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  • So as many of you know, I decided to go with this, the 16-inch MacBook Pro as my main computer.

    你們很多人都知道,我決定用這臺 16 英寸 MacBook Pro 作為我的主電腦。

  • And it's a stark difference in size between my last laptop, the 14-inch MacBook Pro, which I have been happily using for the last two years.

    與我上一臺筆記本電腦 14 英寸 MacBook Pro 相比,它的尺寸相差懸殊,在過去的兩年裡,我一直在愉快地使用它。

  • And this Switch has been an eye-opening experience on what it's like to live with a bigger size laptop.


  • Because honestly, my behavior has changed more than I thought since owning this bigger laptop.


  • And there have been multiple benefits upgrading to a bigger size laptop, but also some downsides that have me questioning if I really made the right choice.


  • Thankfully, I always know I made the right choice when it comes to browsing the internet securely because I use IPVanish.

    值得慶幸的是,在安全瀏覽互聯網方面,我總是知道自己做出了正確的選擇,因為我使用的是 IPVanish。

  • IPVanish is the simplest and easiest way to use a VPN because with just one touch, it makes your IP address completely anonymous to website trackers with a secure encrypted connection, preventing bad actors from intercepting your activity.

    IPVanish 是使用 VPN 的最簡單易行的方法,因為只需輕輕一按,它就能通過安全加密連接使你的 IP 地址對網站跟蹤者完全匿名,防止壞人攔截你的活動。

  • This means that you can hop on to public Wi-Fi networks without worry from the cafe to the airport to hotels while your browsing activity is completely private from those internet providers, which is more important than ever with so many of us doing remote work.

    這意味著,從咖啡館、機場到酒店,你都可以放心地使用公共 Wi-Fi 網絡,而你的瀏覽活動對這些網絡提供商來說是完全保密的,這一點在我們許多人從事遠程工作的情況下比以往任何時候都更重要。

  • I know that whenever I'm emailing clients or downloading contracts, as long as I'm connected to IPVanish,

    我知道,每當我給客戶發送電子郵件或下載合同時,只要我連接的是 IPVanish、

  • I can conduct my work without fear of my data being intercepted.


  • And unlike other VPNs, IPVanish does not keep logs.

    與其他 VPN 不同,IPVanish 不保留日誌。

  • It is also a publicly traded company made in the USA and it has its own dedicated VPN servers, meaning that your VPN connection is not only secure, but fast as well.

    它還是一家在美國上市的公司,擁有自己的專用 VPN 服務器,這意味著您的 VPN 連接不僅安全,而且快速。

  • And all of these factors have made them the most trusted VPN in the entire United States.

    所有這些因素使他們成為全美國最值得信賴的 VPN。

  • And yeah, security and peace of mind are great, but VPNs are also fun because it allows you to connect to other regions to access exclusive content on streaming services like Netflix.

    是的,安全和安心固然重要,但 VPN 也很有趣,因為它可以讓你連接到其他地區,訪問 Netflix 等流媒體服務上的獨家內容。

  • Best of all, IPVanish has one of the best deals in the entire VPN industry with their multiple plans ranging from monthly low commitment plans for your next travel date to long-term two-year plans, making them the best deal in all VPN services.

    最重要的是,IPVanish 擁有整個 VPN 行業中最優惠的服務之一,他們的多種計劃從適合下一次旅行日期的月度低承諾計劃到兩年期長期計劃,使其成為所有 VPN 服務中最優惠的服務。

  • So don't wait any longer.


  • Try IPVanish's VPN for 30 days risk-free and save on the yearly plan by going to slash Greg's Gadgets.

    訪問 slash Greg's Gadgets,免費試用 IPVanish 的 VPN 30 天,並節省年度計劃費用。

  • And thank you so much to IPVanish for sponsoring today's video.

    非常感謝 IPVanish 贊助今天的視頻。

  • Okay, so the main factor that I considered when buying the 16-inch MacBook Pro was the size of the display.

    在購買 16 英寸 MacBook Pro 時,我考慮的主要因素是顯示屏的尺寸。

  • And I mean, let's get this part out of the way because it's the most obvious difference about this laptop.


