字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 In a world that seems busier by the day, productivity is on the minds of many. 這世界紛紛擾擾,許多人不斷在追求生產力。 But instead of downloading the latest time management app or forcing yourself to stay at work for hours on end, 但是除了下載最新的時間管理 APP,或逼迫自己沒日沒夜地工作。 how can we use science to crack open the potential of our minds? 該如何用科學方法釋放我們的心智潛能? Is there a secret to being productive? 擁有生產力的秘訣又是什麼呢? The first thing to come to terms with is that your willpower is simply not enough. 首先,要理解單靠意志力是不夠的。 In fact, some studies suggest that willpower is an exhaustible source that can be entirely used up. 研究表明,意志力是會耗弱殆盡的。 This is a concept known as "ego depletion." 這概念被稱之為「自我耗損」。 So instead of convincing yourself to simply try harder, a more methodical approach is suggested. 所以,與其說服自己更加努力地嘗試,不如採用更有條理的方法。 The first step: get started. 第一步:起身而行 It may seem obvious, but studies have shown starting a project to be the biggest barrier to productivity. 這看似顯而易見,但研究顯示想有良好生產力,面臨最大的阻礙是「開始」本身。 Before starting, our brain visualizes the hardest parts to come and instead tries to simulate real work by focusing on small, mindless tasks. 在開始之前,我們的大腦會揣測最艱鉅的挑戰,並嘗試透過專注於微小的、無意識的任務來模擬真實的工作狀況。 Luckily there's a construct of the mind known as the Zeigarnik effect which compels humans to finish a task that they've already started. 幸好,有個心理效應叫「蔡戈尼效應」,這個效應迫使人們完成做到一半的任務。 The Zeigarnik effect shows that when we don't finish a task, we experience discomfort and intrusive thoughts about it. 蔡戈尼效應顯示,當我們沒有完成任務時會感到不適,並為此感到困擾。 So get started, now. 所以,現在立即行動吧! What about time management? 那麼時間管理呢? Shockingly, when we look at some of the most elite musicians in the world, we find that they aren't necessarily practicing more, but instead, more deliberately. 出乎意料的是,我們觀察世界上最優秀的音樂家,他們並不一定練習的最多,而是練習的最專注。 This is because they spend more time focused on the hardest task and focus their energy in packets. 他們把時間投注在最困難的部分,將精力聚焦於較小的區塊。 Instead of diluting their effort over the entire day, they have periods of intense work followed by breaks. 所以他們不會把所有的力氣平均用於整天,而是間歇性地認真練習後伴隨著短暫休息。 Not relying on willpower, they rely on a habit and disciplined scheduling. 這並非意志力的成果,而是憑藉習慣及有紀律的練習時間。 Studies have found that the most elite violinists in the world generally follow a ninety minute work regime with a fifteen to twenty minute break afterwards. 研究發現,世界上最優秀的小提琴家一般來說遵循工作九十分鐘休息十五到二十分鐘,再回去工作的規律。 Instead of trying to maintain energy throughout the entire day, breaking it down into sessions with planned relaxation is most effective. 將時間分割成區塊並規劃休息,比聚精會神一整天更有效率。 But how can you develop the discipline to follow this routine? 但如何在日常生活中養成紀律並遵行規劃? One key component is giving yourself a deadline. 關鍵之一,給自己訂一個期限。 Write it down, mark it in your calendar, and you'll be much more likely to complete your task. 寫下來,標註在你的行事曆中,你便更有機會完成的你的任務。 On top of this, create something called an "accountability chart" to document your progress. 除此之外,做個「責任圖表」來記錄自己的進度。 In one column, write the timespan, and in the other, the activities you accomplished during this time. 在其中一欄填入時間,另一欄則填入時間內完成的事情。 Similar to those on a diet who document their food intake, 就像減肥的人會紀錄攝取的熱量一樣, writing down your progress allows you to realistically evaluate your work as opposed to inaccurately assuming what you've done. 記錄進度可以讓你真實地評估你的工作,而非並不精確地假設自己完成了什麼。 Furthermore, tracking your progress helps to avoid small, mindless work. 此外,記錄進度可以避免自己做無意義的事。 And finally, stop multitasking. 最後,不要一心多用。 While it may feel like you're accomplishing more, studies show that multitaskers are much less productive. 儘管這讓你看起來好像做了很多事,研究顯示一心多的人其實生產力比較低。 Instead, try and make a list at night of what you want to accomplish tomorrow. 倒不如前一天晚上試著列出明天的待辦事項。 This way, you hit the ground running with your action plan and avoid trying to complete multiple activities at once. 這樣便可以一項一項逐步完成,而非像無頭蒼蠅一樣試著一心多用。 While you're at it, split up your large tasks into smaller, bite-sized ones. 試著將較困難的計畫分割為較容易完成的小任務。 Your brain will find these less daunting and it will make the starting process easier. 那些任務會更容易上手,也比較不會遙不可及。 With a clear goal and action plan in mind, your productivity levels can soar to new heights. 想好清楚的目標和完成步驟會讓你的生產力大幅上升。 Want more tips and information on productivity? 想了解更多關於生產力的資訊嗎? Check out Gregory Ciotti's blog, Sparring Mind, who we worked with to make this video. 查看 Gregory Ciotti 的部落格 Sparring Mind,也就是跟我們一起製作這支影片的團隊。 We'll link to the productivity article in the description where you can find even more information, and be sure to sign up for his newsletter which covers other amazing brainy content. 我們會在說明欄放連結,點進去後可以觀看更多資訊。訂閱他們的電子報,發現更多更棒的內容! Got a burning question you want answered? 有百思不得其解的疑惑嗎? Ask it in the comments or on Facebook and Twitter, and subscribe for more weekly science videos. 在留言區或 Facebook 和 Twitter 留言,並訂閱我們頻道,每週觀看更多科學影片!
B1 中級 中文 生產力 任務 完成 練習 意志力 進度 效率好差,要怎麼提高生產力?The Science of Productivity 40464 1079 Fu Jung Lai 發佈於 2021 年 12 月 10 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字