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Well- >> Hi.
>> Welcome to the show.
>> Thank you.
>> This is your very first
time. >> My very
first time. >> On
the program. >> It is.
I'm so excited I can't even tell you.
I'm such a huge fan and
have been for years.
I'm sort of freaking out right now.
I'm very, I'm just so thrilled to be here.
I had a VHS tape of you on Carson that I would play over and over again.
>> How old were you?
>> I was about seven, and I was obsessed with comedy as a kid.
I was a weird kid who didn't go outside ever.
>> [LAUGH] >> And I would just stay inside and
watch comedy.
And my parents knew that I loved watching stand up so
they would tape late night shows for me.
And I had your Carson tape, and I wore it out.
And I memorized your, phone call to God bit is one of my,
it's the best stand up routine of all time.
It is. [APPLAUSE] It's, it really is incredible.
>> Thank you.
[APPLAUSE] >> And I, yeah.
>> So, phone call to God.
That, as a seven year old, to get that.
And then I know you did stand-up.
Did you, as a kid, did you do that routine?
>> I memorized it.
>> [LAUGH] >> And I did it for show and tell.
>> [LAUGH] >> And
I wish I could say I did you proud, but.
>> The kid before me had like a shark tooth that he brought in from the Bahamas.
That really killed.
It was a hard act to follow.
Then I did your bit, but I was taking those great comedic
pauses that you had while you're waiting on the line,
and I just had this room full of second-graders staring at me.
And I also went in and
I said like, it's Ellen, Ellen DeGeneres, and you're like who is she?
Why is she? That's not her name.
>> [LAUGH] >> But
anyway I'm just so thrilled to be here.
>> Well, first of all thank you very much and I tell you for
along time before I did that on Carson >> I had a room full of adults that didn't
listen to those pauses either.
>> [LAUGH] >> So, it took a long time for
people to let me have those long pauses, but for a seven year old,
that's really impressive that you actually grasped that concept.
So, I'm impressed by you.
And now, you're on Big Bang Theory which is so impressive.
>> Thank-you.
[APPLAUSE] >> Good show.
>> Thank you.
>> [APPLAUSE] >> I mean and
I know that everybody gets along, and it's a great set right?
>> It's a dream.
It is a dream.
And I came into the show later and they all couldn't have been more welcoming.
It's just such a huge family and I love it.
And we're right on the lot, right by you and they have.
>> There's all these beautiful posters outside of all the shows, and I was so
excited when I was on the poster and I brought my parents
by the lot to show them when they came to visit and I was like, look to your right!
And they just went, Ellen!
>> [LAUGH] >> They were so excited and
we drove by it again and they were like, there you are too!
>> There you are!
Yeah, no that's a cool, I love that poster they put up of y'all.
I think that's really cool.
That's funny that your family did that.
[LAUGH] So, there's you.
So let's talk about the So this is impressive.
So you produced it, you wrote it, you star in it.
And tell, your very, very funny, everybody what it is.
>> So, I play a gymnast wo wins the bronze medal on a torn Achilles, and
then flash forward ten years later, she's living in her dad's basement.
She hasn't done anything with her life.
And then, she's faced with a decision when a young athlete comes to town,
does she train her or does she sabotage her in order to preserve her own legacy.
And you wrote it with your husband, right?
>> I did, yes. >> And was that good or hard or?
>> We started as writing partners before we got together so
we sort of had this good dynamic.
We have like a best idea wins mentality.
>> Mm-hm.
>> Which I'm sort of trying to bleed into our relationship.
>> [LAUGH] >> Like, the best idea is for
you to take out the garbage.
>> Uh-huh. [LAUGH].
We, and we had a great time filming together.
We were in it, we shot it in Ohio.
And, so we drove to set together.
And there was this, we're lucky we got out.
Because there was this one night where we were driving home.
And, the cops pulled us over, cuz I guess he was speeding, my husband was speeding.
And so the cop comes over and
my husband is trying to explain to him what was happening.
And he was trying to get out of a ticket basically.
And he reached into the backseat to grab the call sheet from
where we worked to tell him that we were there doing a movie.
And when he turned to reach in the back the cop thought he was pulling out a gun
and so he's like, put your hands on the steering wheel, and
it became a whole situation.
And he asked me to get out of the car and then he called for backup, and
he was asking me if I was kidnapped.
>> My God. >> [LAUGH]
>> And then, all of a sudden,
he put a flashlight in my face and said are you Bernadette Wolowitz-Rostenkowski?
And then all of a sudden they let us off, which was really great.
And then we were on our way to Friendly's and
they gave us a police escort to Friendly's.
It was very nice.
>> It ended very well.
>> [APPLAUSE] >> It did.
It ended well.
>> Yeah.