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  • Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video, we are going to talk about the reading module

  • of the IELTS. I'm going to tell you some of my top IELTS reading tips. So let's get started.

  • During the reading module of the IELTS, there will be three passages that you read, and

  • for each passage, there are a bunch of questions you have to answer. The first tip I have for

  • you is: don't spend too much time reading the passages. What happens to a lot of students

  • is they read word-for-word everything. They see a word they don't know, they keep trying

  • to understand the meaning. You don't have to understand everything to understand the

  • passage. If you don't know a word, that's fine.

  • The better thing to do than to slowly read is to use skills such as skimming which means

  • you quickly read for the main idea or scanning, meaning you look for key words or you look

  • for specific detail. A lot of students, what they do for the IELTS is they will actually

  • read the questions first, and then they will read the passage. And that way, they... They

  • know what they're looking for. You don't have to do this; it's one technique. Some students

  • find this a lot easier, other students like to read the passage first and then answer

  • the questions. I recommend trying both out. First do the reading, then the questions,

  • then try to read the questions first and read the passage and see what you like better,

  • what you're more comfortable doing.

  • So the key thing here is: don't read slowly. It's a timed test, you have three parts you

  • have to get through, 40 questions; it's very important that you read quickly. You can start

  • practicing reading quickly also. There are a number of resources out there where you

  • can actually start practicing. And time yourself when you practice, make sure you're not going

  • over time.

  • Number two, similar to number one, my tip is: don't spend too long on each question.

  • Some of the questions are difficult-they're possible, you can do well on them-but some

  • of them, you might be reading and you might think: "Oh, I don't know what the answer is,"

  • and you might look at it, and think, and try, and try, and try. Well, the problem is if

  • you spend too much time on a question, there are 40 questions and the one hour limit for

  • the test, it goes by very quickly. So you can spend too much time on each question.

  • So what I recommend is read a question, try to figure out the answer. If you don't know

  • it, you can put a star beside it and come back after. Don't spend too long on any question.

  • You can also take a guess, move on, and come back later.

  • My third tip: spend less time on earlier questions. For the reading module, the... Like I said,

  • there are three passages. The first passage is the easiest, then the second passage, and

  • then the third question. If you spend all your time on the first passage, you're not

  • going to have time to do the second and the third. And, like I said, the first one is

  • easier. So a good idea is to spend less time on the first passage, maybe about 17 minutes,

  • then the second passage maybe spend about 20 minutes, and the third passage maybe 23

  • minutes. You don't have to follow this exactly, but the main idea is spend less time on part

  • one, more time on part three because part three is harder.

  • My fourth point is: make sure you have enough time to transfer your answers. They will have

  • an answer sheet and you're supposed to write your answers on it. It's very important to

  • leave yourself time to transfer your answers from your test paper to the answer sheet.

  • A lot of students, they work through the booklet and then they realize there's no time to transfer

  • their answers, so make sure you leave time for this.

  • Okay, my fifth tip is a very, very common error students make: three words or less.

  • In the reading section, also in the listening, in the instructions you will also... Or you

  • will often see the words: "Write three words or less." They mean: write three words or

  • less. A lot of students write too many words here. So, for example: if I'm talking... If

  • I'm doing a reading on archeology and, you know, I have to write an answer and my answer

  • is: "the tomb of the Pharaoh", for example. This is a Pharaoh, if you don't know, ancient

  • Egypt. If the instructions tell me: "write three words or less", and my answer is: "the

  • tomb of the Pharaoh", I've written way too many words. I've written one, two, three,

  • four, five, so that's too many. So I would get this wrong on the IELTS, get a big "X".

  • Even though my answer was right, because I didn't follow the instructions and I wrote

  • too many words, I'm going to get it wrong. So what would be the correct answer in this

  • case is: "the Pharaoh's tomb". This is three words. So in this example, that would be correct;

  • we haven't gone over three words. Also, I could write for these questions maybe one

  • word or maybe two words. I can write one, two, or three words - no more than that. Very

  • common mistake.

  • Number six is another common mistake students make, their spelling. A lot of students forget

  • that the reading section also has a writing component and that is you have to write your

  • answers. You also have to spell your answers correctly, and many students, unfortunately,

  • make spelling mistakes. So it's very important to practice spelling before you do the IELTS.

  • It will help you with the listening section, the writing section, and the reading section.

  • I can't emphasize this enough. Smelling... Spelling... Not smelling. Spelling matters.

  • Okay? One idea is you can get a book and any time you spell a word wrong, write it in your

  • book and practice those words. Have a spelling book for yourself so you can see which words

  • you often make mistakes with.

  • Number seven, a lot of students also make this mistake with grammar. You have to use

  • the correct grammar when you're answering a question. So, for example, sometimes maybe

  • the answer is: "castles" with an "s", but a student might write the singular version

  • in their answer, maybe they just write: "castle" but the correct form would be with an "s".

  • So you always have to be aware of grammar. The best thing to do is after you write your

  • answer, check it to see if the grammar makes sense. Were they looking for singular answer?

  • Were they looking for a plural answer? Okay? So that's very important to keep an eye out for.

  • Finally, my last... My last tip for today is: a lot of students don't read the instructions

  • properly. This is a very, very big mistake to make. A lot of students, they've done lots

  • and lots of IELTS tests and they think they know it, so they don't bother reading the

  • instructions. Always read the instructions. Even if you've done a hundred IELTS tests,

  • read the instructions just to make sure. For example, some common mistakes that happen

  • is for multiple choice in the reading section, maybe the question will ask you to choose

  • two answers and if you don't read the instructions properly, you might just pick one. Or maybe

  • it asks you to pick three answers. So it's very important to read the instructions properly.

  • Another common issue with instructions is people confuse: "Not Given", "Yes", "No" questions

  • with: "Not Given", "True", or "False" questions. They're different. So by reading the instruction,

  • hopefully you can see the differences. And then when you're supposed to write: "Yes",

  • you don't write: "True", and when you're supposed to write: "No", you don't write: "False".

  • So make sure you don't mix those questions up. Read the instructions.

  • So, in order to practice the IELTS, I invite you to come visit our website at

  • We have a quiz there on some of these tips you've just learned. And also, I would recommend

  • visiting another site: for a lot more information on the test. I

  • know you're going to do well on test day. So good luck. I'm rooting for you; I know

  • you're going to do a good job. Until next time.

Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video, we are going to talk about the reading module


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A2 初級

雅思閱讀:十大技巧 (IELTS Reading: Top 10 Tips)

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    danny 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日