字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 - We are currently surrounded by countless sharks. - 現在我們被無數隻鯊魚包圍 Maybe even a thousand. - 可能高達一千多隻 I don't think it's that many. - 沒這麼多啦 And in this backpack, it's a hundred grand. 這個背包裡有十萬美金 And if you retrieve that a hundred thousand dollars in cash, 如果你找回十萬美元現金 I'll give it to your number one fan. 我就把錢送給你的頭號粉絲 - Oh. - 喔 - 他人就在這裡 - Who's conveniently right here. - 喔! - Chris 加油! - Oh! - 來吧寶貝! - Let's go, Chris. - 真的有鯊魚,你看啊 Tareq Okay. Let's go baby. - 老天啊 - There's literally shark- look Tareq, Tareq, Tareq. - Jimmy,背包掉到太深了!搞什麼? - Oh my God. - 你趕快拿錢就能趕快脫險! - The sooner you get the money, the sooner you're out! - 我拿到了! - Got it. - 真的? Oh really? - 你得游回來! Got it. 回到這艘船上! Gotta make it back. - 十萬元現金給你 Get back to this boat. 我是你的話,我會親 Chris 一下 - Here's your a hundred thousand dollars in cash. 這位是我朋友 Airrack If I was you, I'd kiss Chris. 你右邊是世界上最冷的房間 This is my friend Airrack. - 裡面超冷 To your right is the coldest room in the world. - 你左邊是世界上最熱的房間 - It's freezing in here. - 燙啊! - And to your left is the hottest room in the world. - 熱還冷?選一個 - Youch! - 兩個選擇都很糟,但我選冷房間 - Hot or cold? Pick. 我的天啊! - They're both horrible options, but I'm gonna go cold. 老兄,裡面超冷的 Oh my gosh. - 至少裡面有床 Bro, this is freezing. - 這是什麼鬼啊 Jimmy? - At least in here you have a bed. - 你在房間裡每存活一小時 - What is this, Jimmy? 我就隨機給某個人一萬美金 - Every hour you survive in this room, - 從現在開始? - 現在就開始 I'll give a random person 10 grand. - 不要啊! - Starting right now? - Starting now. - 現在開始計時 - No. - 你最好待在裡面 - The time starts now. - 妳沒贏到百萬美金,我就不出來 - You better stay in there. - 這就對啦! I'm not leaving here until you win millions. 今天你和我要讓 Jimmy 破產 - That's right, man! - 順便說一下,一萬美元長這樣 You and I are gonna bankrupt Jimmy today. - 嘿,一小時都沒到,出去 - This is what 10 grand looks like by the way. 我們待會兒見 - Hey, Hey, it hasn't been an hour. Get outta here. 下一個挑戰 We'll see you guys in a little bit. 我們把你們最喜歡的挑戰搬回來了 For this next challenge, 玻璃橋 we brought back something I know you all love. 還把上次魷魚遊戲的 456 號請回來 Glass Bridge. 規則很簡單 And we brought back 4, 5, 6 from our squid game. 你選要跳左邊還右邊 It's pretty simple. 如果選錯,你就會掉下去 You guess a platform left or right. 如果你能成功抵達另外一邊 If you pick wrong, you fall. 我就讓你帶走那邊的 456,000 美元 And if you can make it to the other side - 跳 15 步嗎? I'll let you keep the 456 grand over there. - 我就給個提示,第一個選右邊 - 15 Platforms? - 噢 - I'm gonna give you a hand. Pick right on the first one. - 顯然他成功到另一邊的機率 - Oh. 非常非常低 - Now obviously the probability of him getting 所以我乾脆告訴你答案 to the other side of this bridge is extremely low. 你要往右 So I'm just gonna tell you the answers. 接著是左左左右右 You jumped right, 左左左右左 then it's left, left, left, right, right, 右右右左 left, left, left, right, left, 你應該在忘掉之前趕快跳 right, right, right left. - 好,我很確定是左邊 You should get to jumping before you forget. - 正確,還要跳 13 步, 終點有 456,000 美元喔 - All right. It's left for sure. - 這邊 - Correct. 13 more, John, 456 grand on the line. - 連續三個都左邊喔 - This one 很可惜,456 號 - It was three lefts in a row. 我們請回 067 號 Sucks for 456. 正解是右邊 We brought back 067. 如果妳可以成功到達終點 The correct answer is right. 我就讓妳拿走那裡的 456,000 美金 And if you can make it all the way to the end 告訴妳剩下的正解 I'll let you keep the 456 grand over there. 右左左左右右左左 I'm gonna give you all the rest. 