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  • Okay, way alive.

  • It's working now.

  • My friends know.

  • So we just did a live stream.

  • And then, for some reason, it all went wrong on the computer.

  • Shut down!

  • So now we're doing, you know, extreme.

  • Oh, I really hope you can see us.

  • Oh, good.

  • High.

  • You can see us.

  • I only goodness Whoa!

  • Hacked into my computer.

  • What is happening?

  • Any weird sorry happening.

  • Okay, sir, I'm just going to leave the earlier one.

  • So that's cool information into this one, which is essentially that Ah, original extreme.

  • Because of just nosy instruments where I'm going to make one but here every week, celebrating disabilities.

  • So last week at his Purple Queen Alexandra he was deaf and disabled and became a fashion icon on David in the Lifestream.

  • What about disability?

  • On relationships, My love, You have way has been married for two years now.

  • Do not a full of it.

  • I mean, that I owe you knowing your Yeah, thank you.

  • Why people do this car and I do it all the time to each other.

  • And she's like, Would you stop it?

  • You already like, you know, was the word cute.

  • Yeah.

  • Keep sitting here so you don't need to add more.

  • Keep me cute.

  • Me so very sorry.

  • Asked about a Q.

  • Any move on?

  • But we had so gone through Mr Questions that you guys left and the community tab.

  • Correct questions, guys.

  • Really well done.

  • If you ask more questions on the chat to Beside Clara, who's moderating by again?

  • Flower Thank you so much.

  • Um is going to send them to us.

  • You my fight.

  • Okay, so the fact that we were answering Waas how do you both feel that you contribute to the relationship as able bodied breast is disabled?

  • When it's disabled, you can't necessarily duel the house rules, etcetera, for instance.

  • So I have disposed you that that's my nose, my muscles, my organs getting chronic fatigue, chronic pain that everything.

  • I found housework to be quite hard and use the example of the washing up on how I I can't be washing up, but I can do this.

  • Russia.

  • Yeah, You don't want your content.

  • It's like temperature on also, like, I could have my hands in the water and be like, Hey, I'm just cleaning.

  • Meditate them out of that.

  • Cut him to ribbons or something Yes, I wouldn't know.

  • Um, but yeah.

  • Great to dishwasher stacking A plus.

  • They just find things that we can that you find things that just as comfortable with doing so.

  • She likes stacking the dishwasher, putting things in the fridge.

  • You unstuck in the dishwasher.

  • I do.

  • On putting things away.

  • Um, Jessica does most of the cooking, to be honest.

  • Yeah.

  • Uh, yeah.

  • On.

  • And, um yeah, I just And then, like, for other things, like laundry.

  • I always do the laundry.

  • I do any, like, washing up the dishes.

  • I do well, like the heavier household chores.

  • Like flavoring making the bed.

  • Yeah, myself psych.

  • Smaller things.

  • I do.

  • Yeah.

  • I don't know what I'm doing with my hands right there.

  • Yeah, I think also expanding on that further than just like household chores.

  • You do a lot of the heavy lifting, So if we're travelling, you're the one carrying the heavy bags.

  • If we're just going out shopping for the day, you're the one who do you like?

  • Oh, yeah.

  • I'll just go and check.

  • It's over there.

  • And you liked doing extra war Could come back.

  • Yeah.

  • I mean, love's better energy and relationships should be like tit for tats, but I can sort of see that kind of the angle of the question in a way.

  • But like if I carry all the bags like we're on the flight on carol bags and like, I've helped her with her wheelchair and I basically like Donald the physical labor when we then finally get to wherever we're meant to be, like the so far all the bed or whatever.

  • We sit down and put Netflix on or whatever, and Jesse tends to, like, give me a foot rub on.

  • I feel like I feel like all that sort of stuff I've done for the day.

  • I'm like, I'm not expecting with that rub.

  • But also, I'm a bit like a kind of Well, maybe I Ha ha.

  • Yeah, so over it, like work as a team for the benefit of the doom.

  • So whatever you can do to make the team better, it is good.

  • That makes sense.

  • So I say, like, emotionally, yeah, I probably help you out a lot O.

  • And then physically you help me out, you know?

  • Oh, yeah.

  • And then you just do little bits where you can and like also at the same time, the like, able body Personal.

  • I shouldn't have to fill.

  • You shouldn't feel like you should never do anything you don't want to either.

  • No, you know, don't feel forced to do something.

  • Um, and don't do it because you're trying to be Amartya.