  • And yeah, the display is bigger and it feels much larger than the 14-inch display that I'm coming from.

    是的,顯示屏更大了,感覺比我使用的 14 英寸顯示屏大得多。

  • And I have to hand it to the 15-inch MacBook Air for making me crave the need for a bigger display.

    15 英寸 MacBook Air 讓我渴望擁有更大的顯示屏。

  • When I reviewed that a few months ago,


  • I started carrying it around with me and although the display was technically worse quality than my 14-inch MacBook Pro,

    我開始隨身攜帶它,雖然從技術上講,它的顯示品質不如我的 14 英寸 MacBook Pro、

  • I started getting used to that extra screen size on the Air.

    我已經開始習慣 Air 的超大螢幕尺寸。

  • And at times I would gravitate towards the Air because I felt more productive using the larger display.

    有時我會傾向於使用 Air,因為我覺得使用更大的顯示屏更有成效。

  • And I fully admit I'm the type of guy that has a cluttered workspace, right?


  • Like I always have multiple windows open.


  • So a few Safari windows, my podcast or music player, my mail client, my calendar client, and not to mention all the professional photo and video editing apps I use on a daily basis.

    是以,一些 Safari 窗口、我的播客或音樂播放器、我的郵件客戶端、我的日曆客戶端,更不用說我日常使用的所有專業照片和視頻編輯應用程序了。

  • More importantly, I had more room to full screen apps.


  • This is where I really felt the benefit of the 16-inch, not so much with multitasking, but by taking apps like Final Cut Pro or Affinity Photo, putting them maximum size on the screen.

    這是我真正感受到 16 英寸的好處的地方,不是多任務處理,而是將 Final Cut Pro 或 Affinity Photo 等應用程序放到螢幕的最大尺寸。

  • And then that allowed me to see more of my video scopes and more of my tools without necessarily cramping those applications together because on the 14-inch model, something like Final Cut Pro can feel cramped.

    這樣我就能看到更多的視頻範圍和更多的工具,而不必把這些應用軟件擠在一起,因為在 14 英寸機型上,像 Final Cut Pro 這樣的應用軟件會感覺很擁擠。

  • Now, despite the 16-inch model costing more money for a larger display, that doesn't mean that the display quality is necessarily better, right?

    現在,儘管 16 英寸機型的顯示屏更大,價格也更貴,但這並不意味著顯示屏的品質就一定更好,不是嗎?

  • Like these both have 120 Hertz mini LED displays.

    就像這兩個都有 120 赫茲的微型 LED 顯示器一樣。

  • They both look absolutely fantastic, but I will admit there's just something about having the 16-inch display size that makes it feel more immersive.

    它們看起來都非常棒,但我承認,16 英寸的顯示屏尺寸會讓人感覺更身臨其境。

  • Like when I sit back and watch a movie, the benefit of having that larger display, it just feels more immersive.


  • And then even the speakers, right?


  • Like they both have really good speakers, but that 16-inch just has a little extra thump and loudness to it that makes you sit back and go, wow, that's actually coming out of a laptop.

    就像它們都有非常好的揚聲器一樣,但 16 英寸的揚聲器只是多了一點砰砰的響聲,讓你坐下來就會發現,哇,這居然是從筆記本電腦裡發出來的。

  • Now, yes, there are some trade-offs for this bigger display and better speakers, and obviously that is size and weight.


  • Now, if you lay both MacBooks down flat in a table, you'll see that the 16-inch does take up a fair bit more room.

    現在,如果把兩臺 MacBook 平放在一張桌子上,你會發現 16 英寸的 MacBook 所佔的空間確實要大一些。

  • But what I will have to say is that even though the 16-inch MacBook Pro is larger, compared to laptops from like five or 10 years ago, the difference really isn't as bad as you think for most use cases.

    但我不得不說的是,儘管 16 英寸 MacBook Pro 與 5 年或 10 年前的筆記本電腦相比尺寸更大,但對於大多數使用情況來說,差別並沒有你想象的那麼大。

  • For example, any of the bags that I used to carry my 14-inch model in, well, they were big enough to fit my larger 16-inch model as well.

