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Are we saying there's a chance that when we push that button, we destroy the world?
Chances are near zero.
Near zero?
What do you want from theory alone?
Christopher Nolan's modern cinematic masterpiece Oppenheimer is a surreal, brooding, and pensive story about a man driven to create an instrument of war that forever reshapes the globe.
克里斯托弗-諾蘭的現代電影傑作奧本海默》是一個超現實、憂鬱和沉思的故事講述的是一個男人受人驅使,創造了一種戰爭工具,它可以 永遠重塑全球。
I just want to create beautiful airplanes.
Like that?
Very graceful.
I have a long way to go.
Hayao Miyazaki's The Wind Rises is also about a man driven to create an instrument of war that forever reshapes the globe, and yet it's not the surface level recounting of these two films that truly bond them together.
宮崎駿的《起風了》也是講述了一個人被驅使創造出一種戰爭工具,永遠 重塑全球,但它並沒有 對這兩部電影的表面敘述 將他們真正聯繫在一起。
It's the simple fact that they're both constructed around the unifying theme obsession.
這只是一個簡單的事實,它們是兩者都圍繞著一個統一的主題 "痴迷 "展開。
I wanted to study the new physics.
Was there nowhere here?
I thought Berkeley had the leading theoretical physics department.
Yes, once I built it.
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在我們深入瞭解今天的節目之前,請您請務必點贊、評論和訂閱 Nerdstalgic。
The Wind Rises or literally translated from Japanese as The Wind Has Risen, the film is a sweeping biopic about Jiro Horikoshi, a man who has a burning passion for planes and the idea of flight.
風起雲湧》或直譯為日文原名為《風起了》、 該片是一部關於堀越二郎的傳記片、 一個對飛機和 "飛機 "這一概念充滿熱情的人的飛行。
You were talking in your sleep.
He told me that airplanes are beautiful dreams.
So I'm going to make beautiful airplanes.
This eventually manifests as a career designing planes for the Japanese military.
He will eventually design a terrible instrument of war, the Mitsubishi A6M Zero.
他最終將設計出一種可怕的戰爭工具、三菱 A6M 零式戰鬥機。
Despite the carnage that this device will inevitably wreak, Jiro is obsessed with flight and spends the whole movie pursuing this idea of perfecting the act of flying regardless of the ends that his ideas will ultimately be utilized for.
儘管這種設備不可避免地會造成大屠殺、二郎痴迷於飛行,整部電影都在追求飛行。無論如何都要完善飛行行為的想法 他的想法最終將用於何種目的。
Airplanes are beautiful cursed dreams, waiting for the sky to swallow them up.
The film Oppenheimer, based on the book American Prometheus written by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin,
positioned its protagonist J. Robert Oppenheimer as arguably the most important man who has ever lived, a scientist and mathematician who had wild theories of what the known universe held in store for mankind.
其主角羅伯特-奧本海默的位置可以說是有史以來最重要的人 他是一位科學家和數學家 對已知的宇宙有著天馬行空的理論 人類的未來。
Oppenheimer was recruited by the United States government to oversee and run a top secret enterprise known as the Manhattan Project, a clandestine operation
奧本海默被美國政府聘用監督和管理一個絕密企業,該企業被稱為 作為曼哈頓計劃的祕密行動
with the simple goal of constructing a weapon that could compete with the at the time theoretical menace of nuclear weapons.
其目的很簡單,就是要製造出一種能夠能與當時理論上的威脅相抗衡 核武器。
It's easy to see the surface level parallels between The Wind Rises and Oppenheimer.
They're both films that center on driven men carrying out scientific pursuits based on what they think are imperatives spurred on by the mechanisms of war.
這兩部電影都講述了被逼無奈的男人們如何實施根據他們的想法追求科學 這些都是戰爭機制催生的迫切需要。
In The Wind Rises, Miyazaki has recurring dream sequences where Jiro interacts with Gianni Caproni, the Italian civil, electrical, and aeronautical engineer who designed numerous planes.