  • Yeah.

  • Sometimes you feel like it's gonna build resentment.

  • Yeah, if I'm in a really bad mood and just cause, like, can you go get me a drink?

  • It's a really bad example.

  • But like, for instance, I might just be like, so like I'm like, and then I and then she's like, Oh, okay.

  • And I feel really and then I do feel bad about it afterwards.

  • But, you know, maybe I just felt like saying no right down that, you know?

  • Yeah, sure.

  • But I just need to finish this email.

  • I'm running a locate it in a minute, and then there's like, Okay.

  • Is that about example?

  • No.

  • No, I don't think so.

  • I think that was good.

  • I hope we've answered that question.

  • Well, yeah.

  • Uh, next question.

  • Does the issue of disability play any role in the time of choosing to have Children?

  • Mm.

  • I don't I would.

  • I mean, from my point of view, I'll answer From what?

  • I think you're good for it.

  • Like Camel.

  • I don't think the disability has any.

  • Um, wait on that.

  • It's more the fact that we're both women and we have a biological clock.

  • Um, also just cause disability is not progressive, so it's more spirit.

  • It's more episodic.

  • So again, we can't read.

  • We can't ready factor that in.

  • But what we do?

  • Well, if you don't know what that means, by the way, progressive means that it will get worse over time episode communes that it goes up and down.

  • Yeah.

  • So if he had something that was more progressive and obviously we feel like more need to do earlier.

  • Yes.

  • Children immediately.

  • We'll have.

  • Yeah, but then But because of your episode, it kind of issue.

  • We can't control that.

  • But the thing we can control this maybe Like how we decide to ah, have Children.

  • Yeah.

  • Do you wanna?

  • Yes, I do.

  • Now it's done to you so because I can't have Children when it obviously I can't have him.

  • We're gonna have Children.

  • I can't give birth and carry a baby because my body is not capable of hat for a lot of foot made.

  • Very delicate party through.

  • Um, so obviously God may be a lesbian, so I'd have another womb.

  • Thanks.

  • Yeah, but also along the same lines of your body.

  • Can't go through it.

  • Her body probably kind of go through being my support system when I'm in, like, a 20 hour labor.

  • Yeah, I'm not.

  • I can't stay with you.

  • I can barely stay awake for five.

  • So we need to pack today.

  • Something's in a swell.

  • Like, Do we have a C section and said which we can plan the time, Ingles?

  • Or do we just, like, you know, adopt or Yeah, there's that the constant the kind of the way that I work my body works is that it's good to have a plan under schedule.

  • So anything that we can control a definite gate didn't answer that question.

  • Yes.

  • No, I'm sure it aside.

  • Okay.

  • Next question.

  • How do I get over feeling like I'm simply about and on Dhe feel that I can treat something to this marriage other than bills.

  • That's a very good question.

  • I think it's very easy to feel like a badge in when you have a disability.

  • Do I felt.

  • But the thing is, I don't feel like a Bible with you.

  • Well, I think a lot of it is based on people around you.

  • So it's the people who are in your relationships.

  • I kind of like, hey, fines.

  • We can't go that because of you.

  • Like Okay, what?

  • Thio, go do this for you.

  • Okay, then you're saying you do feel like a budget, and you feel but rubbish.

  • Really?

  • Um, I remember being in my last relationship, and I was on crutches, and she's just a bit kind of annoyed by my crotch is.

  • And then I felt terrible, and I felt so bad about myself, and I was like, Oh, God, what do I what we bring to this relationship?

  • Where is Oh, thank you.

  • Oh, it's cozy chat.

  • Thank you, Home Minister.

  • That's very, very sweet.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you.

  • Um, and that with Claudia because she doesn't She doesn't make me feel that way.

  • If I'm annoying you and you're doing the sighing, it's because my personality yes, very little I can do the disability.

  • Yeah, Or it might be that I've got my own issue going on when you know how I was saying like she was like, couldn't get me a drink.

  • I'm like, No, it's more that I'm in a bad mood is not happy with her.

  • You're just grumpy.

  • Todo so then that comes with understanding each other.

  • And if I had said no for more of ah, spiteful place like No, I've already got you 10 drinks today.

  • Like them, actually, I just reflect on that.

  • And I'm like Korea.

  • Like to, like, chill.

  • It's not a big deal to go get a drink and you're manipulating this.

  • You're gonna make this into, like, everyone gonna get upset.

  • Yes.

  • So you're just gonna have to just gonna have to.

