字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Thinking of your phone as an extension of yourself isn’t crazy. 把你的手機想成是你的延伸並不瘋狂。 To say that your phone knows more about you than you know about you isn’t an exaggeration 如果說你的手機比你還瞭解你自己,這樣並不是誇大其詞。 It's a statement of fact. 這只是在闡述事實。 Do you remember your location every minute of every day? 你會記得你每天每一分每一秒所在的位置嗎? Do you remember what you said to your friend last leap day at 10:47 word-for-word? Yeah, of course not. 你會分毫不差地記得在上個 2 月 29 日 10 點 27 分時對你朋友講過的話嗎?當然不記得。 Hell, without photos, entire holidays would slide out of your mind. 如果沒有照片,整個假期都會從你腦中溜走。 While paperwork that tracks us has existed since papyrus without people feeling like those hieroglyphs were literally an extension of the human mind, a phone can hold the equivalent of millions of papyrus pages. 雖然說使用紙本紀錄人們生活可以追溯回紙莎草時代,但沒有人會認為那些象形文字是什麼心靈的延伸,一支手機其實等同於數以百萬計的紙莎草。 At some point a difference of amount becomes a difference of kind. 某些層面來說,不同的數量使東西變得不同。 Since you bought it, how many hours has your phone been more than an arm's reach away? 自從你買了手機,它有幾個小時是在你伸手拿不到的地方? Possibly zero. 或許是零個小時。 There's no other object like that in your life. 沒有其他的東西是可以比擬與手機相比擬。 Given the choice to have someone read your mind or read your phone, if you seriously think about it, you’d probably pick the former. 如果有人要你選,是要讀你的腦還是要讀你的手機,或許認真想想之後,你可能會挑選前者。 Compared to what's in your phone, your brain holds a tiny amount of information, much of it wrong, all of it lossy. 比起手機,你的大腦保存的信息量很小且大部分是錯的。 It's easy to forget what kind of embarrassment your phone contains, because it has so much you can't even remember. 人們很容易忘記手機裡有什麼令人尷尬的內容,因為它的資訊多到你不記得。 As you discover when someone flips through a bunch of photos you thought were safe, but suddenly discover aren't. 你會發現當有人在翻閱一些手機裡你以為是安全的照片時,突然發現並非如此。 但突然發現並非如此。 And while the phone now is an extension of the self: we all know where this is going. 雖然現在的手機是自我的延伸:我們都知道這是怎麼回事。 A computer chip in your skull will eventually be as quasi-mandatory as a phone is today 在你頭骨裡的電腦晶片最終將被今天的手機超越 And avoiding one will make you seem Amish. 並避免手機會令你顯得呆呆的XD If we don't protect our most intimate digital devices as part of the self, legally, 如果我們不保護我們最機密的數位設備,在法律上, We're going to be in some scary places in the future. 在未來,我們會在一個很可怕的地方 Because the law is a complicated brick structure of individuals laws each resting on what came before. 因為法律是一個複雜的磚混結構。 This is why you hear lawyers argue based on laws from three hundred years ago: 這就是為什麼你聽到律師根據從三百年前的法律爭論: That's not by insanity but by design. 這不是因為精神錯亂,而是因為設計。 And it’s why people freak out over court cases that lay down a new brick in a new area -- 這也是為什麼人們會在法院在一個新的地方立下了一個新的磚塊時抗議 It's not about this brick. It's about what will, inevitably, be built on top of it. 不是指這磚頭,而是指未來會發展成什麼樣子 To argue, "Don't worry, this law is just for this case, this time." is to argue against what the law is. 爭辯這個法律是針對這個情況,那就等於爭辯法律到底是什麼 Like a chess player saying to his opponent, ‘This move isn’t about future moves’. 就像棋手對他的對手說,“這移動不是指未來的移動”。 That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works. 事情不是這樣運作的,沒有東西是這樣運作的 Three hundred years ago someone writes a law about papers in your house 三百年前,有人寫了一個法律關於在你家中的紙張 At a time when papers and books were luxury items and half the population, illiterate 而此時的紙張和書籍是奢侈品和一半的人口是文盲 And then it's applied to millions of intangible files on your phone 然後它就被套用在手機上數以百萬計無形的文件 Which, in aggregate, record every detail of your life. 其中包含你生活的每一個部分。 Maybe you think that's good. Maybe you don't. But either way, the modern law is built atop the old. 也許你認為這很好。也許你不覺得。但無論哪種方式,現在的法律是建立在先前的法律上面。 And it's why people are right to be concerned about each precedent-setting law 這也是為什麼人們都有權關注每一個先前的法律 And why 'slippery-slope fallacy' does not apply here. 而為什麼“滑坡謬誤”在這裡並不適用。 (滑坡謬誤:使用一連串的假設,並設想每個都一定實現) (如:A出現就會發生B,B出現就會發生C... 其實不然) Thinking about today's law is thinking about future law and access to your phone today 想想今日的法律就是在想未來的法律 所以要讀你的腦 Is, unavoidably, about access to your mind tomorrow. 必需要先讀你的手機