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Hey everyone, today's video I'm going to talk
with you about the six signs of depression.
So stay tuned.
So sign number one: Feelings of hopelessness
or constant pessimism.
And the reason that this is so prevalent with depression
is because often times if any of you have been
depressed, you know it can go on for a long period of time.
And during that, we think "is it ever going to end? Oh my god am I going to feel like this forever?"
And so that feeling of hopelessness and pessimism about our future is palpable, is everywhere, right?
We feel it all day. So that's why it's so important that if you're struggling with this
and if you think "hey I might have some of these signs" you should seek help. If you don't already
have a therapist, please reach out and get one. If you haven't already talked to your doctor about this
please reach out and talk to them as well, because the sooner we get ahold of this, the better.
Sign number 2: Restlessness or irritability.
And this can have to do with a lot of the other signs that I'll talk about because we may not be sleeping
well or eating well, and people can just make us really frustrated and piss us off. So we're really
edgy. Everything will set us off.
Sign number 3: Now, this is something that we as therapists call anhedonia. But what that really means
in regular people terms is you don't have an interest or find pleasure in activities that you used to like and find
pleasure in. So if you used to love to paint and now you're like, ugh, I don't even want to think about it.
Or you used to have a book club you were involved in, or a sport you used to play with people and you no
longer want to participate, that's the sign I'm talking about.
Sign number 4: Overeating or Loss of appetite. Now, obviously, this is not otherwise attributed to an Eating
Disorder. That's something totally separate. But if you've always had a regular healthy appetite and now
you find yourself binge eating all day, or overeating till you kinda feel sick, or if you no longer have an appetite
and you had normal eating habits before, it could be attributed to depression and that's one of the signs.
Sign number 5: Suicide or suicide attempts. Or even suicidal ideation, like the thoughts of suicide. And obviously
this will have to do with the fact that we're really depressed and things have been feeling really bad to us lately
and so we may think about ending it all. If this is something that you are struggling with right now, please
please call 911, go to the hospital, contact your therapist, do whatever you can. Because we have to keep ourselves safe.
The final sign, sign number 6. Now this symptom, or these symptoms, are things that we feel in our bodies
because of our depression. And those are aches and pains, digestive issues, headaches. And the way that we know
that these are associated with our depression and not a general medical condition is that we've sought treatment
for them and they have persisted. So we've gone to our doctor for the headaches or the stomach aches and they
say everything is fine or they give us some medicine and nothing really helps it, and we still feel it
every day. Now obviously these are only six signs and symptoms of depression, and everybody experiences
things differently, right? But the great thing to know about all of this is that there's help out there.
We can get better. Depression is something that we can fight through, and we can win. And if you haven't checked
out my community and gotten on KatiMorton.com, we have a great community of people there to help and support
as well as me, myself to answer any questions you have about "well, I'm feeling kinda depressed and I want
to set up an appointment but what does that look like?" I have videos on that. So make sure you subscribe to my
channel because I put out videos on all sorts of topics that can be helpful while you work through your depression
because I'm here, our community is here for you, and we're going to get through this as we work together towards a
healthy mind and a healthy body.
Subtitles by the Amara.org community