  • Sometimes you're gonna reflect on yourselves.

  • Yeah, I think it's not just on Asa's disabled people.

  • It is on the able people in our lives as well.

  • So I think we need to do the mental work of thinking I am not about another wonderful person.

  • There are loads of things that I bring to society to my relationships, etcetera.

  • But it is also kind of on the able people around us.

  • Yeah, and have been director of those you guys are educated.

  • You're open and upfront about the fact that you have the disability that your friends and heartless.

  • Thank you, Rebecca.

  • Well, you know, I checked.

  • That's already.

  • That's worry out there So they can't be like to me about and implies.

  • Like, they're a bit like, Oh, you didn't disclose he had orders, like tamales.

  • You know where you got into this relationship?

  • You knew what was happening, huh?

  • Oh, my gosh.

  • You know, another super, Chuck, You guys sound good.

  • Look at that.

  • Who?

  • He had us eight, By the way, I always love your little group up at university.

  • I only I do.

  • Uh, do you recognize your prefer pictures?

  • Cause yeah, I spent a lot of time in the comments like, Oh, that's a nice 10 that's interesting.

  • Whoa.

  • Things that excite me.

  • OK, next question.

  • How do you include?

  • You keep the romance alive and you have a few weeks of bad days in a row.

  • I love that.

  • The room.

  • It's a lot Jesus way really don't have issues keeping the romance alive.

  • Friends like, please.

  • Yeah, that's my own seven.

  • That is.

  • Romance to me is not set.

  • Romans is love and affection.

  • I'm thinking, you know, doing nice little gestures for someone.

  • So Andi thinking of wth, um um, so you can do that all the time, you know?

  • You know, I think I think the romance is always there.

  • Um, I mean, sometimes when we go to hospital were, like, still Well, maybe, you know, you're no, because but I'm, like, striking stuck in your head.

  • And I'm like, I love her.

  • Just that he had to have a couple of, like, days of in badge.

  • Well, then you just come home in the evenings, and then you come in bed with me.

  • Yeah.

  • And then we watch Netflix on Snuggle.

  • No.

  • Who smuggle better than he does And just get takeaway instead.

  • Yeah, but if you're thinking more like, um, sex, then, um I don't know.

  • I guess why I didn't think.

  • Do you think it diminishes that?

  • Explain what?

  • Maybe it's a bit like when the heart grows.

  • You know, distance makes the heart very funder.

  • A fact that you've been kind of unwell and you having to focus all of us all your other needs when like suddenly you're ready again to have a life that need Met who?

  • Yeah, it built up.

  • Yes.

  • You found E.

  • I think Meeting stiff you.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Remember the stickers in Super Chat?

  • Thank you, Clara.

  • I'm really sorry, guys.

  • I completely forgot that I was supposed to tell you this before at the start of this stream.

  • But we have a really cool new feature called Supercharger, Not subject super tax or anything.

  • We have a really cool new feature called Stairs Super Stickers.

  • So there are new way to send super chats our roles input.

  • But this time you get a sticker, right, And they're really cool.

  • And it's basically I'm testing it for Google fugitives are so that I let me know if you have any problems with it.

  • If you think it doesn't work, if you don't like the range of stickers except your regular super chat is still obviously available because it's been happening.

  • Thank you.

  • But there will be an option to send a sticker on Dhe stickers are all different prices.

  • It's only available on Web and Android.

  • But now so I think where you click super charts.

  • You Oh, they get Yeah.

  • When you when you take on the super charts icon It will.

  • She says, Super sticker.

  • So then you can send a little sticker.

  • Whoa, there.

  • Please do that.

  • Cos be testing it, and I completely forgot.

  • Well, thank you for reminding me, Clara.

  • I'm also high.

  • New Member knows to meetyou Cheney is that right side.

  • So that Cheney?

  • Yeah.

  • Change, honey is even tiny Asian pronouncing stuff.

  • Let's remind.

  • I mean, I thought harmony was pronounced the homie one, but Harmony Yeah, from Harry Potter.

  • It was the first time I'd ever read that name, and I had never heard it, so I was just like her.

  • Me one.

  • What a normal name.

  • Okay, it's so good.

  • It's a waving lemon.

  • Just because a question.

  • Okay, sorry.

  • Maybe God, from what you just said.

  • And what are the positive things?

  • You two of land from relationship when one of you has disappeared issues what positive things have what have have come from being in a relationship where one person is just okay.

