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  • In this last section, we would like to add yet another ingredient to our oscillator.


  • So far, we have looked at an oscillator with a force that depends on the separation, basically to the equilibrium point, Hooke's law.


  • Then we added some damping, which was a force that was actually trying to reduce, was against the velocity, so a force that was proportional to the velocity but with a minus sign.


  • And finally, we want to see how we can actually include energy into the system, so how we can inject energy into the system.


  • And we are going to do this by including a sinusoidal driving force.


  • So basically what we are doing, we are including energy into the system in an oscillatory manner.


  • So now that we've said this, we can write the equation, Newton's law.


  • And what we see, the three terms on the left, the terms that we saw before for the damped oscillator, so just as a reminder, the acceleration, Hooke's law, and the damping factor, and the right-hand side will be a driving force.


  • So we are starting to accumulate the frequencies and symbols and so on.


  • So I'd like to insist on the fact that omega, in this case, is a parameter, if you will.

    是以,我堅持認為,Ω 在這裡是一個參數。

  • It's an external, it's the frequency at which you're actually applying the force.


  • So omega is a parameter of the problem.

    是以,Ω 是問題的一個參數。

  • And you see that the force is actually time-dependent.


  • So it's an oscillatory force, F0 being a constant.

    是以,這是一個振盪力,F0 是一個常數。

  • Now we are going to rewrite this equation again so that we put an x dot dot without a pre-factor.

    現在,我們要再次重寫這個等式,這樣我們就可以在不帶前置因子的情況下打上 x 點。

  • So we end up with this equation.


  • We've done this a number of times already.


  • And we need to solve this problem.


  • And we have to find a solution to this differential equation.


  • Well, the solution to this equation is the usual approach that we learn in ordinary differential equation.


  • We have two parts.


  • The first is a solution.


  • Sorry about that.


  • The first is a solution to the equation without the right-hand side, which we actually know already because this is the damped oscillator that we saw in the previous screencast.


  • And two, we want a solution that reproduces the right-hand side.


  • So we call that a complementary function and then a particular function.


  • So the complementary function, we've discussed it at length in the damped oscillator screencast, where we have the under-damped, over-damped, and critically damped.


  • The solution is here.


  • So this is a solution of the equation in the blue box without the right-hand side.


  • And the particular solution, we are going to try as a solution a cosine.


  • And we are going to see that the cosine actually should work.


  • But we are going to study this.


  • So the particular solution, let's try to see how this particular solution that we suggest here with d and delta being elements that we have to determine, let's see if it's a possible solution to the equation in blue.

    是以,讓我們試著看看我們在這裡提出的 d 和 delta 是我們必須確定的元素的特定解,看看它是否是藍色方程的可能解。

  • So we are going to introduce the solution xp in that equation and see if it's possible.

    是以,我們要在方程中引入解 xp,看看是否可行。

  • So as always, I know that students always remember trigonometry very well.


  • But it's probably a good idea to remember that trigonometry is always your friend.


  • So some equations that you might find useful.


  • And then what we do, we insert xp as a possible solution on the equation on the top.

    然後,我們將 xp 作為一個可能的解插入上面的等式中。

  • And then we end up with those two solutions, that equation.


  • And so what we see here is something that's interesting, is that we have a term in front of cosine omega t and a term in front of sine omega t.

    有趣的是,我們在餘弦歐米茄 t 和正弦歐米茄 t 前面都有一個項。

  • However, cosine omega t and sine omega t are linearly independent functions.

    然而,餘弦 omega t 和正弦 omega t 是線性獨立函數。

  • Therefore, in order for this equation to be always true for any time, we need the two coefficients in front of cosine omega t and in front of sine omega t to be zero.

    是以,為了使該方程在任何時間都始終成立,我們需要餘弦 omega t 前面和正弦 omega t 前面的兩個係數為零。

  • And in fact, by doing so, we will be able to determine the two unknowns, which are d and delta.

    事實上,通過這樣做,我們就能確定兩個未知數,即 d 和 delta。

  • So let's start with the simplest one, which is this term.


  • So this term should be equal to zero.


  • In order to ensure that the function is zero, the other term will also need to be zero.


  • We'll discuss that in a few minutes.


  • So we see directly that for this to be zero, if we divide by cosine delta left and right, we see that we find that the tangent of delta should be two omega beta divided by omega zero squared minus omega squared.

    是以,我們可以直接看到,要使其為零,如果我們用餘弦 delta 左右相除,我們就會發現 delta 的正切值應該是兩個歐米茄-貝塔除以歐米茄零的平方減去歐米茄的平方。

  • Just to remind you, omega zero is the natural frequency of the undamped oscillator that we've discussed since the beginning of this chapter.

    提醒一下,Ω 0 是我們在本章開始時討論過的無阻尼振盪器的固有頻率。

  • Omega is the frequency of the driving force that we have introduced.


