字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Originally constructed as a fortress in the 12th century, the Louvre has dominated central 原為防禦性堡壘的羅浮宮,自12世紀就一直主導著巴黎中心 Paris ever since. After centuries as a royal palace and through many expansions and renovations, 歷經數百年作為皇家宮殿以及多次的擴建和翻修 the vast and ornately decorated complex of buildings was gradually given over to its 這占地遼闊華麗的建築群自國王路易十五開始 role as a gallery and museum from the time of Louis XV, with the first exhibition held 逐漸轉型成畫廊和博物館,並在1750年舉辦第一場展覽 in 1750. This move accelerated dramatically during the French Revolution, although it 在法國大革命時期的展出數更是與日俱增 was not until 1981 that the entire complex became a museum, when the French Ministry 然而到1981年法國財政部移址後,羅浮宮全區 of Finance was moved from the site. The Louvre contains so many exhibits, collected over 才完全變成博物館。 羅浮宮如今擁有數量龐大 so great a period of time, that if one were to view each for just a few seconds, it would 不同時期的藝術收藏。就算每個只花幾秒看一眼 take many months to see all of them. 還是得花數月才能全部看完 The striking, modern pyramid rising from the centre of the Cour Napoleon was opened in 為了改善遊客參觀動線,拿破崙庭院正中央那引人注目、現代感十足的金字塔 1989 in order to improve visitor access and amenity. Its central location as the main 於1989年正式啟用。 遊客可以很方便經由中央金字塔主入口 entrance allows visitors easy access to some of the most important parts of the vast complex. 前往各個重要的展覽廳堂
B1 中級 中文 羅浮宮 展覽 金字塔 遊客 巴黎 博物館 為你介紹:巴黎,羅浮宮 (Louvre, Paris, France 1080HD) 23198 1665 大菲鴨阿 發佈於 2016 年 12 月 06 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字