  • You get to get seated first on a plane.

  • I definitely think it's my like my personal, like knowledge of awareness of disabilities has mercifully increased.

  • Um, I didn't Really No, I definitely didn't know as much or was aware off hidden disabilities as much.

  • And I was one of those people that still thought, like, you know, disables Well, maybe not that obvious.

  • But like those that on that more physical level, or like blind or like, you know, something where it's like a physical impairment.

  • Yeah, um, I didn't think of chronic illness is really a disability.

  • I think if someone had asked me that, I probably word.

  • But it wasn't Anyway, the point is, I think I've definitely, uh, being educated.

  • And that's made me a more wholesome person on more respectful off people, not judging people so much on dhe, um, being much more aware.

  • And I think that's and I that's my positive thing.

  • Would you say that it makes you I get kind of like you have more times people because you have more in sending of them.

  • So someone's holding you up in the line at the supermarket, and you're aware that they have some kind of issue that you can more easily spot in issues and then you're more forgiving.

  • Yeah, Or it might also be like if someone able body looking comes out of a disabled toilet on there would be in some little old lady waiting to go in.

  • In the past, I would have been, like, got down that person when the Lord lady, like, had two weights and they just went and use that, and they could have gone unused differently, you know?

  • And I would have got, like, righteous than the old lady.

  • And I would have made me feel good about myself.

  • But now I'm like, Well, you know, that person probably needed it.

  • Yeah.

  • Who am I to judge it?

  • You know, your nose.

  • Yeah, that's about as much time with a load lady isn't even angry.

  • Cause did a little lady sometime is the one who's like It's okay, ladies.

  • Yeah, because maybe they've seen life, and they know that.

  • Actually, you some people don't always present in the way you think I get it.

  • This is very true.

  • Very true.

  • Oh, my gosh.

  • Is beautiful new.

  • Hi.

  • Well, you remember now.

  • I like it.

  • I people had us a um I might yet card you.

  • Please keep, like, messaging me.

  • Sorry that I'm telling Clara buyer this live stream.

  • But Clara, please do keep messaging me cool.

  • It's bracelets.

  • I'm making a noise into the microphone.

  • Please remove your place.

  • Well, sorry.

  • Thank you.

  • We apologize.

  • Um, you are on fire, Clara.

  • Some.

  • So, Sarah.

  • Yeah, she is.

  • She's awesome.

  • I didn't think about that.

  • See my braces?

  • Well, there we go.

  • Problem Self.

  • What have I benefited from this relationship?

  • So many things.

  • So many things.

  • I think one of the main things to me has been confidence.

  • I feel now, like I have a safety net.

  • Like I can, um, like, I couldn't go and do things that before we even met scheduled?

  • Because I knew that I wouldn't have known match Nick off to me afterwards if it went wrong.

  • That makes sense.

  • Said before be like, Oh, I don't want to go on a long haul flight.

  • Oh, and I'll be really scared about it and worried.

  • And but now I feel like, Yeah, let's go do it.

  • Let's go see the world.

  • Let's go to London for that party.

  • Because if it goes wrong, what someone incredibly capable here was that even went drunk.

  • You can, like, switch up.

  • Yeah, she's accident.

  • If we're the party of shadow drink and she's drawn on.

  • Then I get injured.

  • She's just like Prepon sober, Ready to go?

  • Don't you, like, fix the problem?

  • Sort it all out, pop the thing back in its desiccated And this just goes back to being drunk every day.

  • And I think I think happened to be practical and logical when slightly inebriated is the most sobering thing, huh?

  • He's like, Okay, I gotta sober up.

  • All right, I'm ready.

  • Oh, let's go.

  • You?

  • Yes, but I just feel so I mean it in a non disability related Where suppose Well, I is marriage.

  • The best things that will happen to me.

  • Ah, you're Do you know that?

  • Yeah.

  • I think I think we're live Eric off the question slightly.

  • But where it was going is that I just feel more confident in everything.

  • You know, I think you're a very confident person anyway, so thanks.

  • I going to slightly bigger thanks.

  • Area.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Look at this dog.

  • Emerge, ese.

  • Ah, that's so adorable.

  • Oh, hi.

  • I love that pussy cruise like I'm right there.

  • Anyone knows the small things.

  • Like the new phone.

  • Yes, I have a new phone that is E also have let has already had enough people, like, just so I really have really awful ugly, wet, like, greasy, greasy.

  • I just had a shower.

  • Right.