    例如,我用來裝 14 英寸模型的任何袋子都足夠大,也能裝下較大的 16 英寸模型。

  • And while it may take up most of the airplane tray table, you can still technically fit the 16-inch MacBook Pro on it.

    雖然它可能會佔據飛機托盤桌的大部分空間,但從技術上講,你仍然可以把 16 英寸 MacBook Pro 放上去。

  • Now, the thing that I don't like the most about the 16-inch model is the extra weight.

    現在,我最不喜歡的是 16 英寸型號的額外重量。

  • My old 14-inch MacBook Pro weighs 3.5 pounds, and the new 16-inch is more than a pound heavier.

    我的舊款 14 英寸 MacBook Pro 重 3.5 磅,而新款 16 英寸 MacBook Pro 重 1 磅多。

  • I already have to carry around a lot of gear in my bags, things like cameras, hard drives, microphones, and those little things start to add up in weight.


  • So introducing an extra 1.3 pounds into the equation is not pleasant.

    是以,額外增加 1.3 磅的重量並不令人愉快。

  • Now listen, it's not like I can't carry around the 16-inch MacBook Pro to like my car, or even walk around with it for an hour or something like that, but if I need to be on my feet for a while,

    聽著,我並不是不能隨身攜帶 16 英寸 MacBook Pro,比如我的車,或者甚至帶著它走一小時之類的,但如果我需要站立一會兒的話、

  • I really do notice the extra weight on my back, and it is uncomfortable.


  • It's kind of changed the way that I use my laptop on the go, because with my 14-inch,

    它改變了我外出使用筆記本電腦的方式,因為我的筆記本電腦是 14 英寸的、

  • I pretty much took this thing with me everywhere all the time because it wasn't that much of a pain to carry around.


  • But with my 16-inch, that extra heft means I'm a little bit more selective on when I bring my laptop with me.

    但對於我的 16 英寸筆記本電腦來說,額外的重量意味著我在攜帶筆記本電腦時會更加挑剔。

  • Now, one reason I'm willing to put up with that extra weight is because I wanted to get the M3 Max model of the 16-inch MacBook Pro.

    現在,我願意忍受額外重量的一個原因是,我想購買 16 英寸 MacBook Pro 的 M3 Max 機型。

  • And initially, when I saw the specs of this thing were gonna go up to a 16-core CPU and a 40-core GPU,

    起初,當我看到這東西的規格要達到 16 核 CPU 和 40 核 GPU、

  • I thought to myself, okay, that is going to be one powerful laptop.


  • And I was genuinely worried about the smaller size 14-inch model with that level of performance.

    我真的很擔心尺寸較小的 14 英寸機型也能達到這樣的性能水準。

  • And I was kind of right and kind of wrong at the same time with this assessment.


  • So yeah, you can spec out the 14-inch and the 16-inch model exactly the same way.

    是以,14 英寸和 16 英寸機型的規格完全相同。

  • So on paper, their performance is equivalent.


  • And if you're only interested in specing your model out with an M3 Pro chip, you really don't have to watch this part of the video because both the 14 and 16-inch are really gonna perform pretty much exactly the same on the M3 Pro.

    如果你只對配備 M3 Pro 芯片的機型感興趣,那你就真的沒必要看這部分視頻了,因為 14 英寸和 16 英寸機型在 M3 Pro 上的性能幾乎完全相同。

  • It's only the M3 Max model where you're going to notice more than just a performance difference.

    只有在 M3 Max 型號上,您才會發現不僅僅是性能上的差異。

  • And honestly, based on all the tests I've seen and all the performance benchmark videos I watched,


  • I think real-world performance is really only going to take a little bit of a hit on edge case scenarios because the M3 Max 14-inch doesn't have the thermal capacity of the 16-inch and it will throttle a little more and be a little bit slower.

    我認為實際性能只會在邊緣情況下受到一點影響,因為 M3 Max 14 英寸沒有 16 英寸的散熱能力,它的節流會更多一些,速度會更慢一些。

  • But I don't think you should make your decision based on performance.


  • Because again, for most tasks, these two computers are very, very close.


