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- Hey, Anna.
[woman laughs]
[suspenseful music]
[woman laughs]
- [Producer] You're good.
[truck rumbles past]
[woman laughs]
[drum roll]
- Hi, Anna.
Which movie had the best costume and styling this year?
- I have to pick, I think, two films where we felt
that the costumes were extraordinary,
and the first one would "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood"
where the costumes were designed by Arianne Phillips,
and the look of the movie,
which was set at the end of the 60s, early 70s
was so like an Alessandro Michele show for Gucci,
you could put the two side by side
and you couldn't tell the difference.
And then the other film where we loved the way it looked
obviously was "Little Women" where the clothes
were designed by Jacqueline Durran.
It was set in the Civil War era, obviously very Victorian,
and if you personally wanted to be inspired by that look
to wear for yourself, you might want to look at Brock
or Erdem or even Louis Vuitton
who loves that kind of jacket.
If I was gonna choose one,
I would have to say she deserves to win.
- Anna, what was your best and worst date?
- Hello, Kendall.
I'm only gonna answer this question if you agree
to give me your answers to exactly the same question
the next time I see you, which will be shortly.
In answer to my best dates, I have to choose
going to the theater with my daughter
or going to a tennis match with my son.
And in terms of my worst date ever, back in the 70s,
I was very, very interested in a young man
who was a writer of very activist leanings,
and he was always getting arrested and going to jail
and getting a lot of quite negative press.
And my father, who was an editor of a newspaper,
and never exhibited any interest in my boyfriends,
asked me if he could meet him.
So we had an extremely uncomfortable exchange,
but then at the end of it, my dad said to the young man,
"I know you're interested in politics.
"Would you like to go to America
"and cover the upcoming election campaigns?"
And he of course was stunned and immediately said yes,
and then he left the next day, and I never saw him again.
So my dad was quite cunning.
- Hey, Anna.
What are you hoping to see more of
on the runways in February?
- Well, I find when I make predictions about what's
going to be on the runways, I'm always entirely wrong,
but I do hear that we're gonna be seeing a lot of short
and I saw that there was quite a bit of color
at the men's collection, which usually is an indication
of what we're going to see, so hopefully color and optimism.
And obviously all of us at Vogues across the world
are hoping that the designers will be very mindful
of sustainability and clothes that are meaningful
and will be made to last.
- Hey, Anna.
I've seen almost no movies this Oscar season.
If I could check out one movie, what should I watch?
- Very hard to choose one, so I'm gonna give you two.
The first one would be "The Farewell",
which is partly set in New York and partly set in China.
Great story about a young woman confronting mortality
with her grandmother.
And the second one, which is a little darker,
is nominated for many, many awards,
has won already many awards, and is called "Parasite".
But I think you should go to the movies more often.
- Hey, Anna.
What's a good gift that you can give somebody
for Valentine's Day when you just started dating them?
- Well if you're in a new relationship,
I would honestly think about something
that's not too serious, has a sense of humor,
maybe you might want to think about cooking them dinner.
Our friends at Bon Appetit
have an incredible list of recipes.
A personal favorite is the squash carbonara.
- Hey, Anna.
Which young designers are you looking forward to see
on fashion month?
- Because we're about to embark
on the New York Fashion Collections Week,
I'm gonna choose two designers that show in New York.
The first one is our fashion fund winner,
Christopher John Rogers, who's very eccentric
and very outgoing.
He accepted his award wearing a bright red suit
and a feather boa.
And then the other collection that I'm looking forward
to seeing is the presentation by Brent Neil,
who is a young jewelry designer.
- Hey, Anna.
What's the most romantic gift anyone's ever given you?
- These gifts may not qualify only as romantic,
but in my mind they were very romantic and very personal
and very thoughtful, and I was so touched,
is both my daughter-in-law and my daughter
took an enormous amount of time and trouble
and put together these beautiful, beautiful wedding albums
after both their weddings.
- Hey, Anna.
What do you do to pass your time while traveling
during your fashion months?
- I'm basically on the road for a month starting today,
so it's a great opportunity for me
to catch up on my reading.
This trip I am going to try to read the entire
third part of the trilogy of Wolf Hall,
which is 726 pages in length, written by Hillary Mantel.
It's called "The Mirror and the Light".
Okay, the second volume that I'm gonna try and read
on my trip is "The Dolphin Letters",
which is the seven-year correspondence
between Robert Lowell and Elizabeth Hardwick,
so that probably won't be a quick read either.
- Hey, Anna.
What's a good Valentine's Day gift to get someone
that you've been with forever?
- Well if you're in more of a long-term relationship,
I would suggest something that includes the two of you,
so possibly bracelets from Scosha
or maybe rings from Tiffany,
of if you want to do something that's more fashion oriented,
I just saw an adorable couple wearing matching sweaters
from Loverboy, designed by Charles Jeffrey,
on the streets of London.
And if the budget's a little larger,
Prada has some great ones that they just showed
in the runways of Milan.
- Hey, Anna.
What should I get my boyfriend for Valentine's Day?
- I don't know your boyfriend,
so it's a little bit difficult to answer that question,
but tickets to a sporting event is always successful,
like football or basketball or poker.
I once gave someone who told me they loved tap dancing
tap dancing lessons, and that was a huge hit.
Okay, see you next time.
[upbeat music]