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Overnight, the State of California giving students a late pass, becoming the first state in the country to mandate later start times at most public schools.
The proposed legislation signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom on Sunday designed to help students by giving them more sleep.
此法案由州長 Gavin Newsom 於週日正式簽署生效,希望可以讓學生有更多睡眠時間。
The law requiring middle schools to begin classes at 8 a.m. or later, while high schools will start no earlier than 8:30 a.m.
此法要求中學於早上 8 點以後上課,而高中不能早於早上 8 點半。
Wait a minute, Doc, are you telling me it's 8:25?
Damn. I'm late for school.
The reason, according to some studies, later start times mean more sleep, leading to better health and school performance among adolescents.
Students who start school later have decreased rates of depression, they have higher test scores, there's less car accidents in the community because they're driving less drowsy.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, teenagers need 8 to 10 hours of sleep a night but only about 15% get that much.
國家睡眠基金會指出,青少年需要 8 至 10 小時的睡眠,但只有 15% 的青少年可以做到。
The average amount, less than 7 hours a night.
青少年的平均睡眠時數少於 7 小時。
However, not everyone is behind the move.
Waking up later is better, but getting out later is kind of like in conflict with the other schools and students that have to play sports like me.
Daycare cost, like that would be another potential expense that I just don't have as a single mother.
Daycare cost would have to be... you have to go to daycare before school.
In addition to upending family schedules, some critics say later bus shifts could affect school budgets and even traffic.
I went to school early, and I didn't have no healthy time, and I'm doing okay.
A new law hoping to help students excel in school, now under debate for being too little too late.
I've listened to people talk about this.
And you know, people are passionate on both sides.
It's interesting, my kids don't have school today, right? It's a holiday. I have two second graders and a fourth grader. They're up so early.
When they don't have school, they're up on the weekends and holidays.
What do you think about it, Sheinelle?
You know what?
I will say there are a lot of kids who just seem tired in the morning. They seem kind of groggy, and maybe a little extra time if it will help them ultimately, academically, maybe we all just have to get used to it.
But you made a good point: that...that would push practices later, and everything like dinner time.
By the time they get home, they still have homework. It pushes everything later, but they're doing it.
You know what? You were in school at 7a.m., and guess what? You turned out just fine.
你知道嗎?你以前早上 7 點到校,然後你猜怎麼著?你發展的挺好的。
Get off my lawn.