  • However, there is something you should consider and that is fan noise and heat.


  • One of the biggest benefits of switching over to my original M1 Max MacBook Pro was the fan noise.

    改用原來的 M1 Max MacBook Pro 最大的好處之一就是風扇噪音小。

  • I rarely heard the fan spin up on my 14-inch model when I was using it.

    我在使用 14 英寸機型時,很少聽到風扇轉動的聲音。

  • This thing was pretty much always running on silent even when I was doing more intensive tasks like exporting video.


  • And the laptop would barely even get warm when the fans were running.


  • It was so impressive at the time to see a smaller laptop not only perform well, but be silent most of the time doing it and also being able to spec both sizes exactly the same.


  • Don't forget, on older Intel MacBook Pros, you couldn't do that.

    別忘了,在舊款英特爾 MacBook Pro 上,你無法做到這一點。

  • The 13-inch model was always weaker.

    13 英寸機型的性能始終較弱。

  • And it's sad to say this, but I believe that is no longer the case.


  • If you are getting the M3 Max model, it is likely as you push the performance of the 14-inch model, you are more likely going to hear the fans over the 16-inch.

    如果您購買的是 M3 Max 機型,那麼當您提升 14 英寸機型的性能時,很可能會聽到風扇的聲音,而不是 16 英寸機型的聲音。

  • I've watched multiple videos and talked to Patrick Tommaso who made a great video about his MacBook Pro.

    我觀看了多個視頻,並與 Patrick Tommaso 交談過,他製作了一個關於 MacBook Pro 的精彩視頻。

  • And one of the things he mentioned to me is that he does hear the fans well up on his 14-inch model and sometimes said it could be as loud as the fan noise on older Intel MacBook Pros.

    他向我提到的一件事是,在他的 14 英寸機型上,他確實能聽到風扇的聲音,有時還說可能和老款英特爾 MacBook Pro 的風扇噪音一樣大。

  • So this is something I didn't want to deal with on my MacBook Pro.

    是以,這是我不想在 MacBook Pro 上遇到的問題。

  • And it's probably the biggest reason I'm glad


  • I went for the 16-inch model because I hate hearing loud fan noise.

    我選擇了 16 英寸的機型,因為我不喜歡聽到巨大的風扇噪音。

  • And so far, thankfully, I have not heard a peep out of my M3 Max 16-inch model.

    值得慶幸的是,到目前為止,我的 M3 Max 16 英寸機型還沒有發出任何聲音。

  • And that's important to me because while my 14-inch MacBook Pro was kind of a side laptop I would use alongside a more powerful desktop Mac Studio,

    這對我來說很重要,因為我的 14 英寸 MacBook Pro 只是一臺輔助筆記本電腦,我會將它與功能更強大的臺式機 Mac Studio 放在一起使用、

  • I bought this 16-inch model with the intention of replacing both my laptop and my desktop.

    我買了這款 16 英寸機型,打算同時替換我的筆記本電腦和臺式機。

  • So hopefully, as my primary computer,


  • I wanted to make sure that this thing had not only the performance headroom, but I also wanted to make sure that I didn't lose out on quality of life upgrades like hearing the fan noise or having my MacBook Pro get hot when I'm using intensive applications.

    我不僅要確保它有足夠的性能空間,還要確保我的生活品質不會受到影響,比如聽到風扇噪音,或者在使用高強度應用程序時 MacBook Pro 發熱。

  • And so far, that hasn't happened.


  • So I've been very happy with the 16-inch.

    是以,我對 16 英寸非常滿意。

  • Of course, one other thing I have to mention before I end this is one side benefit of going for a larger laptop this time is even more battery life.


  • Now, I don't know how accurate these impressions are because I am coming from an older 14-inch MacBook Pro.

    現在,我不知道這些印象有多準確,因為我使用的是較舊的 14 英寸 MacBook Pro。

  • I've used it for two years.


  • The battery health on this thing has fallen below 90%.

    這東西的電池電量已低於 90%。

  • So maybe my battery life impressions are also kind of colored by the fact that this is a brand new battery in this device.


  • But basically, oh man, the battery life on the 16-inch model, it just keeps on going and going and going.

