Same thing with your grandmother and grandfather, my parents, they couldn't reach me, the cell phones were really sporadic, every once in a while, like, you wouldn't get anything, and then all of a sudden a call would come through, so I think I reached around 8 o'clock at night, I think we had some form of service, and then we were told, you know, I spoke to your mother, said, yeah, I'm okay, you know, I'm glad that you're okay, one of the, of my whole life, one of the moments I'll never forget, and there's not a day that goes by that I look at the skyline because of where I live, I have to see it every day, that you don't think about the people that perished in that, and having known, my count was about 12 people that perished, but every one of them was just a tragic loss, and, uh...
你的外婆和外公也是一樣 我的父母 他們聯繫不上我 手機很不穩定 時不時會有電話打進來你知道,我很高興你沒事 我一生中最難忘的時刻之一 我每天都在看天際線 因為我住的地方,我每天都得看到它..