and it's also not a drone.
This would have a pilot, but it is another entry into the increasingly crowded field of potential air taxis.
Joby Aviation's eVTOL has a range of up to 150 miles on a single battery charge⏤that's about half the distance of many gas-powered helicopters.
Joby 航空的電動垂直起降飛行器,充一次電可飛行最多 150 英里,約為許多燃油驅動直升機的一半里程。
It has a lot of competition from other electric aerial vehicle startups, and none of them have approval from the US government to fly commercial passengers yet.
Joby 航空面對來自其他電動飛行器新創的競爭,不過目前還沒有任何一間公司獲得美國政府批准運載商業客人。
But the eVTOL has some pretty unique features.
So I think what travel is gonna look like in the future is one that's increasingly multimodal; it's really about putting people on the right vehicle for the trip that they wanna take.
It may not look like your typical helicopter or plane, but out here in the middle of the desert, Joby Aviation, a California-based eVTOL company, says it's on the brink of making electric aircraft for commercial passengers a reality.
它可能看起來不像典型的直升機或飛機,但這家位於加州的 Joby 航空告訴現在位於沙漠中心的我們,他們正在實現電動飛行器載客的夢想。
eVTOL stands for electric vertical takeoff and landing, meaning the aircraft can take off and land like a helicopter but also fly like a plane.
eVTOL 的全稱是電動垂直起降飛行器,代表著這個飛行器可以像直升機一樣起飛和降落,但也可以像飛機一樣飛行。
So the Joby aircraft does everything that a helicopter does with none of the downsides.
Joby 航空賦予他們家飛行器現有直升機可以做到的一切,同時又修正了傳統飛行器的缺點。
So it's significantly safer, significantly faster, and significantly quieter than the helicopters that are out there today.
Something that can be a brand-new mode of transportation that's usable by folks every day.
Joby says its aircraft can travel up to 150 miles on a single charge, at a max speed of 200 miles per hour.
Joby 航空表示,他們的飛行器充電一次可飛行多達 150 英里,最高時速為 200 英里。
While other electric vehicles today aim to be autonomous, Joby's aircraft will allow space for four passengers and one pilot.
雖然現在的電動交通工具流行自動駕駛,但 Joby 的飛行器將由飛行員駕駛,並最多可運載四名乘客。
New York's famous skyline unrolls beneath its rotors, after which it sur⏤
Trying to get places faster and skip the traffic isn't a new concept, but Joby thinks its vehicles will improve upon traditional helicopters.
更快抵達目的地及擺脫交通堵塞的需求不是一件新鮮事,但 Joby 航空認為,他們的改良版飛行器表現會優於傳統直升機。
The company says a streamlined design means there's less maintenance, and electric batteries not only lower carbon emissions, they reduce energy costs and noise pollution.
I think this service really allows people to rethink the way that we've thought about transportation, which has generally been thought about two dimensions, and really bring that to three dimensions.
In 2020, Joby received the first-ever Airworthiness Certification for an eVTOL aircraft from the US Air Force and says it plans to offer commercial flights in 2024.
2020 年,Joby 航空獲得美國空軍發出首個電動垂直起降飛行器適航證明,並預計於 2024 年提供商業載客服務。
It's hard to wrap your little "pumpkin" head around this.
If you take pumpkin carving seriously, and I mean so much so that you can't stop at one Jack-o-lantern, check out the great Jack-O-Lantern Blaze in New York.
It features 7,000 illuminated gourds to depict everything from this, to this, and this.
A team of professional artists and more than 1,000 volunteers worked together to create the spectacle; takes about an hour to see it all.
Oh, my "gourdness", what a "vine" way to "carve" a tourist attraction out of "fruit".
They make it look easy as "pie" like all you "seed" to know is how to "scare" up a "pulpable" pumpkin.
But most of us couldn't hold a "candle" to the "extragourdinnarrry" efforts of professional "carvists".
"Orange" you glad we "planted" that in today's show?
I'm "Carvel" Azuz. Today we are going to recognize the Patriots of Northside High School.
我是你的主持人,今天我們要點名感謝 Patriots of Northside 高中。
Thank you for watching from Columbus, Georgia, and for subscribing and leaving a comment at YouTube.com/CNN10.
感謝這群來自喬治亞州哥倫布市的觀眾支持我們。也歡迎你到 YouTube.com/CNN10 訂閱我們的頻道並留言給我們!