左右左右右右左 Right, left, left, left, right, right, left, left, - 可以再說一次嗎? left, right, left, right, right, right left. - 不行 - Can I get that again? - 好吧 - No. - 妳的心臟好像停了 - Oh, all right. - 的確 如果你能─ - Your heart looked like it stopped there. - 猜得好 - It did. if you could just- - 天啊 - That's the good option. - 猜得不好 - Oh my God. - 噢,妳還好嗎? - That is not the good option. - 對,我很好 - Oh, are you okay? - 說實話 - Yeah. I'm good. 我本以為他們能走得更遠 - I'm not gonna lie, Chris I thought they would make it a little further. - 噢不 Chris. 所以你有聽到我把正解 - Oh, no. 說給兩個不同的人聽嗎? So you have heard me say all the answers - 記憶力不好來得真的不是時候 to two different people? - 天啊 - It's a bad time to have a horrible memory. - 我會死嗎? Oh gosh. 我在等死嗎? Am I gonna die? - 很高興你選對邊 Am I waiting to die? - 不,我選的是左邊 - I am so glad you picked the right one here. - 天啊,他跳了 - No, I picked the left one. 我放棄了,下個部分 - Oh gosh. He went. - 所以我現在的計畫是依偎在 I give up. Next bit. 這張 Jimmy 給我做的冰床 - So my plan as of right now is to snuggle up 然後基本上就是睡上一整天 in this ice bed that Jimmy has made for me - 現在我們回到世界上最冷的房間 and pretty much just sleep through this entire day. 已經正式經過一小時了 - Now we're back at the world's coldest room 這裡有一萬,拿去吧 and it's officially been an hour. 你受凍一小時了 So here's 10 grand. 她贏了一萬 You've suffered for an hour. 你過得如何啊? She's won 10 grand. - 我覺得你得準備更多箱紙鈔 How are you doing? - 這段時間你幾乎都躺在床上 - I'm feeling like you need to go get more 你真的在睡覺嗎? of those briefcases out. - 我在睡覺啊 - Almost the entire time lapse you're laying in the bed. 對啊,感覺很棒 Were you actually asleep? - 嘿 Chris - I'm sleeping. - 不不不不不不 Yeah, it was great. - 他就只是睡覺而已 - Hey Chris. - 你睡覺時感覺不到冷啊 - No, no, no, no, no, no. - 你知道該怎麼做 - It's literally just sleeping. - 不要啊! - You can't feel cold when you're asleep. - Chris - You know what to do. 我們達成目的了 - Whoa! - 我們在哪裡? - Crazy, buddy. - 睡一下覺吧 - 好吧 We got the job done. 我幾個小時後來看你 - Where are we? 我們要去拍片 - Go take a nap. - Okay. - 為什麼你要這麼做? I'll see you in a couple more hours. - 現在我們站在約 300 公尺高的峽谷上 We're gonna go film. - 我好怕 - 我也是 - Why would you do that? - 如果妳大膽到能踏在條鬆的細繩上 - We are now on top of a 1000 foot tall canyon. 跨越這峽谷, - I'm terrified. 我就讓妳拿走兩萬美金 - And if you're crazy enough to cross this canyon - 我很緊張 on just that slack line, 風速一直忽快忽慢 I'll let you keep the 20 grand on the other side. 我的目標是抵達有兩萬美金的終點 - I'm pretty nervous. - 我的目標就是祝妳別掉下去 The wind keeps on picking up and like slowing down. - 出發吧 My goal is to get to the end of the line where that 20 K is. - 她正要踩到細繩上 - And my goal is for you not to fall. 兩萬美金在對面 - Let's freaking go. - 請別掉下去 - She is now descending onto it. - 我盡量啦 The 20 thousand's on the other side. - 謝謝 - 好,她開始了 - Please don't fall. 只要她沒有懸吊在繩子上,她還有機會 - I'll try not to. - 她完全不怕 - Thank you. - 這太狂了 - All right. She's doing it. - 在她渡橋同時,我要跟各位 As long as she's not dangling from the rope, she's still in. 分享 experian,這新款免費 APP - She's fearless. 讓你掌控你的信用評分 - This is crazy. 我甚至無法專心工商,因為這太狂了 And while she's crossing, I'm gonna tell you guys - 妳可以的,專心就好 about experian, which is a free mobile app - 慢慢來 that lets you take control of your credit score. - 這個 APP 能讓你存取信用評分 I can't even focus on the ad because this is so crazy. 協助改善分數 - You got this, just focus. experian 還有 Boost 機制 - Take your time. 你基本上可以利用像是 This app gives you access to your credit score 電信費、水電費,甚至像是 and helps you improve it. Hulu 和 Netflix 的月費建立信任評分 experian also has experian Boost. 