  • Um, next, how do you pull your coat with just equipment when health issues cause you to cancel or interrupt plans?

  • Oh, my God.

  • Is that much style Nice?

  • Oh, well, a bit like what?

  • Just percent in the last one.

  • Like, she's like, I feel more confident to just go because I've got someone capable there.

  • Occasionally, I have pretty much Dr Carolyn to events that I've got you in there like, Ordinarily, if it was, like, a normal day and there was nothing going on, I say events like big events, like a friend's wedding.

  • Like I'd be like, Okay.

  • Like, let's have a bad day, stay in bed.

  • I'll do everything to worry.

  • Um, but if it's like a big event, like a wedding and I'm like, no way one particular way went to when I was, like, bleeding internally.

  • Yeah, but yeah, because I said, Look, what's the worst that's gonna happen?

  • We will go.

  • You're with me the whole time.

  • If you feel really awful, we'll just leave.

  • Yeah, I was like?

  • Yeah.

  • Wasn't Dylan?

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • And then she was gone.

  • I was I'm on, you know, I won't drink, like, so that we can leave some things other on.

  • Then we went and had a really nice time.

  • I did.

  • Oh, my God.

  • The starters with scallops, but like, a humongous gallop.

  • Inner spoons.

  • And also, you just told everyone in advance.

  • I'm really not Hee.

  • I have to leave.

  • Um, so yet, I mean, sometimes I do feel a little bit guilty about that, but at the same time, I wouldn't get all the fun experiences I've had If I just based things on.

  • Oh, you know well enough to do this right now.

  • Wow.

  • Hi.

  • Sorry.

  • Wanda.

  • Um, yeah, if I did, If I just based things on, I'm really not feeling great.

  • I can't do this right now.

  • I have a horrible migraine.

  • Then I just would not get stuff done.

  • You know, if I just have to wait, I wouldn't do things like when we did this Stand up to cancer.

  • Um, lashing.

  • I felt pretty pretty over.

  • Yeah, but it was still such a great thing that I really wanted to do.

  • But the original questions about disappointment because obviously that all times yeah, cancel things.

  • We do have to say having Beckett.

  • We do have Thio capsules of canceling my friend some form family cancel our own plans.

  • Just the two of us have made yet.

  • That can be disappointing.

  • Yeah, to be fair, if it's just a plan that you and I have made them, we tend to cancel it.

  • But if it's when, it's somewhat, If we feel like we're letting someone else down, then we'll try our best to go.

  • Yeah, we've gone to dinner parties, and I just gone to sleep.

  • Yeah, way Get that.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah, she's out.

  • She's out.

  • Thanks.

  • Coward, By the way, for that, you should use it.

  • Yeah.

  • I mean, it is disappointing.

  • Like sometimes you had to miss some of your friends.

  • Um, weddings.

  • And so they're like hen parties.

  • Yeah.

  • Which breaks my heart.

  • No.

  • Um, yeah, and it's upsetting.

  • But also, you just gonna, like face you, your friends, the things you're missing is usually like with good close friends.

  • Hopefully it's something like that.

  • Little understand, Because you're that you're a true friend.

  • They understand they get it, and they know that you can't do a particular thing right now.

  • But you love them and that you're there for them.

  • Yeah, I would say my sometime when it really disappointed to you is when you feel like you've let someone down and then I always just have to say, Nailed.

  • It isn't like that.

  • Don't worry.

  • But if it was like you had tickets pertain a swift and you couldn't go, that would be really going.

  • But you haven't let Taylor down over and you can get tickets again.

  • So it's no big deal.

  • You haven't met Taylor down just on stage like, Oh, guys, Hot Birkin.

  • I mean, unless you are friends and tennis with we come, we can't show.

  • You can't assume maybe you are besties.

  • Anyway, We was What?

  • I got Congress diverge.

  • Yes, all of these.

  • Um, Aziz.

  • Right.

  • OK, we need more questions.

  • Car.

  • You sent us that it's meaningless what people say.

  • Okay, Die aggress.

  • Thank you.

  • What did I say?

  • What?

  • I've urged congress.

  • Yeah, I was fixing a couple of different.

  • Where does it go like to the divergent Oh, okay.

  • Oh, yes.

  • Sorry.

  • Everyone's been confused about the stickers.

  • So if you see, Dominique, there's like a dollar sign, Um, which is where you normally click on its.

  • That's where you find the super chat.

  • If you click on it, it should give you the two options of Super Sticker and then super chat underneath that, if you click on Super Sticker that will take you to the stickers.

