字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 The Bible - a book that contains stories of nine-foot giants, families who lived to be a thousand years old, 《聖經》,一本編纂了許多故事的書,包括九英尺巨人、生活了一千多年的家庭、 food that falls from heaven, 從天堂落下的食物、 and epic wars, cities turn to ash from the rage of tyrants, 還有史詩般的戰爭、因為暴君的憤怒而灰飛煙滅的城市、 kings cast down, men dying in the dust of battle. 國王駕崩、在沙場上垂死的男子。 One of the most controversial books in history, 歷史上最具爭議的書籍之一, some people claim it even holds the answers to life and death. 有些人宣稱《聖經》甚至包含了生與死的解答。 The Bible was written by 40 different authors, 《聖經》由 40 個不同的作者撰寫而成, representing a diverse group of people. 代表不同族群的人。 They range from a doctor, to shepherds, farmers, fishermen, tax collectors, and kings. 範圍從醫生到牧羊人、農夫、漁夫、稅務員和國王。 With over six billion copies in print, 《聖經》的印刷量超過 60 億冊, the Bible is actually a compilation of 66 books written over 1,600 years. 實際上它是由 1,600 年以來的 66 本書彙編而來的書。 This makes it one of the oldest books in existence. 這使它成為現存最古老的書之一。 It's also one of the most documented books ever. 也是有史以來紀錄最豐富的書籍之一。 There are over 10,000 ancient manuscripts supporting its accuracy and consistency with original writings. 有超過 10,000 份古老手稿支持它與原著的準確性跟一致性。 Parts of the Bible like Proverbs read like self-help: 《聖經》有些部分,像箴言,讀起來就像勵志故事: it is better to live alone in the desert than with a crabby complaining wife, 寧可住在曠野,不與爭吵使氣的婦人同住; or give beer to those who are perishing, wine to those in anguish. 或是,可以把濃酒給將亡的人喝,把清酒給苦心的人喝。 Other parts read like love poetry that conservatives don't want you to hear: 其他部分讀起來像是保守派不想讓你聽到的那種情詩: You are slender like a palm tree, and your breasts are like its clusters of fruit. 妳的身量像一棵棕樹,妳的兩乳如樹上纍纍的果實。 I said, I will climb that palm tree and take hold of this fruit. 我說,我要爬上這棕樹並輕捧那果實。 There are rules to live by, too, like: Don't murder people. 也有要遵守的規則,像是:不殺生。 Four books of the Bible are biographical accounts of Jesus called the Gospels. 《聖經》首四卷是耶穌的傳記,稱為福音。 And then there are historical books about people like Moses, Noah, and occasionally bears. 然後還有跟人物相關的歷史書籍,像是摩西、諾亞,偶爾還有熊出現。 Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled 43 of the youths. 然後有兩隻熊從樹林中跑出來襲擊 43 名年輕人。 Right now, copies are being smuggled across borders. 如今,《聖經》的副本已流傳至世界各地。 It's sitting in the pocket a pastor being arrested. 它就放置在被逮捕的牧師口袋中。 It's being read in jail cells and on death beds. 它在監獄牢房與死者的床上被朗讀著。 It was tucked in the hold of the Mayflower. 它也曾被塞進五月花號的貨艙中。 Without a doubt, it's a provocative and controversial book. 無庸置疑,它是一本具有啟發性又富有爭議的書籍。 Love it or hate it, believe it or don't -but decide for yourself. 無論愛之或恨之,信或不信 — 但都該由你自己決定。 As the number-one bestselling book in history, 作為史上最暢銷書籍, it just might be worth the read. 《聖經》還是蠻值得一讀的。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 聖經 果實 國王 爭議 古老 手稿 什麼是《聖經》? (What is the Bible?) 285 25 Mei Kuo 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字