字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 How great is God, 全能的上帝是創造天地的主 exalted in power, majestic above all. 他的能力顯為至高 The heavens tell of His greatness. 他的威嚴傳遍全地 The skies display His awesome craftsmanship. 他奇妙的作為彰顯在整個浩瀚的宇宙 Day after day they continue to speak. 讓人贊嘆不已 Night after night they make Him known. 上帝創造的一切都是美好的 In creating the heavens, God also created the earth 他每一樣的創造都向人類顯示出 and formed man from the dust of the ground, 神的美善和能力 and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. 上帝創造出各種各樣的植物和動物 The God of love created man and woman in His own image 然後上帝用地上的塵土 to have a relationship with Him. 創造出第一個人 And so in the beginning, they revered and honored God 上帝把生命的氣息吹在他的鼻孔裡 and lived in harmony with Him. 他就成了有靈性的活人 This continued until one day Satan tempted the woman 這個人名叫亞當 to eat the forbidden fruit 上帝取出亞當的一根肋骨 and she gave it to the man who also ate. 用它造了另外一個人 In so doing, mankind rebelled against God 作為亞當的妻子和同伴 and went his own way. 這就是第一個女人 As a result of this sin, mankind was separated from God 名叫夏娃 and was thrown out of the Garden of Eden. 上帝創造人的時候 But God still loved mankind. 把自己的一些屬性給人 It was never His desire to be separate from those He created, 好讓人能夠享受與他親密美好的關係 yet how could God be holy and the source of perfect justice 上帝為人預備了一個美麗的園子 if He did not judge mankind for their sin? 叫伊甸園 In His Holy Book, God reveals His plan 亞當和夏娃就在那裡幸福地 to save the world from His judgment. 和上帝生活在一起 One of the first to see this plan unfold was Abraham. 那時 世界上沒有痛苦和死亡 Abraham was a righteous man whom God promised to bless 上帝對人說 and make his descendants as numerous 在伊甸園裡 as the sand of the sea and the stars of the sky. 其它樹上的果子你都可以吃 To test his obedience, God told Abraham 除了一棵樹上的果子你不可以吃 to sacrifice his son as an offering to Him. 你要是吃了 ,就一定會死 Abraham trusted God and sought to obey Him. 但是 有一天 But as he raised his knife to kill his son, 魔鬼引誘夏娃去吃那不該吃的果子 the angel of the Lord stopped Him. 夏娃不僅自己吃了 He saw that Abraham feared God and was willing to obey Him. 還給她丈夫吃 Then Abraham saw a ram caught by its horns in a thicket, 亞當和夏娃這樣做 and he sacrificed the ram instead of his son 因此他們就犯了罪 as an offering to God. 因為上帝是聖潔的 And so God showed Abraham that a lamb or a similar animal 所以 was to be slain as a temporary covering for sin 人和上帝親密的關係就破裂了 until God would provide His ultimate sacrifice 上帝把亞當和夏娃 to pay for the sins of mankind. 從伊甸園裡趕了出去 Instead of sin separating man from God, 他們因為不順服 the sacrifice would restore their relationship. 就有了這個下場 The Holy Scriptures speak of One who was to come 而且死亡也臨到了他們 and be the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of the world. 亞當和夏娃的后代 As the ram took the place of Abraham's son, 也都因此經歷著痛苦和死亡 so this One who would come would take man's place 但是 上帝很憐憫人類 so he could be forgiven. 他繼續深深地愛著他們 Some refer to this person as the Messiah, 上帝為人預備了一條路 the One who would come and reconcile the world 好讓人能夠重新回到他那裡 back to God once and for all. 