字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 For a more lively way to enjoy Paris and cap an exciting day, Steve and I have 為了有個更輕鬆愉快而且印象深刻的巴黎行,史蒂夫和我 hired a car and a driver for a blitz of the city's best nighttime views. 雇了輛車和司機,快速把巴黎絕美夜景盡收眼底 And this isn't just any car and driver. 這輛車和司機可是大有來頭 This company employs a fleet of historic Deux Chaveau cars 這家公司提供雪鐵龍經典車款出租 and they're driven by local students. 而且聘雇當地學生當司機 Different districts 巴黎不同的地區 are like a snail, 像蝸牛蜿蜒的背殼 going around the island, de la Cité. 環繞著西堤島 The French raise floodlighting to an art form. 法國引領世界前端藝術潮流 And with a city as beautiful as Paris, it's no wonder. 無怪乎巴黎是如此美麗的城市 Les Invalides with its golden dome 金黃圓頂的榮譽軍人院 marking Napoleon's tomb is magnifique. 標誌著拿破崙陵墓的壯麗 The naughty blades of the Moulin Rouge keep turning as red lights tempt lost souls in Pigalle. 紅磨坊上喧鬧的風車不停轉動,炫麗光影誘惑著皮加勒區失落的靈魂 Just to be out and about at this hour, the energy of the city is palpable. 在這時刻走上街道,城市的喧鬧活力一覽無遺 Notre-Dame is particularly stately after dark. 入夜後的巴黎聖母院尤其宏偉莊嚴 Sightseeing boats 來往的觀光船 enliven the river and its sparkling bridges. 讓夜光中的河水和閃耀的橋梁更加生氣蓬勃 The Pyramid at the Louvre glows from within. 羅浮宮內的金字塔散發溫和內斂的光芒 And the Eiffel Tower provides a fitting finale for this victory lap 最後由艾菲爾鐵塔演奏一段勝利謝幕曲 through the city of light. 迴盪穿梭在這光之城市
B2 中高級 中文 巴黎 司機 城市 法國 車款 聖母院 法國巴黎夜間觀光 (Paris, France: Nighttime Sightseeing) 1406 135 Chun-Jen Chen 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字