    但基本上,天哪,16 英寸機型的電池續航時間,就是這樣一直持續下去。

  • Like, I don't ever think about battery life with this laptop.


  • And what I mean by that is I've been using it portably and I do all my work on it.


  • And then, you know, maybe I connect it up to my display and my display automatically charges it.


  • And then I go use it again portably.


  • And during all this time using my 16-inch model, not once have I looked at the battery life and went, oh, I better go charge this thing.

    在使用我的 16 英寸機型的這段時間裡,我沒有一次在看了電池續航時間後說:哦,我最好去給這東西充電。

  • Like, I'm able to get all my work done.


  • And then I go connect it to my display for, you know, to get a bigger display and get my work done there.


  • And basically for me at this point, it is just like, there's no battery anxiety with this device, which hopefully means that I'm gonna be more productive with this laptop because I could just keep working on it and working on it and working on it.


  • And that means more videos for you, which means you get to see more of this beautiful face.


  • And I get to make more videos for you, which is something I wanna do because I wanna be more productive.


  • I wanna make better videos.


  • And that's kind of like the, you know, ideal here.


  • You get a new laptop, you get a new tool.


  • It has some better things going for it.


  • And those quality of life improvements means that you can get your work done faster and more efficiently.


  • And with battery life, that's kind of true here.


  • So yeah, did I make a mistake moving over from the 14-inch MacBook Pro to the 16-inch model?

    那麼,從 14 英寸 MacBook Pro 升級到 16 英寸機型,我是否犯了錯?

  • I don't think so, but I will admit, there are some things I don't like about this bigger laptop.


  • But I think this year in particular, with the M3 Max model that I picked,

    但我認為,特別是今年,我選擇了 M3 Max 型號、

  • I would probably have been more disappointed going for an M3 Max 14-inch model.

    如果是 M3 Max 14 英寸機型,我可能會更失望。

  • For me at least, the pros of the 16-inch far outweigh the cons.

    至少對我來說,16 英寸的優點遠遠大於缺點。

  • However, I will also say, my biggest potential regret right now might be wondering if maybe I should have just stuck with my M1 Max 14-inch for another year.

    不過,我也要說,我現在最大的潛在遺憾可能就是在想,我是否應該再堅持用一年我的 14 英寸 M1 Max。

  • Because honestly, this thing is still really so powerful.


  • And honestly, it has aged gracefully.


  • It had the perfect size, weight, power, and thermal combination that I think might make it one of the best MacBook Pro releases ever.

    它擁有完美的尺寸、重量、功率和散熱組合,我認為這可能會使它成為有史以來發布的最好的 MacBook Pro 之一。

  • And based on Apple's recent strategy of making the Max chips even more powerful than the Pro variants, this might be the norm going forward, at least for the next few years.

    根據蘋果公司最近的策略,Max 芯片的功能甚至比 Pro 芯片更強大,這可能是未來的常態,至少在未來幾年是這樣。

  • And the 14-inch could be a laptop that, yes, gets more powerful, but also has drawbacks of that power hitting a ceiling that it previously didn't.

    而 14 英寸的筆記本電腦雖然性能更強,但也有其不足之處,那就是它的功率達到了以前沒有達到的上限。

  • And when you think about if that makes it a better product in terms of real-world benefits, like I try to cover in this video, more than just, you know, it's a more powerful laptop, it might kind of be a step backwards.


  • And I'm not sure how I feel about that.


  • So yeah, listen, Apple Silicon's still great, but this was such a good laptop.


  • And it served me really well.


  • But yeah, that's the video.


  • That's why I chose the 16-inch model over the 14-inch MacBook Pro.

    這就是我選擇 16 英寸機型而非 14 英寸 MacBook Pro 的原因。

  • And hopefully it helped you out.


  • If it did, please give me a like.


  • If you wanna see more from the channel, well, obviously make sure you get subscribed and I'll catch you in the next one.


So as many of you know, I decided to go with this, the 16-inch MacBook Pro as my main computer.

你們很多人都知道,我決定用這臺 16 英寸 MacBook Pro 作為我的主電腦。

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