和他恢復親密美好的關係 The prophets predicted many things in detail about 和他一起生活 the Messiah hundreds of years before He appeared. 上帝在聖經裡 The prophet Isaiah foretold that His birth 已經把他救贖人類的計劃告訴了人們 was to be a miraculous one. 那就是 A virgin would conceive a child who was to be called, 上帝不按著人該受的刑罰處罰人 in a spiritual sense, the Son of God. 而是讓自己的獨生子替人受刑罰 The prophet Micah predicted that the Messiah 聖經中記載 would be born in Bethlehem, 上帝向古時候住在中東的一個人 while the prophet Zechariah foretold 顯明了他救贖人類計劃的一部分 His entry into Jerusalem on a donkey 這個人叫亞伯拉罕 and His betrayal by Judas, one of His followers. 他相信上帝 敬畏上帝 Isaiah prophesied what the Messiah would do when He came. 上帝答應要祝福他 The Lord's anointed will preach the Good News to the poor, 賜給他一個兒子 bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim freedom 讓他的后代將來要像海邊的沙子 for the captives and proclaim that the time 和天空的星星一樣數也數不清 has come when the Lord will save His people. 上帝要通過他的后代來拯救 So, who was the Messiah? 各個國家 各個民族的人 In the first century, a prophet came called Jesus. 亞伯拉罕相信上帝 Some thought He was the one the prophet spoke about. 因此上帝就算他是一個義人 Could this be? 也把他當作自己的朋友 Did His life fulfill what was predicted of Him? 有一天 上帝要試驗亞伯拉罕 Was Jesus more than a prophet? 看他是不是真的相信上帝 What follows is His story, based on eyewitness accounts 服從上帝的命令 as recorded in The Holy Scriptures. 上帝叫亞伯拉罕把他心愛的獨生兒子 An actor plays the part of Jesus, 當作祭物獻給上帝 and though no actor is worthy of such a role, 亞伯拉罕知道上帝會透過這個兒子 it has been done so that we may understand 賜給他許多后代 and benefit from the life of Jesus. 因為他相信上帝的這個應許 I am writing to you, dear Theophilus; 就決定順服上帝 an orderly account of the things that have taken place among us, 於是 他打算殺了自己的兒子 so that you may know the absolute truth about everything. 好當作著祭物獻給上帝 In the days when Caesar Augustus was emperor of Rome 但是上帝說 and when Herod the great was king of Judea, 亞伯拉罕!不要傷害你的兒子 God sent the angel Gabriel to visit a virgin girl in the city of Nazareth. 現在我知道你的確敬畏我 And the virgin's name was Mary. 願意順服我 Fear not Mary, 上帝在附近預備了一只公山羊 For you have found favor with God. 這只羊的角被小樹叢卡住了 You will conceive and give birth to a Son 亞伯拉罕就過去抓住羊 and you will call His name, Jesus. 用它代替自己的兒子獻給了上帝 How can this be? I am a virgin. 上帝預備這隻羊 The Holy Spirit will come upon you. 來代替亞伯拉罕的兒子死在祭壇上 For this reason the Holy Child will be called 這就向亞伯拉罕顯明了上帝對人的愛 the Son of the Most High God. His kingdom will never end. 上帝愛人 So Mary traveled to a town in Judea 就像父親愛自己的孩子一樣 to visit her cousin Elizabeth who was also miraculously with child. 上帝通過這件事 Elizabeth! 向人顯明他拯救人類的計劃 Mary! Cousin Mary! 那就是 You are the most blessed of all women. 上帝要自己預備一只替罪羊 And blessed is the Child you will bear. 來替我們的罪死 For as soon as I heard your greeting, the baby within me jumped with joy! 上帝也向古代的很多先知顯明 My soul magnifies the Lord, 他要派自己獨生子 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. 來替亞當的后代死 From now on, all generations will call me blessed. 好除掉我們的罪過 Know all men of Nazareth, 上帝付出最昂貴的代價來拯救人類 that by command of Caesar Augustus, 誰願意相信上帝的獨生子 there will be conducted a census 是為他的罪而死 of the subject territories of Galilee and Judea. 