Again, talking about degrees of freedom, x, y, and z are typically used to describe the 3 different directions of motion, so if we were to draw that out in 3D, it might look something like this, where this is up and down, this is out in that direction, and then this is this direction, so this might be the x-direction of freedom, the y-direction of freedom, and the z-direction of freedom.
同樣,談到自由度,X、Y 和 Z 通常用來描述三個不同的運動方向,是以,如果我們將其繪製成三維圖,它可能看起來像這樣,這裡是上下方向,這裡是那個方向,然後這裡是這個方向,是以這裡可能是 X 自由度方向、Y 自由度方向和 Z 自由度方向。