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  • Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video, we are going to talk about heaven expressions.

  • We are going to talk about ten heaven expressions. So, I've already made a video on hell expressions,

  • this video will go very well with that one because now we're doing the opposite.

  • So, what is heaven? Well, heaven, first of all, is a very good place. It's... Different

  • religions believe different things, and in some religions, people believe that when you

  • die, you go to a very beautiful place that's very nice and wonderful in every way. So maybe

  • you believe in these religions, maybe you don't, but Heaven is a place that some people

  • think you go to when you die (if you're good). So, in English, we have many expressions using

  • the word: "heaven". So let's get started and look at some of them.

  • Okay, so the first one I want to teach you today is a very romantic expression:

  • "A match made in heaven". So, what does this mean? If there is a match

  • made in heaven, it means that there is a very, very good pairing. So there're usually two

  • people who fall in love and they're perfect for each other. We would say they are a match

  • made in heaven. Do you think Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are a match made in heaven?

  • I think my parents, my mom and my dad, are a match made in heaven. I want you to think

  • about if you know any couples who are perfect for each other. If you do know these couples,

  • you can say: "They are a match made in heaven." Okay, so our second expression:

  • "To move heaven and earth". What does this mean? It means you have a goal

  • and you will do anything to achieve this goal. So, for example: maybe someone stole my bike

  • and I'm very angry, and my goal is to find the person who stole my bike. I can say:

  • "I will move heaven and earth to find the person who stole my bike." Okay, maybe your goal is

  • to learn English; you really want to learn English. You can say: "I will move heaven

  • and earth to learn English.", "I will learn...", or: "I will move heaven and earth to stop

  • this war.", "I will move heaven and earth to find my soul mate." Okay? So it just means

  • you will do anything to accomplish something. Okay, let's see the next expression:

  • "I thought I died and", oh, wait. "I thought I died and" - sorry -, "I thought I died and

  • went to heaven." Okay? This is a very common expression. When you are so happy, something

  • very, very good happens, you can say: "I thought I died and went to heaven." So what are some

  • examples of this? Well, maybe you find the best tasting cake in the world; it's a very

  • good cake, you have a bite: "Mm, I thought I died and went to heaven." Okay? Or maybe...

  • Maybe you had a very tasty drink; it was a very good drink. After drinking this: "I thought

  • I died and went to heaven." So it pretty much means something is very, very good. Okay,

  • so now let's look at some more expressions. Okay, so now let's look at some more expressions.

  • But before we do, there's one thing I want to say. A lot of these expressions are used

  • in conversation. Okay? So you might not find them so frequently in writing, you will find

  • them more often when people are talking, in conversation.

  • So let's look at number four: "Heaven forbid".

  • What does this mean? "Heaven forbid you fail the test tomorrow.", "Heaven forbid there's

  • a huge emergency.", "Heaven forbid the house catches on fire." This means that you hope

  • something doesn't happen. Okay? So it means hope that something bad doesn't happen. "Heaven

  • forbid you never watch an engVid video again." That would be terrible. So it means you don't

  • want to something to happen. Number five:

  • "Heaven only knows". We use this when we're talking about a question

  • that there's no answer or it's impossible to know the answer. "Heaven only knows when

  • it will rain next.", "Heaven only knows when there will be peace on earth.", "Heaven only

  • knows if we will ever meet aliens." Okay? So, "Heaven only knows" is a question that

  • has no answer. "To be in heaven".

  • This is a very happy expression. "To be in heaven" means you are very, very happy, everything

  • is good. So, for example: if you like to shop, you like to go shopping, maybe you go to a

  • shopping mall and it's a big shopping mall, so many sales. You could say: "I'm in heaven."

  • Or, I have a dog, when my dog eats dinner, I could say: "Oh, she's in heaven." Meaning

  • she's very, very happy. Okay? This is actually my favorite, number seven:

  • "Stink to high heaven" or: "Reek to high heaven". So this is "reek", "stink". What do "reek"

  • and "stink" mean? It means smells bad. Okay? When something smells... smells very, very

  • bad, it stinks or it reeks. So if something stinks to high heaven, this means it smells

  • very, very, very bad. Okay? So maybe you walk into a kitchen, someone's cooking and the

  • food, ugh, it smells so bad. You could say: "Ugh, this kitchen reeks to high heaven.",

  • "This food stinks to high heaven." It's not so nice, but you could also say this about

  • a person. "Oh, she stinks to high heaven." Okay? Not nice, but it's possible. Okay, so

  • I like number seven. Number eight:

  • "Heaven on earth". "Heaven on earth" means that something is

  • very, very good. Just... It's very similar to: "be in heaven". For example, if you like

  • to go to the beach... I went on a trip to a country called Belize; beaches, very, very

  • beautiful, very beautiful ocean views. It was an amazing experience. I could say that:

  • "The beaches of Belize are heaven on earth." Okay? They're incredible. Maybe you've gone

  • somewhere and it has a very beautiful mountain and a lovely waterfall. You could say: "This

  • place is heaven on earth.", "This place is paradise." So we use it when we're talking

  • about a place that's very beautiful. Number nine:

  • "For heaven's sake". What does this mean? We use it as an exclamation.

  • We use it to emphasize something. So, for example: maybe you're surprised, maybe someone

  • does something and it makes you angry. We use it in these ways. So, for example: if

  • I'm on my bicycle and somebody cuts me off, you could say: "Oh, for heaven's sake, don't

  • these people know how to drive?" Maybe I'm with my friends, one of them does something

  • very stupid. "For heaven's sake, why did you do that?" Okay? So we use it to show our surprise,

  • our shock, sometimes our anger. So this one: "For heaven's sake", we don't say it in a

  • happy way. We don't say: "Oh, for heaven's sake, this is wonderful." No. It's usually

  • for you're shocked, you're surprised, and often about something bad.

  • Finally, number 10: "Heavenly".

  • If something is "heavenly" it also means it's very good. Very similar to: "to be in heaven",

  • very similar. So maybe I have a tea and I smell the tea. "Oh, it smells heavenly." Maybe

  • I'm eating a slice of pizza. "Mm, this pizza is heavenly." It's another way to say: "good"

  • or: "great". It means it's very, very good. Okay?

  • So, heaven only knows if you will come and check out our site. I hope you will come to

  • There you will find our quiz where you can practice these expressions.

  • It is a heavenly site, and heaven forbid something stops you from checking out our site. I just

  • wanted to use some of these expressions. So, come visit our site and take our test.

  • Until next time.

Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video, we are going to talk about heaven expressions.


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A2 初級

10個英文HEAVEN表達方式 (10 HEAVEN Expressions in English)

  • 524 115
    Samuel 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日