願意接受上帝的拯救 All men must register forthwith 他就能和上帝恢復親密的關係 in the towns and cities of their ancestral birth. 先知也稱上帝的兒子為 彌賽亞 And Mary went to Bethlehem in Judea 意思就是被上帝膏抹的救主 to register with Joseph her betrothed. 上帝派彌賽亞來救人 But there was no room for them in Bethlehem. 做他們的王 直到永遠 And the only lodging they could find was a humble stable. 在彌賽亞來到這個世界以前的 Now there were some shepherds in that part of the country who were 一千多年當中 taking care of their flock at night when an angel of God appeared to them 很多先知談到了他將要做的事 and the glory of God was shining around them. 和將要發生在他身上的事 This very day in David's town, your Savior was born, 先知大衛王說 Christ the Lord. 上帝將要宣告彌賽亞是他的兒子 The shepherds hurried to see the newborn Babe in the manger, 其他的先知也用上帝的兒子這個詞 and were the first to spread the Good News or Gospel 來說明彌賽亞和上帝的親密關係 of the virgin mother and the Savior's birth. 他們也談到彌賽亞要作人的救主和王 A week later, when the time came for the Baby to be circumcised, 先知以賽亞預言說 He was given the name Jesus 必有童貞女懷孕生子 and Joseph and Mary took the Child to to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord. 要給他起名叫以馬內利 In the temple there was a good and devout man 就是上帝和我們同在的意思 who the Holy Spirit had promised would not die 先知也在聖經裡寫明 until he had seen the Christ. 彌賽亞將要出生在以色列的伯利恒城 His name was Simeon. 他將騎著驢作為王進入耶路撒冷 Lord, now You can let me, Thy servant, 他親密的朋友要為30塊銀幣而出賣他 depart in peace according to Thy word. 他將犧牲自己的生命來拯救人類 For mine eyes have seen Thy salvation. 但是上帝要使他從死裡復活 This Child is chosen by God. 並且使他升天 回到上帝的右邊 May you both be blessed. 將來他要駕著雲回來 And when they had completed all their duties 上帝要給他權柄 according to the law of Moses, 審判全世界 並要永遠作王 they left Jerusalem and returned to Nazareth. 2000年前有一個叫耶穌的人 When Jesus was twelve years old, 來到這個世界上 Joseph and Mary took Him to Jerusalem for the passover feast. 他的一生都應驗了 But, when they started back home, 眾先知在聖經裡對彌賽亞的預言 thinking that the Boy was with them, 這部影片根据聖經的記載 Jesus stayed behind. 告訴我們耶穌是誰 They returned to the city looking for Him. 以及他說過的一些話和做過的一些事 And on the third day found Him in the temple 在這部影片裡 sitting with the rabbis and the elders. 有一個演員扮演耶穌 Whose Child is this who asks such questions? 其實沒有一個人配演耶穌 He's from Nazareth. 但是為了讓人們了解耶穌的生平 We thought He had left with us. Please, forgive Him His zeal. 為了讓人們能夠接受 All who heard Him were amazed. 上帝應許的拯救和祝福 Son! Why have You done this to us? 所以我們還是拍了這部影片 Your father and I have been terribly worried trying to find you. 親愛的提阿非羅 How is it that you looked for Me? 我把在我們中間發生的事情 Did you not know that I must be about My Father's business? 按順序寫下來 And He came with them to Nazareth 好使你知道每件事情絕對真實的過程 and increased in wisdom and stature 當凱撒亞古士督 是羅馬的皇帝 and in favor with God and with man. 希律是猶太王的時侯 JLTitle3.bmp 上帝派遣天使長加百列 JLTitle4.bmp 到拿撒勒城的一位叫 JLTitle5.bmp 瑪利亞的童貞女那裡去 JLTitle6.bmp 不要怕 馬利亞 In the fifteenth year of the rule of the emperor Tiberius, 你在上帝面前已經蒙恩了 Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea, 你要懷孕生子