  • And delta is really, when you think about it, when you go back to the equation that we used as xp, delta is a de-phasing between the application of the driving force and the response.

    仔細想想,回到我們使用的 xp 等式,delta 其實就是驅動力和響應之間的去相位。

  • So delta is really kind of a delay, if you will, between the application of the force and the maximum of the response.


  • So we have this solution.


  • Again, it's a good idea to remember some trigonometry.


  • And that allows us to calculate sine delta and cosine delta.


  • This is pretty elementary from trigonometry.


  • So we had this equation that has to be equal to zero.


  • We already focused on the second part.


  • Now let's look at this first part.


  • So we want this to be equal to zero.


  • And that allows me to find the value of a, actually the value of d as a function of a.

    這樣我就能找到 a 的值,實際上就是 d 的值與 a 的函數關係。

  • And then when we see this, we see that in the denominator, we have a cosine delta and a sine delta.


  • But we already calculated sine delta and cosine delta in the previous slide.


  • So when we substitute, we find that the value of d, which is the amplitude of the solution, the particular solution, is going to be given by this equation here.

    是以,當我們代入時,會發現 d 的值,也就是解的振幅,即特定解的振幅,將由這裡的方程給出。

  • So the amplitude is going to depend on a number of things.


  • It's going to depend on the damping, it's going to depend on the driving frequency, and also on the natural frequency.


  • So when we put everything together, we see that the particular solution of the problem is completely known now.


  • The particular solutions are completely known because we just described delta and we described d.

    因為我們剛剛描述了 delta 和 d,所以特定的解決方案是完全已知的。

  • So this is the solution, this exact solution.


  • And then as I discussed already, delta will be the phase difference between the maximum of the driving force and the maximum of the resultant motion.

    然後,正如我已經討論過的,delta 將是驅動力最大值與運動結果最大值之間的相位差。

  • Interestingly enough, this phase difference, delta, actually depends on the driving frequency.


  • Now, for example, I'm sorry, for example, just an example on the last slide, on the last line of this slide, we see that if there is no driving frequency, of course, there is no delay, obviously, there is a delay of pi over 2 at the frequency omega equal omega 0 and a dephasing of pi when the frequency is extremely large.


  • So that's going to give, you know, like the response of the system is actually delayed compared to the application of the force.


  • So what have we done in the past seven minutes and a half?


  • Well, we found a solution to the damped oscillator with a driving force.


  • And we saw that the solution is the sum of a particular solution and of the complementary solution.


  • So Xc is what we did in the previous screencast and Xp is the particular solution.

    是以,Xc 就是我們在前一個截屏中所做的,而 Xp 則是特定的解決方案。

  • So here is something that's very important to notice.


  • What I'm going to argue about now is that in steady state, so in the long time scales, what matters is Xp.

    我現在要論證的是,在穩態下,所以在長時間尺度上,重要的是 Xp。

  • In fact, Xc, the complementary, represents a transient effect.

    事實上,互補的 Xc 代表了一種瞬時效應。

  • So transient effect, I affect the die out quickly.


  • And let me explain to you why.


  • So I reproduce the plot there that we saw in the previous screencast into the damped oscillator.


  • And we see that in each case, the amplitude after a while goes to zero.


  • So Xc, after a sufficiently long time, Xc will go to zero.

    是以,在足夠長的時間後,Xc 將歸零。

  • So after you start the motion, if you wait long enough, the solution in blue will actually no longer matter.


  • So these effects will die out.


  • And so the only thing that's going to survive is Xp.

    是以,唯一能倖存下來的就是 Xp。

  • So this is the situation in the steady state.


  • And you can ask, what is long enough time?


  • Well, the time that's long enough will be the one where the exponential, which remember the exponential was e to the power minus beta t, when that exponential is low enough.

    那麼,足夠長的時間就是指數的時間,記得指數是 e 的冪次減去貝塔 t,當指數足夠低的時候。

  • So in other words, when the time, when beta t is large enough, so in other words, when the time is much larger than 1 over beta.

    是以,換句話說,當時間,當貝塔 t 足夠大時,是以,換句話說,當時間遠遠大於貝塔的 1 時。

  • So if you have a very damp situation, so beta is very large, the time it takes to get to steady state is very small.

    是以,如果情況非常潮溼,β 值非常大,那麼達到穩定狀態所需的時間就非常短。

  • So at that time, we are going to suppose that the blue solution is actually not going to matter anymore because we waited long enough so that the exponential got to zero.


  • So we only have to worry about Xp.

    是以,我們只需擔心 Xp。

  • And when we do that, we see that depending on the frequency at which we drive the system, we are going to see that Xc is going to go to zero.

    當我們這樣做時,我們會發現,根據我們驅動系統的頻率,我們會發現 Xc 將歸零。

In this last section, we would like to add yet another ingredient to our oscillator.


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