字幕列表 影片播放 列印英文字幕 - It's gonna take me a while to do this. But I think it's for a good cause. (upbeat music) Good morning, guys. Happy Saturday. We're starting off our Saturday just like normal Saturdays with a little bit of cleaning. Look at you go! Ellie is working on the upstairs and I am working on the downstairs. A little bit of divide and conquer before we really go about our day. I'm not sure if you saw, but Ellie was wearing her Camp Happy shirt, and I'm wearing my Free Bear Hugs. See there's a bear, campfire, tent, person in a sleeping bag running away. Free Bear Hugs. I'm not sure if this is coincidence or irony, but there's a spider and there's Spider Man. Spider, Spider Man, Spider Man pokes, blah! - I'm making my bed. - Just one! - I'm making my bed. - But just one. - Okay, it's all ready. - Can you fold your blanket? And then put your pillows and turtle on the bed? (knocking) Knock knock. Hi. Could I have some pizza, please? - Mmhmm. - [Jared] Mmhmm. - Can I have a bean bag please? - [Jared] Oh, thank you. - Can I have some bean bags? - [Jared] Oh, yum. Bean bags on the stove. By the sink, yeah, right there. He's cooking it for you, Jackson. - The bean bags? - [Jared] Yep, so they're nice and tasty. - It's not to eat, it's to throw. - [Jared] Oh, you throw the bean bags? - Yeah. - [Jared] Oh, that's silly. He's cooking something special. Mmm, yum, look at that. Was that tasty? - Yeah. - [Jared] Thank you, chef Calvin. - That was super, super, super, super, super, sour. - [Jared] Well, that's a lot of supers, It must have been really sour. - [Ellie] Do you ever think that the Tesla advertisement looks like an IUD? - Or does an IUD look like the Tesla logo? - [Ellie] Because when you said, "Ellie, look!" I was like, "What?" That's what it looked like. - Well I'm glad you're-- - [Ellie] Aware? - Yeah, see now every time you think about an IUD you'll think about a Tesla, and every time you think about a Tesla, you'll think about an IUD. So we made that correlation, so no matter what, I'm getting those on the mind. - [Ellie] Oh. - Wait, IUD's kind of the opposite of what we want right now. - [Ellie] See that big tower on the left? That is the Saw Palace. This is where we are going to be having CVX Live in just a few weeks. - August third through fifth. I'm so excited. Are you guys going to be coming? We'll have all the information in the description down below so you guys can come and meet us. - [Ellie] I'm excited! It'll be a fun time. Oh no. - [Jared] It almost got him! - [Ellie] It did, on his face. Hey Jackson, look, you see the marshmallow sprinkles? That's the one he's putting in a bag for you. Cool, huh? - I want to see at the top. - [Ellie] You want to see at the top? Got to pick out a little treat before we go home. Made a quick trip. - Yes, and this is the best place because not only do they have chocolate... Good news, everyone! That's a Futurama shout out. So, we just got done talking with Teespring and due to popular demand, we have actually expanded this a little bit. Our merchandise. You'll notice that we have, like, the Penny shirt and the alien Jared shirt logo, we have a lot more shirts in kids, toddler, and baby sizes. That was one of the things that we got requested the most when we launched this campaign this morning, was for more kids shirts. So we did just that, that's ready to go. So I'll have a link to our merch in the description, check it out. For you and now for your kids, too. It's gonna take me a while to do this. But I think it's for a good cause. - Alright, how do you entertain a bunch of kids on a summer night? Grandma's backyard, Grandma and Grandpa aren't even here. - No, they're party poopers. And they're pooping at another party. - And Jared's filling up the Slip 'N Slide, Amanda and Emily are getting dinner ready, we are gonna have some fun. - Who's ready to have some fun, guys? (cheering) Okay Jackson, you're up. You're the first one, you've got to set the record straight for everyone else to follow suit, can you do this? - Yep. - [Jared] Do you think you're man enough to do this? - Yep. - [Jared] Ann, do you think you're woman enough to do this? - Yes! - [Jared] Yes, that's what I like to hear. - I'm gonna win. - [Jared] You're gonna win? Alright. No, no, no, no, not yet. I didn't say go. Wait for my mark, okay? Wait for my mark. On your marks, get set, go! You didn't quite make it all the way down, did you? Woo! Oh, stuck. We need more water. Whoa! (laughing) You flipped right over it, dude. Calvin is a little more interested in Ruby than he is the slide. You chase that dog. You chase that dog! Go, go, go!. Now pull your pants up while you're at it, young man. Here we go! Yay! - [Ellie] Mister, why don't you want to play in the water? - [Jared] Yay, go! - [Ellie] You can push him harder. - Ready? Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme, go on everybody, it's bob sled time! Cool runnings! (laughing) Oh no! (laughing) That's one way to go down I guess. Woo! You're right, Ellie. This is the good way to entertain kids on a summer night. - [Ellie] I like it. - [Jared] Yeah, he went down head first. Good job, Cal. Uh oh, uh oh. - [Ellie] This kid's full of adventure. - [Jared] Womp womp. Oh no, destroyed. - Calvin's been trying to keep up with everyone but just doesn't have enough momentum, so one, two, three, woo!