在《起風了》中,宮崎駿反覆出現夢境片段在這裡,二郎與意大利公民詹尼-卡普羅尼(Gianni Caproni)進行了交流、 電氣和航空工程師設計了眾多飛機。
Caproni is something of a mystical dream mentor for Jiro, giving him both encouragement and offering words of caution that the devices Jiro is working on will be used to kill enemy combatants in war.
對於二郎來說,卡普羅尼就像是一位神祕的夢想導師、既給他鼓勵,也給他忠告二郎正在研究的設備 將用於在戰爭中殺死敵方戰鬥人員。
However, Jiro does not heed this second part.
He repeatedly ignores the moral fallout of his actions in pursuit of accomplishing a task.
I wanted this design to use the latest aeronautical advances.
Minimal drag will be the key.
I pushed the design to the limits of technology.
It bears stating that both of the films in question are deeply autobiographical for the men who created them.
In The Wind Rises, many of Jiro's biographical elements are evolved or altered to fit Miyazaki's actual life story, a perfect example being Jiro has a wife with tuberculosis and an insatiable desire to create,
在《起風了》中,二郎的許多傳記元素根據宮崎駿的實際生活進行演變或修改 故事,二郎 他的妻子患有肺結核,而他卻有著永不滿足的創作慾望、
two things that are very obviously part of Miyazaki's life with his mother having tuberculosis and his own relationship with creativity being famously fraught.
這兩樣東西很明顯是宮崎駿的母親患有肺結核 以及他自己與創造力的關係 是出了名的矛盾。
Similarly, Christopher Nolan obviously struggles with many of the issues that Oppenheimer does in his film.
同樣,克里斯托弗-諾蘭顯然與許多問題作鬥爭 奧本海默在他的電影中就是這樣做的。
Nolan obviously relates to Oppenheimer's struggle and his commitment to his work.
There seems to be some sort of personal metaphor interlaced with how Oppenheimer's personal indiscretions and shortcomings--like literally abandoning his son in favor for his work--strike a deep chord with Nolan personally.
似乎有某種個人隱喻交織在一起奧本海默的個人不檢點行為 和缺點--比如 棄子從工--罷工 與諾蘭本人產生了深深的共鳴。
Is making a movie the same as inventing nuclear weapons?
From looking at his work, it's easy to come away with the idea that Nolan views himself as someone who is shouldering the weight of the world, and that's exactly how he depicts Oppenheimer,
從他的作品中,我們很容易得出這樣的想法諾蘭認為自己肩負著 世界的重量,這就是 他對奧本海默的描繪正是如此,奧本海默註定是一個
a man destined for so much greatness that his personal life is almost required to be thrown by the wayside.
Now it's your turn to deal with the consequences of your achievement.
However, the more interesting discussion to have is to analyze how each of these men deal with the magnitude of the negative side effects that each of the inventions in question have had on global culture.
然而,更有趣的討論是就是要分析這些人各自是如何 處理負值的大小 每項有關發明 對全球文化的影響。
Miyazaki chooses to portray Jiro as the criminally naive man, driven by the insatiable desire to conquer a technical problem.
How that solution is eventually used is of relatively little interest to him.
It's the puzzle at hand and his passion for flight that pushes him onward, but even more disturbingly, Miyazaki doesn't seem particularly interested in drawing a clear picture that what Jiro is doing is wrong.
是眼前的難題和他對飛行的熱情但更令人不安的是,他還在繼續前進、 宮崎駿似乎並不特別有興趣清楚地描繪出二郎正在做的事情 是錯誤的。
In Nolan's film, Oppenheimer repeatedly says that he's not sure any global government should have the power to ignite nuclear war, but he definitely knows the German military should not be allowed to have access to this power first.
在諾蘭的電影中,奧本海默多次他說,他不確定任何全球政府是否應該 有引爆核戰爭的能力,但他絕對 知道德國軍隊不應該 首先要允許獲得這種權力。
Therefore, there is no choice but to pursue the very technology that could unmake the world.