你知道妳的信用評分多少嗎? So you can basically leverage things like your - 不知道! cell phone bills, your utility bills, even things - 好,抱歉,別擔心 like Hulu and Netflix to build your credit score. Boost 只會套用在正面的付款 Do you know what your credit score is? 所以如果你有遲繳 - No idea. 這不會減損你的 FICO 分數 - Okay. Sorry. Don't worry about it. - 獎金就在這裡 Boost is only used on your positive payment. - 我的天啊 So if you have a late payment, - 她沒有看 it won't hurt your FICO score. 她超專心的 - The money's right here. - 這顯然能夠幫助你獲得可負擔的貸款 - Oh my Lord. 然後你可以用來買車、買房或買遊艇 - She is not looking. - 各位好嗎? She's so focused. - 很好啊,我只是拿著妳的獎金 - This can obviously help you qualify for affordable loans - 使用 experian Boost 的人平均 that you can then use to buy a car, a house or a yacht. 看到他們 FICO 分數增加了 13 分 - Sup guys. How's it goin'? 她快到了 - I'm just holding your prize. 我的天啊 - People on average using experian Boost - 太好啦! saw a 13 point increase on their FICO score. - 老天爺啊 She's almost there. - 喔~噢,謝啦各位 Oh my goodness. 這是我做過最可怕的的事情 - Oh God. 太感謝你啦 Jimmy! - Oh my goodness. 下載 experian - Woo. Oh, thanks guys. - 只要按下影片底下的連結 That's one of the scariest things I've ever had to do. 立即下載 expian Thank you so much, Jimmy! 恭喜贏得兩萬美金 Download experian. 同時,Airrack 已經被冷凍數小時了 - Just click the link in the description - 五小時,不是每個人都有在算 and download experian now. 我好無聊 And congratulations on 20 grand. 但除此之外,我感覺超冷 Meanwhile, Airrack's been freezing for hours. - 你在裡面過的好嗎? - Five. Not that anybody's counting. 她開始贏到可觀的金額了 I am so bored, but more than that, I am horribly cold. - 對,這就是目標 - How you doing in there? 我要讓你破產 She's starting to win some pretty serious money. - 嚇到我了 - Yeah. That's the goal. 不知為何,他狀況還是很好 I'm gonna bankrupt you! 所以我們決定提高難度 - That's scared me. 嘿,看到計時器了嗎? Somehow he was still going strong, 除非你交出帽T,它才會繼續跑 so we decided to crank up the difficulty. - 如果我交出帽T,但是你要給她一萬美金呢? Hey, see the timer? - 一言為定 It's paused until you give us your hoodie. 我用你的帽T換一萬元給她 - What if I give you the hoodie but you give her 10 grand? - 天啊,他的手好冷 - But shake on it. 好,再見 - 不! I'll give her 10 grand for your hoodie. - 重點在這裡 - Okay. 我們沒有逼你待在裡面 - Oh my gosh. His hand's cold. - 你要破產了沒? All right, bye. - 不,我錢可多著 Here's the thing. - 我要繼續待 We're not forcing you to stay in there. 我討厭這些人 - Are you bankrupt yet? - 這位是 Marcus,我們面前有四萬 - No. I have tons of money. 你有兩個選擇 - I'm staying. 你可以選擇偷走這四萬元 I hate those guys. 全部占為己有,或是 - This is Marcus and in front of us is 40 grand. 和一位素昧平生的人平分 You have two options. 我們也請回這位在上一部影片 You can either steal this 40 grand 獎金被偷走的老兄 and keep it all to yourself or split it - 那我想偷 with a random person you will never meet. - 那位失去一萬的老兄 We also brought back this guy that was stolen from 會看到這一幕 in a previous video. - 等等,什麼? - Wanna steal it then. - 看看這次他運氣有沒有比較好 - The guy that lost out on 10 grand - 你認為他會選哪一個? is gonna be watching this. - 偷 - Wait, what? - 你覺得他會偷 - Let's see if his luck got better. - 偷 - What do you think he's gonna pick? - 你都不想考慮一下嗎? - Steal. - 用不著想的 - You think he's gonna steal? - 我的天 - Steal. - 就跟你說了? - You don't even wanna think on it? - 抱歉啦兄弟 - Not even thinking about it. - 噢天,真痛苦 - Oh my God. - 他在看鏡頭 - What I tell you? 這可不酷 - Sorry bud. - 太缺德啦 - Oh man. - 耶! That's painful. 他沐浴在紙鈔裡! He's looking at the camera. - 還在裡面游泳 - 他這天過得真好 That is not good. - 他有個美好的一天 So messed up. - 我要跟那位丟掉兩萬元的人講講話 Yeah. Yeah. 