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  • In the networking code, you may have noticed that there are different types

  • of exceptions, but you didn't know what they're for.

  • Now we haven't formally talked about them, so let's do that now.

  • The first time you saw and exception was in the first course in the nano degree

  • when we were building the Just Java coffee ordering app.

  • Now the app ran into an exception and crashed.

  • To debug the program, we opened up the Android logs

  • to reveal the stack trace and then discovered an IllegalStateException

  • was thrown when the submitOrder method could not be found in the main activity.

  • Let's look at some documentation about exceptions.

  • When the Java method fails, or runs into an unexpected state,

  • it can throw an exception, short for an exceptional event.

  • Exceptions are basically errors, but they're also captured or

  • wrapped in actual instances of the exception class, which holds information

  • about what went wrong and what was happening in the system at the time.

  • If you look here on the left for

  • example, you'll also notice that there are more specific types of exceptions

  • that actually extend from the Exceptions super class.

  • A great example of inheritance in use in the Java framework.

  • In other words,

  • all of these specific classes are subclasses of the base class Exception.

  • For example, here we have an IllegalStateException or

  • a NullPointerException.

  • We also saw the SecurityException earlier in this lesson,

  • when the Internet permission was missing from our Soonami App.

  • Now you could create a new exception class for your own purposes.

  • For example, we can create an InvalidEarthquakeException and

  • define it as we normally would.

  • Create a custom class and

  • then have that custom class just extend from the base Exception class.

  • >From there, we can customize the Exception to hold say,

  • very specify information about an invalid earthquake scenario.

  • So as a developer you can write a method that declares that it will

  • throw an exception.

  • Meaning that the code inside that method either one, generates and

  • exception to indicate a unique condition, or two,

  • and more commonly, calls a method that throws an exception.

  • Meaning that the Android runtime tried to execute some code, but ran into

  • a problem and therefore gave notice of the problem by throwing the exception.

  • It's also important to note that if an exception is thrown, it also means

  • that the code following the line that caused the exception won't get executed.

  • So how do you do this in Java code?

  • There are two distinctions that I'd like you to pay attention to.

  • Number one, anywhere in your Java code where you want to cause or

  • invoke an exception, you use the key word throw.

  • Like in this example here,

  • where we want to throw an InvalidPurchase Exception(); because we

  • detected that something went wrong within our completePurchase() method.

  • Number two, and this is much more subtle.

  • Anytime our code throws an exception that isn't a descendant of the error or

  • runtime Exception classes, we must explicitly declare in our method's

  • signature that our method could throw such an exception.

  • In Java programming speak, this is known as a checked exception and

  • has the implication that any code that calls or uses our method

  • must handle the exception i.e., call our method in a try block.

  • This is enforced by the Java compiler,

  • in other words whoever calls the completePurchase method has to have

  • a backup plan if the InvalidPurchase Exception is thrown or occurs.

  • We'll talk about how to handle exceptions in the next video.

  • In case you'd like to learn more about unchecked versus checked Eeceptions

  • in more detail, see the tutorial linked in the notes below this video.

  • One more important note.

  • Just because there's a standard framework for

  • how to use Exceptions in Java, it doesn't mean that you should throw

  • exceptions every time something goes wrong.

  • This is where developer discretion comes into play.

  • Ideally, if we discover a problem or a unique situation, we should try and

  • handle it gracefully in code.

  • By just falling back to some reasonable default behavior for example, and

  • continuing executing if possible.

  • We call this failing silently.

  • However, should we deem that it be more detrimental to keep going with an error

  • state, then we may decide it's best to notify our calling code of the error

  • by throwing exception.

  • We've seen this in play already.

  • In the case of our Soonami App, when we tried to request earthquake data from

  • the internet, the Android framework code threw a SecurityException.

  • This is a case when it's better to throw an exception and

  • crash the app as opposed to continuing without the Internet permission.

  • Now if the Android framework code had failed silently,

  • then we as developers would probably be super confused

  • as to why we did receive response from the server.

  • In the case of the Soonami and Quick Report Apps, we won't actually be

  • creating our own custom exceptions or throwing exceptions intentionally.

  • We will however be calling the Android framework code that does throw exception

  • and we'll need to handle those exceptions appropriately.

  • Let's talk about that next.

In the networking code, you may have noticed that there are different types


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例外情況 (Exceções)

  • 43 2
    Shuyang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日