字幕列表 影片播放
hey boys and girls welcome to my new game show it's called guess the verb so here's how it works
嘿,男孩和女孩們,歡迎來到我的新遊戲節目,它被稱為 "猜測動詞",所以它的工作原理如下
I'm going to give you some expressions now these could be expressions or phrasal verbs God everyone
hates phrasal verbs and you have to guess only the verb are you ready let's go so the first one
we have our mystery verb and off so I would say hey why don't you off and this means go away
or leave me alone now this happened to me the other day I was walking my dog
and somebody told me to get off of the property so you know what I said to him I said hey mister off
can you guess the phrasal verb in this first sentence the next one is a phrasal verb and we
你能猜出這第一句話中的短語動詞嗎? 下一句是短語動詞,我們
have our mystery word plus a round and I think in more of a British style I think British English
I would use about so you would hear people say Ronnie stop a boat or stop
around and do some work this means basically like stop wasting your time
or what did you do yesterday uh nothing I just around and I can use the past tense of the verb
或者你昨天做了什麼 呃,沒什麼,我只是在附近,我可以使用動詞的過去式
too you know I really wasn't doing anything um I just around the whole day it was great
你也知道我真的沒有做任何事情 嗯,我只是在周圍的整個一天,這是偉大的
do you know the phrasal verb yet do you know the verb um if I do this verb with someone
it means Hmm this is not good I try to harm or hurt them so for example I say do you know what
um that guy is with me I can put an ing on that or he tried to me
and it's not a good thing if someone tries to you sometimes it is but in this context it's
not if you have to tell your friends like oh do you know what that person tried to me
it's never a good scene so if you try to harm someone
um I've done this have you ever made a mistake I make a mistake almost every day
but I can say oh you know what please don't it up please don't it up
means you make a mistake so I can say something it up or just up oh that
person they're they're so terrible they're such a up don't be up up
let's say that I'm in a fight with someone and I said you know what I don't even want
to talk to him anymore him he's he's gone he's out of my life yep not having it
再也不和他說話了 他已經走了,他已經離開了我的生活 是的,沒有了。
um I would like something bad to happen to this person so I would say him or you as well
um then we have that so again this means like no way uh that no no no no or you just disagree
with someone if someone says hey Ronnie do you want to go like run uh tonight at like
12 o'clock and we can run you know like do a couple hundred K's I'd be like that
100ks maybe on a bicycle but not running can't do it sorry
oh this is a bad one too um if you or someone does something bad to someone we can say someone
had someone over so I can say for example Bob Smith Kevin over or he tried to me over
so it means somebody did something bad to you um this one I like it
所以這意味著有人對你做了什麼壞事 嗯,這個我喜歡
foreign let's just do it yeah let's just do it okay or it can always use the opposite maybe
you're at your job um or you're trying to do something you just can't do it
你在工作中... ...或者你想做一些事情,但就是做不到
you're just like guess what I'm out here a bit bye bye I give up
this one you're hearing movies a lot when people fight yeah some people say screw you
這個你經常聽到的電影,當人們吵架時 是的,有些人說去你的
well not me though I hate you is basically what the person's saying this guy too it's
the same thing oh this one has a double meaning you never know what the person means when they say
I use me are you saying let's have sex or me wow it could be an expression of
disbelief if you tell someone something like oh hey uh yesterday I just ran 100ks
me you would never do that don't lie you're lying I like this one um if someone's ing the dog
我,你永遠不會這樣做的,不要撒謊,你在撒謊,我喜歡這個... ...如果有人在吃狗肉的話
it's very common expression you'll hear people hey Bob stop the dog and get to work
it means you're being lazy at work you're not actually working you're the dog so
please don't the dog at your work it's it's terrible and you're not actually
the dog you're just just an expression so have you guessed the verb
no not yet well it's part of our game show we're gonna play a little game and the game you guys
know it's very common it's called hangman so what I'm going to do is I'm going to get you
to please guess a letter any letter yell it out we'll put it on the board and see if we can get
the answer to these letters so who'd like to go first anyone two q q that is a very
terrible choice of a letter it's not in many words but no sorry no
um but that might work yes X yeah good guess now the object is to get the letters right of the game
sorry X does not exist so he's gonna have this okay and anyone else anyone are that is actually
a really good letter because R we have in a lot of words but I'm sorry it's not on there today
anyone else come on don't be shy it's okay see oh that would be a good letter too but
it's actually here oh so we have a letter got two more to go anyone else anyone else a little
bit of vowel would anyone like to buy a vowel the vowels are in English what are the vowels
位元音有人想買元音嗎? 元音在英語中是什麼?
why okay sometimes why is a vowel a good job you and then I'm sorry Y no it's not going to
work there so sometimes y is a vowel a e i o u and sometimes y but you me me yes me oh no
在那裡工作,所以有時y是元音a e i o u,有時是y,但你我我,是我哦不
the letter yes oh hey we're getting closer ah so we have uh now what are some verb duck duck off
don't duck around man sometimes when I'm texting my friends the autocorrect changes the word to
duck and it says oh duck Dad I'm out of here man quack so you always put a quack after that I'm
sorry it is not a d word um let's give you and one more chance choose one more letter and then if you
對不起,這不是一個D字 嗯,讓我們再給你一次機會,再選擇一個字母,然後如果你
don't get it I'm just gonna give up anyone Zen Zed is actually the correct answer the word is Zuck
no people come on the word is CENSORED BY YOUTUBE