你還好嗎? He's taking a money bath. 這個男生比上一次的女性朋友還糟糕 He's swimming in it right now. - 毫無猶豫 That's a good day he had. - 他現在還跟 Chris 拍照 - He's having a good day. - 噢,你永遠出不來了 - I'm gonna go talk to the guy who just lost 20 grand. 我們真的要繼續這樣 直到真的有人平分嗎? How's it going? 現在我們來到全球的鱷魚首要之都 This guy was so much worse than the girlfriend before. 可以看到,幾乎有上百隻 - Didn't hesitate. 短吻鱷到處在這裡爬 Right? He's taking pictures right now with Chris. Tareq 我可以借一下攝影機嗎? Oh, you're forever gonna be here. 你看到那邊有兩把手提箱嗎? Are we just gonna keep going until someone 裡面裝了兩萬美金 actually splits it? 如果你能去拿它,我就讓你把錢拿走 And now we're inside the alligator capital of the world. - 我不要 And as you can see, there are literally hundreds - 我也不要 of alligators all around this place. - 我連問都沒問! And three can I borrow the camera? - 老實說 Do you see those two briefcases over there? 我知道男孩們都會拒絕 There's $20,000 in them. 這就是為什麼我請來 Brian If you go retrieve it, I'll let you keep the money. 他的大半輩子都花在和動物相處 - Not doin' it. 我知道他一定會嘗試 I'm not doing it either. - 當然要 I didn't even get to ask you. - 不像 Tareq I'm gonna be honest. - Tareq 你是膽小鬼 I knew the boys would say no - Brain,我不知道你是否看到 which is exactly why I brought Brian. 腳邊有一隻鱷魚 He spent his entire life handling animals - 他真的跳下有鱷魚的池子欸 and I know he's gonna attempt it. - 背後,Brian! - Absolutely. - 回去!回去、回去、回去啦 - Unlike Tareq. 你走開 - Tareq, you're a wimp. 你走開 - All right. So Brian, I don't know if you see - Jimmy 為什麼我要做這種事? but there's an alligator at your feet. - 鱷魚不喜歡那樣 - He's just really jumping in there with it. 你應該踩輕一點的 - You just get out there - 這裡一隻鱷魚在想: - Get back here, back to back, back, back, back back. 「嘿大家,我可以入鏡嗎?」 You go away. 他們想要上一下電視 You go away. 只剩兩步 Nice Jimmy, why am I doing this? - 我成功啦!耶! - The alligator didn't like that. - 恭喜 Brian 贏得了兩萬美金 You should step lightly. 你要怎麼離開那座小島? - This alligator right here's like, - 我沒考慮到這個 "hey guys, can I be on camera?" - 喔! They want some screen time. - 我也不知道 Only two more steps. 我要拍下一部份了 Congratulations, Brian, on winning $20,000. - 我好冷 How are you gonna get off that island? 此生從沒感到這麼冷過 - I didn't think about that. 呃 Eve,我束手無策了 - Oh! 我得出來 - I didn't either. - 沒關係,老兄 I'm gonna go to the next bit. - 兄弟,你看起來有點冷 - I am so cold. - 我要冷死了! I've never been this cold in my entire life. - 你正通過一個里程碑 Ugh, Eve I have nothing left. 所以一萬元再拿去 I have to get out. - 我們拿到八萬,滿意嗎? - It's okay, man. - 對 - Buddy, you look a little cold over there. - 好,結束了 - I'm freezing. - 噢天啊 - You just crossed another hour mark. 我要出來了 So here's another 10 grand. 我的天啊 - Do we feel good with 80 grand? - 恭喜妳贏得 - Yes. 現金八萬美元,拿進來 - Okay. We're done. - 我要進去最熱的房間 Oh boy. - 停下來 Outta here. 你不能一下從最冷的 Oh my gosh. 進去世上最熱的房間啦,瘋了嗎 - Congratulations on winning this 多數你看到的參賽者 80 grand in cash. Bring it in. 是隨機挑選的訂閱者 We're going to the hottest room. 如果你還沒有的話,按下訂閱 - Stop. Stop. 因為真的有機會贏錢喔 You can't go from the coldest room 訂閱,獲得未來參與入鏡的機會喔! in the world to the hottest room psychopath. Most of the contestants you saw in this video are random subscribers. If you haven't already, hit that subscribe button because it could literally win you money.
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 美金 jimmy 鱷魚 房間 小時 信用 123(Would You Swim With Sharks For $100,000?) 45 2 imwhite2013 發佈於 2024 年 03 月 26 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字