字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 There are now seven videos on the Pick Up Limes channel with the word habit in the title and we didn't just use this word repeatedly by chance. 現在 Pick Up Limes 頻道上有七部關於習慣的影片,這個詞彙不是隨機重複的。 I'm someone who really believes in the power of habit. 我這個人非常相信習慣的力量。 And I know many of you feel the same way. 我知道你們很多人也有一樣的感受。 One of my favorite quotes actually is by Aristotle when he said that we are what we repeatedly do...Excellence then is not an act, but a habit so today. 我最喜歡的一句引言是亞里斯多德所說:「重複的行為造就了我們......卓越不是一種行為,而是一種習慣。」 That's what we're gonna delve into how to create new healthy habits, and how to break old ones. Cue-Routine-Reward. This is the simple formula that was outlined in Charles Duhigg best-selling book: The Power of Habit. 這就是我們今天要來探索的: Now let me break it down a little bit. 如何創造新而健康的習慣,以及如何打破舊的習慣 The cue is the part that triggers the response so for example hearing your phone vibrate would be a cue; the routine is the response part. 了解一下公式 Usually the thing we perform on autopilot; in this case, that would be checking our phone. 「提示、慣性、獎勵」 And the reward is what gives you those feel good feelings; in this case it might be distraction from work or seeing that someone commented or liked your most recent post. Charles Duhigg的暢銷書《習慣的力量》中提出這個簡單的法則。 Cue-Routine-Reward. Pretty simple formula. 現在讓我來拆解一下 Establish a cue. So here's the thing, if you want to establish an entirely new habit, you need to come up with a cue first. 「提示」是觸發回應的部分, Otherwise you're not gonna know when to act. 例如聽到你的手機震動就是提示。 And even when you do act , it changes so much from day to day that the habits don't tend to stick. 接著做出的回應就是「慣性」 So it's not enough to say I want to drink more water. 通常我們自動作出的回應會是檢查手機, You have to come up with a cue first which in this case could be putting a cup of water out on the desk in front of you where you're working. That way every time you see it, It's a reminder to pick up that cup and start sipping. Establishing a cue is critical to creating new habits. Create a routine. Eventually the routine part is going to be performed on autopilot. 所以如果你想要建立起一個全新的習慣, But in the beginning you are gonna have to work for it a little bit. 你需要先想出一個「提示」 So here's a tip that might help. Remember that our brains are always trying to save energy. 不然你就不知道何時該動作, So if you're someone who wants to pick up the new habit of going for a run every morning 或甚至當你動作的時候, It can really help if the night before you set out your clothes and your shoes 每天都改變太多,讓這個習慣沒辦法固著 Not only does it act as a cue when you see it 所以光是說我想要喝更多水是不夠的, But it also saves you those two minutes in the morning if you're someone who also wants to decrease the amount of junk food that 你得先想出一個提示,在此就可能是: You eat it can help then if you have other more wholesome snack choices 在你工作的桌上擺一杯水, Readily on-hand like some pre-cut up fruit or some pre-made wholesome cookies 這樣每次看到的時候,就會提醒你拿起杯子喝水 Decreasing the effort required to take action can really help that new habit stick 建立「提示」是創造新習慣的關鍵 Before you even try setting up a new habit though, you need to know why you're doing it in other words 創造一個「慣性」 What is your why power? 最後這個慣性的部分會是自己不假思索去做的, I think a lot of the times people don't pick up new habits or change old ones because the reward just isn't satisfying enough so 但在剛開始的時候你得要先努力一下下才行 Identify a realistic and worthy reward whether it's an endorphin rush after 所以這裡提供一個可能有幫助的訣竅: Exercising or improved mental concentration after you've had a midday snack 記得我們的大腦永遠都在想辦法省力 Or a positive and happy feeling that you get after writing in your gratitude journal 所以如果你想要養成每天早上出門跑步的習慣 Eventually you're gonna start to crave this reward as soon as you see the cue 昨晚就先把要穿的衣服鞋子先擺好會很有幫助 And that's how you know the habits are starting to stick 不只是在你看到的時候可以作為提示 So we've chatted now about creating new habits, but what about breaking the old routines that we could do without well 同樣也為你省下早上的兩分鐘時間 There's