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  • Hi, Bob the Canadian here.

    嗨,我是加拿大人 Bob。

  • This is kind of a little intro to the "Wednesdays with Bob" video for today, where I tell a little bit of an embarrassing story.

    這是對今天的「與 Bob 的星期三」影片的一點介紹,我在其中講述了一個令人尷尬的故事。

  • I think you'll like it.


  • But a "Wednesdays with Bob" video is an extra video that you get once a week if you are a member.

    但「與 Bob 的星期三」影片是一個額外的影片,如果你是會員,你每週都會收到一次。

  • Every couple of months, I do like to publish the "Wednesdays with Bob" video publicly so that everybody can see it.

    每隔幾個月,我會公開發布與「與 Bob 的星期三」影片,以便每個人都可以看到它。

  • And even though the "Wednesdays with Bob" videos aren't English lessons, they do come with word-for-word English subtitles, and there's usually a complete transcript in the description, just to kinda help you.

    儘管「與 Bob 的星期三」影片不是英語課程,但它們配有逐字的英文字幕,並且說明欄中通常有完整的逐字稿,只是為了對你有所幫助。

  • Again, the video will start in a moment.


  • I'll tell a little story about when I was a kid.


  • I'm not sure I wanted to share this story, but I think you'll like it.


  • But I do wanna say a couple of things.


  • If you're not a member and you would like to thank me or to support me in the work I do on this channel, there is a join button below.


  • And if you are a member, thank you very much for the support that you have given to me in the past, and that I hope you continue to give me in the future.


  • It just makes it easier for me to create great content for everyone.


  • Hi, Bob the Canadian here.

    嗨,我是加拿大人 Bob。

  • Welcome to "Wednesdays with Bob" number 17.

    歡迎來到「與 Bob 的星期三」第 17 集。

  • Remember, even though this isn't an English lesson, there are word-for-word English subtitles and the complete transcript below if you need it.


  • Today I thought I would tell you a little story about something I did when I was a kid.


  • When I was about 10 or 11 years old, I can't remember exactly, a man came to the farm to fix one of the pieces of farm equipment for my dad.

    當我大約 10 或 11 歲的時候,我記不太清楚了,一個男人來到農場為我爸爸修理一件農具。

  • And I'm not sure exactly what was broken, but my dad and the man who came to the farm, they worked on this piece of equipment.


  • The man had lots of tools and as he was fixing things, at a certain point, he needed his knife, and out of his pocket, he took a really nice little, what we would call a jackknife.


  • So that's a knife with a blade that opens and closes.


  • And he opened up the jackknife and he did something while he was fixing the piece of farm equipment.


  • And then he closed it and he set it down.


  • And as he continued to work on the farm equipment, he kinda kicked it a few times and it kind of moved away from him to a spot where it was close to me.


  • And I thought it was a really cool knife.


  • I thought it was really neat. I thought it was awesome.


  • And I wanted it.


  • So I kicked it away a little bit.


  • I kicked it away and I covered it up with some hay.


  • There was some hay on the ground and I just kinda stood there and watched while he continued fixing the farm equipment.


  • And he kept talking with my dad and eventually it was fixed, and he cleaned up all his tools, except for the knife.


  • And he put all his tools in his toolbox, and he went back to his truck, and my dad and him were just standing, talking by the truck.


  • By the way, I have never shared this before but one of the reasons I think I am good at YouTube is because I inherited from my dad the ability to talk.

    順便說一句,我以前從未分享過這一點,但我認為我擅長拍 YouTube 影片的原因之一是因為我從父親那裡繼承了講話的能力。

  • My dad was a talker. He really liked talking to people.


  • And I don't know if I've shared this before either, but my dad passed away a long time ago, when I was much younger.


  • I think I was 29 or 30 when my dad passed away.

    我想我父親去世時我才 29 歲或 30 歲。

  • Anyways, let's get back to the story.


  • I felt guilty.


  • I went back and I got the knife from under the hay, and I was gonna keep the knife.


  • And I thought, "This is so cool. I've gotten this knife."


  • And then I felt extremely guilty.


  • And I ran to the man by his truck.


  • He was standing there talking to my dad.


  • I ran over and I said, "You forgot your knife."


  • And then what happened next, I'll remember for a very long time.


  • He thanked me.


  • He was very, very thankful.


  • He just said, "Oh, thank you so much."


  • And he praised me for being such an honest person.


  • And I still feel funny about that because the reality is that initially I wasn't an honest person.


  • Initially, I was going to steal his knife, but I decided not to, and I ran and I gave it back to him.


  • So just a little story about Bob the Canadian from when he was a kid.

    這是加拿大人 Bob 小時候的小故事。

  • Hopefully you enjoyed it and I'll see you next Wednesday with another "Wednesdays with Bob" video.

    希望你喜歡它,下週三我將通過另一個「與 Bob 的星期三」影片與你見面。

Hi, Bob the Canadian here.

嗨,我是加拿大人 Bob。

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跟著加拿大人Bob學英文系列:邊聽 Bob 說故事邊學英文吧! (Learn English Through Story Bob the Thief Wednesdays with Bob 17)

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    洪子雯 發佈於 2024 年 06 月 23 日