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  • (Image source: AppleInsider)


  • Apple released a new operating system for the iPhone this week and rumor has it the

  • company could redesign the hardwareand release several new versions of the iPhone

  • this fall.

  • New reports say the company is planning to release 4.7 and 5.7-inch models. That's more

  • than an inch larger than the iPhone 4. (Via ZDNet)

  • Some say the company is entering into the "phablet" marketlarger smartphones that

  • are not quite big enough to be considered tablets. (Via The Independent)

  • Rumors also suggest Apple may come out with a less expensive $99 colorful iPhone.

  • The phone would not be as advanced as current iPhones or the larger screen models. Apple

  • supplier Pegatron would make these phones. (Via AppleInsider)

  • Foxconn will carry on producing the black and white models, which will remain full-price

  • exclusives.  

  • Many believe this new batch of smartphones is aimed to compete with Samsung's extensive

  • lineup of smartphones. Currently, Samsung has the 5.5-inch Galaxy Note II and phones

  • at many different price points. (Via International Business Times)

  • But a writer for CNET was asked if getting a new iPhone even matters these days. Aren't

  • they all pretty much the same?

  • She basically said yesbesides faster processing, better screens and sharper cameras

  • the changes to hardware now are just incremental and don't make a big difference to the average

  • consumer's experience.

  • "Eventually, the hardware differences among new devices become somewhat insignificant

  • to most wireless users. Some people might argue that we've already reached that point.

  • And that's why the nearly 3-year-old iPhone 4, and almost 2-year-old iPhone 4S are still

  • selling like hotcakes."

  • She goes on to say Apple's new operating system iOS7 is what will set Apple's smartphones

  • apart from the competition.

(Image source: AppleInsider)


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下一代的哀鳳 Next iPhones: Bigger Screens, New Colors, Lower Prices?

  • 580 37
    Halu Hsieh 發佈於 2013 年 08 月 25 日