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  • Julian: Happiness, is it possible to feel it so intensely it manifests itself as aggression?

  • Does this sound crazy? Have you ever picked up a puppy and felt the inexplicable urge

  • to squeeze it. Do you have a crazy aunt who likes to pinch your cheek. Have you ever picked

  • up someone from the airport and almost hugged the life out of them? I know I have.

  • Well earlier this year psychologists at Yale University coined the term for this phenomenon.

  • It's called "cute aggression." And it's a real thing! Now you can take my word for it or

  • you can check out this study. We thought we'd try that experiment for ourselves here in our lab.

  • We brought in a selection of volunteers to act as our subjects, and showed them a

  • slide show of animal photos. Before we started the show I handed each subject a sheet of

  • bubble wrap and told them once the slideshow began they should feel free to pop as many

  • or as few as they felt like. Here's what happened next.

  • Participant 1: It's so cute!

  • Participant 2: Oh my god, you guys are getting me with these dog images!

  • Julian: Well, for our experiment we had you watch a slideshow

  • for neutral photos you popped four bubbles. For the cute pictures you popped

  • 45 bubbles. Participant 3: Is there something wrong with

  • the brother. [laughs] Julian: Why do you think it evoked a physical

  • reaction? Participant 4: I really don't remember a reason,

  • just kind of popped randomly. Participant 5: It's just something about popping

  • those bubbles that makes you like ugh. P2: I think it just has more of an emotional

  • reaction. When you have a picture of cute animals especially animals interacting with

  • each other. Participant 6: Watching the images, the ones

  • that really stuck out or made an impact were the ones where there was some sort of connection

  • or bond. P7: I'm a person that when I'm happier I tend

  • to fidget more often, and so I'm more prone to popping.

  • Julian: For the neutral group you popped 2 bubbles. We actually wrote down the two you

  • chose to pop on, you chose the billy goat and then you popped on the ant. Do you remember

  • what you were thinking? P8: Annoying?

  • Julian: have you heard of the term "cute aggression?" P2: No.

  • P9: No. P8: Maybe.

  • P3: No. P6: I don't believe so, no.

  • P5: As in when a kitten aggressively attacking your fingers?

  • Julian: No. When you see something so cute you're overwhelmed by it and you feel the

  • need to vent that feeling or you might even get frustrated, can you think of any instances

  • where you might have actually felt cute aggression for yourself?

  • P1: I have seven brothers and sisters and I'm the oldest. I remember pinching their

  • cheeks a few times, maybe a little harder than was pleasant for them.

  • P2: It happened the other day when I saw this cute dog walk by and I'm like, "Oh my god

  • the dog is so cute I just want to hold it pet the dog and make it my new friend" but

  • it wouldn't allow me to do that. P9: So we got this little puppy when I was

  • like 18 and as soon as I got it I just felt the need to like take a bunch of pictures

  • of it and put it all over Facebook for everyone to see how cute this puppy was because I just

  • wanted to show the world how cute he was! Julian: So your response to overwhelming cuteness

  • is to take a lot of pictures and show everyone. P9: Yes! Exactly!

  • P3: When I first moved to California my wife was still in St. Louis for four months so

  • when she first came here I think I hugged her tighter than I usually would.

  • And other things. [laughs] Julian: I'm done.

  • So, why would cute aggression exist? Cute aggression doesn't mean we literally want

  • to hurt something that's cute. In fact, it's quite the opposite. When we see something

  • that's cute, it's human nature to want to take care of it, but since we obviously can't

  • reach through the screen and touch it we become internally frustrated and we vent it out as

  • aggression. We exhibit positive emotions in negative ways all the time. Like feeling so

  • happy you can cry, which many of you did when you watched our first video, which you can

  • check out down below. Ultimately cute aggression is nothing to worry about but, if that aunt

  • does tell you that you're so cute that she could eat you up, run! So, does cute aggression

  • ever happen in your life? Why don't you share it with us by uploading a video response or

  • telling us about it in the comments. I'm Julian, and this as been The Science of Happiness.

  • SoulPancake Subscribe!

Julian: Happiness, is it possible to feel it so intensely it manifests itself as aggression?


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幸福的科學--可愛的攻擊性研究 (The Science of Happiness - A Study of Cute Aggression)

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