Does this moral relativism absolve the character from further scrutiny?
It shouldn't, but that's about as far as Nolan goes for the first hour and a half of the film's runtime.
不應該這樣,但也只能這樣了諾蘭在影片的前一個半小時裡 運行時間。
Nolan depicts Oppenheimer's dogged crusade as just and true one.
He never pushes back against his subject or provides any truly questioning moments until almost two hours into the movie when it's been revealed that Germany has lost the war, but the bomb must be finished.
他從不迴避自己的主題或提供任何真正的質疑 直到影片開始近兩個小時後,我才發現 德國已經輸掉了戰爭、 但炸彈必須完成。
And then the US government decides to utilize it on the Japanese people.
We intend to demonstrate it in the most unambiguous terms twice, once to show the weapon's power and a second to show that we can keep doing this until they surrender.
我們打算用最明確的語言來證明這一點兩次,一次顯示武器的威力 第二步是表明我們可以繼續這樣做,直到他們 投降。
Nolan seems to be reverential in Oppenheimer at nearly every turn as in the man's flaws were the only possible solution when taken in the context of his duty and calling to the literal fate of humankind.
諾蘭似乎對奧本海默充滿敬意幾乎在每一個轉捩點,因為在該男子的缺陷是唯一的 從他的職責角度看可能的解決辦法 並呼喚著人類的命運。
On the surface, it appears as if Nolan is attempting to construct a full portrait of a man.
However, he still never fully delves into the fallout or cost of Oppenheimer's actions either interpersonal or professional.
然而,他仍然沒有完全深入調查奧本海默行為的後果或代價 無論是人際關係還是職業關係。
Similarly, Miyazaki depicts Jiro's dedication to his work even when the character should be caring for his ailing partner Nyoko as a noble thing.
同樣,宮崎駿也描繪了二郎對工作的執著追求即使該字元應該是 照顧生病的伴侶 Nyoko 是一件高尚的事情。
It's apparent that to Miyazaki, the process of attempting to conquer the seemingly impossible and the dedication to one's work are the highest calling, even when there are people literally dying of tuberculosis in your immediate vicinity.
顯然,對宮崎駿來說,這個過程試圖征服看似不可能的事情 和對工作的奉獻精神是最高的要求 即使真的有人死於肺結核 在您的附近。
You work better when you're holding my hand.
You're right.
If only I could leave my hand right here for the test flight.
Both films are driven forward by the idea of obsession, largely because both filmmakers obviously relate to the protagonists through their understanding and lived experience with being obsessed.
這兩部電影都是由 "痴迷 "這一概念推動的、主要是因為兩位電影製作人顯然通過理解與主角產生共鳴 的生活經歷。
In some ways, both of these films are the most personal and most autobiographical pieces either filmmaker has produced and therein lies a potential reason for why each of them refuses to fully explore the moral relativism surrounding their protagonist.
在某些方面,這兩部電影是最個人化、最自傳性的 任何一位電影製作人的作品,而這正是 它們各自的潛在原因 拒絕充分探討圍繞道德相對主義的 他們的主角。
Why is it that Nolan did not depict any actual wartime conflict in Oppenheimer?
Why is it that Miyazaki never chose to have a robust deconstruction of the futility of attempting to use the mechanisms of war to pursue your passions of creation?
為什麼宮崎駿從不選擇以有力的方式解構試圖 利用戰爭機制追求 您的創作激情?
Maybe that's because too close an examination of these characters would force the directors to examine themselves and come away seeing something they didn't like,
也許這是因為過於仔細地研究這些角色將迫使導演們審視 他們看到了自己不喜歡的東西、
or maybe they just realized that the men in questions obsession caused death on a scale previously undreamt of.
And that would just be too hard to handle.
Well, that's all we have for this episode.
What do you think?
Did Nolan and Miyazaki each handle the subject matter at hand accurately?
Let us in the comments below.
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請一如既往地點贊、評論和訂閱通過 Nerdstalgic 隨時瞭解我們的最新動態。 了。