a well-developed strategy that might help 如果你想要減少攝取垃圾食物, And it's really simple all you want to do is take the cue and the reward and keep those the same 如果你手邊已經有其它健康的零食選擇也會有幫助 But change the routine, so let's say for example 像是已經切好的水果,或是準備好健康的餅乾 You're someone who has a little bit of a habit of reaching for candy or chocolate after lunch every single day 減少付諸行動要花掉的力氣, And you want to break that habit the cue in this case is that mid-afternoon hunger 真的有助於確立這個新的習慣 and the reward might be both the sweet taste as well as 辨認「獎勵」 Kind of that midday energy boost you get from it so all you want to do is change the routine so instead of reaching for 在你試著建立起新的習慣之前, Chocolate you might instead reach for some apple slices that you've dipped into nut butter. It's sweet 你得知道為什麼你要這麼做 It's filling and it's rewarding, so you don't want to resist the craving you just want to redirect it 換句話說,你的「動機力」是什麼? And sure it's not gonna be an easy substitute at first 我想很多時候人們沒辦法養成新的習慣,或是改掉舊的,是因為獎勵不夠讓人滿意, but with repetition it will become a habit and a snack choice that you do start to crave 所以要找出一個實際又值得的獎勵才行 The last of Charles Duhigg points that I really want to mention in this video are what he calls Keystone habits 無論是運動完之後的大量產生的腦內啡 These are the habits that if adopted or changed kind of create a domino effect in other areas of our lives 中午吃過點心之後提升的專心能力 For example for some people the habit of waking up early can have other positive effects on other habits 或是寫完你的感謝筆記之後得到的快樂、正向的感覺 It can mean enjoying breakfast which might then mean that they're gonna have a lesser tendency to reach for unhealthy 最後你一看到提示就會開始渴望這些獎勵 convenient foods later in the day it might also give them the time to 這樣你就知道習慣已經確立下來了 Work on their most important tasks before noon which then increases their productivity and feeling of accomplishment 破除舊習慣 Other Keystone habits might be things like exercising or writing in a gratitude journal 現在我們談過建立新習慣了, You can see then how these Keystone habits go on to influence a wider sphere of habits it allows for small wins 但是要怎麼打破那些可以擺脫的舊習慣呢? That gives us more courage and motivation to pick up other healthy habits as well 有個發展成熟的策略可能會有幫助: Now the tips I've shared with you in this video 這蠻簡單的,你只需要接收提示和獎勵,持續重複, Just scratch the surface when it comes to all of the amazing tips that can be found in the book the power of habit 但把慣性改掉 By Charles Duhigg. It's a book 所以舉例來說,你有個小習慣是每天午餐之後會去吃糖果或巧克力 I listened to three years ago, and I am still reaping the benefits of it today 你想要打破這個習慣 So I highly recommend it as usual the amazing folks over at audible have gone ahead and partnered with us on this video 在此提示就是下午的飢餓感 Which means that we can offer you the book or any other book of your choosing as well as a 30-day membership 獎勵可能就是甜甜的滋味, free of charge if you visit the link in the description box below or visit audible.com/pickuplines 還有從甜點中補足的下午能量 For now I just want to emphasize 你要做的就是改變之間的慣性 Focus on changing only one habit at a time 所以與其去吃巧克力,倒不如去吃幾片沾堅果醬的蘋果片 And if you need it to have a bit more of an impact on your life 這又甜又有飽足感,又是獎勵,所以你不用抵抗渴望,只需要重新導向就好 You can target those Keystone habits take out a pen and paper and write down what you think the cue 當然起先不會那麼容易就取代掉舊的 Routine and reward loop are for the given habit because if you can identify those. It's more likely that it's gonna stick now 但一再重複之後會變成一個習慣, Now I'm curious to know what is this habit that you're looking to add or to change? 你也會開始想吃這種點心 Let me know by sharing in the comments below if you enjoyed this video it always shows a lot of love and support if you 關鍵習慣 Could give it a thumbs up and thanks a lot for watching 最後我還有一個想在這影片中提出的重點, Pick Up Limes signing off. We'll see you in the next video Charles Duhigg稱之為「關鍵習慣」(keystone habits)
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 習慣 獎勵 關鍵 健康 想要 回應 打造好習慣,為了更好的自己! (Mastering Your Habits) 2100 95 Aniceeee 發佈於 2019 年 02 月 21 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字