  • It's not helpful that pretty good, but you can only use it on the 100 phone or if you're in a Web browser is that is where it comes up.

  • Okay.

  • Thank you, Clara.

  • More questions.

  • Oh, not the questions are her.

  • How do you so calmly and collectively come to compromise?

  • Do you have a fight on basics such as housework that Jesse can't do?

  • Oh, tell it, uh, we compromised by easily, having if their stuff around the house that one of us is like, I love that the other ones, like I mean, I don't like it.

  • I don't hate it.

  • You love it a lot.

  • So Okay, you know that painting?

  • Yeah, there.

  • Any time I get, like, annoyed, and then you get upset, is there being at work all day?

  • And I'm really tired on in the morning, I had said to Jessica, Hey, can you, like, tidy this table up?

  • Or could you move that that to that?

  • Can you take this back to your bedroom?

  • Anything.

  • Then I'm gonna come home and it's not being done.

  • I feel a bit like, Oh, God, everything around this place.

  • I don't think that's an issue with Husband Kind thing.

  • That's an issue with my memory.

  • Yeah, get annoyed by my memory.

  • Yeah, And then like and it's quite easy for me to sometimes just be a bit unforgiving and be like You're just lazy, you know?

  • And then you get really upset and should never say that to a disease.

  • You know, I never know.

  • I never say it.

  • She thinks that I Sometimes I like, I think Doc's taken.

  • I think it's a double.

  • It's okay to sometimes think those things.

  • If you know it's no, actually.

  • What do you think?

  • Shut up.

  • No, no, it's fine.

  • Um, yeah, I I would say the thing from my end that I've just annoys you the most is my memory.

  • Because you're like, you've just completely forgot this thing, you know?

  • You know, local sea with memory plums is it?

  • It's always No, no.

  • Yeah, like me.

  • It was gonna know.

  • I think when your marriage always gonna have, like, things that you're gonna like, I get annoyed about, you know?

  • But, uh, you just read each other well, so I get reading, like, unreasonably grumpy.

  • So and I sometimes wanna pick up fights.

  • We have never had a big fight, because Jessica, I can read when I'm just really grumpy.

  • And I probably just need, like, some space and food and some food.

  • She gets angry.

  • Yeah.

  • Or like, I just need whatever.

  • Like, I need something that's not being met.

  • So you just kind of she doesn't pick it it.

  • So rather than being, like, if I'm like ah, right, yeah.

  • Why didn't you do this thing?

  • But I also to do, she'll just be like, you wouldn't be like, Well, you know, why didn't you do that?

  • That would just cause a big old looking all day, too.

  • Yeah.

  • Instead, she just like, okay?

  • And then you and then you go do it and then oversee.

  • Then I'm like, um, now I just I don't um Yeah, I guess it was like where the most important thing is always togetherness in our unit.

  • So I've never give me five anyone to do this if you're trying to stop some drama with me on its back.

  • Okay.

  • Well, gonna be over him making dinner.

  • That's, um yeah, yeah, that's a Quaker thing.

  • Maybe I just like to welcome our new member, whose name I'm gonna mispronounce.

  • Naive charm.

  • Dukes.

  • Is that right?

  • Name news, I think that's neat, isn't it?

  • And I a m h.

  • We need Andrea name.

  • I don't mean, huh?

  • I mean, yeah, also.

  • Hi, guys.

  • Thank you for the stick is on another super chat.

  • I'm very much drink.

  • Well, when you remember what they said, major Christmas powder, it's okay.

  • Just anyone, because there's God.

  • Yeah, down in the description of this video, depending on how you're watching it, but also in descriptions you'll see later is my clear books.

  • Yeah, and then you will certainly stuff.

  • Oh, my God, Yes.

  • Uh oh.

  • Tomorrow is the first of December on.

  • There's gonna be a video that's explaining all about what I'm going to be doing this Christmas in terms of videos that are gonna be coming out on there's also going to be a here box.

  • Unboxing.

  • That's wonderful things.

  • I have been sent to Sparta patch, So yes, please do some things to my peer books.

  • Well, but do you put on the outside where there or not You want to open in time, so I know and don't just open stuff in them.

  • Have to, like, immediately.

  • I did OK.

  • Do you know the people who do like one or two more questions?

  • Okay.

  • Right.

  • Um, how do you suggest we approach bringing up disabilities with the new persons I find that is, my disabilities are often invisible.

  • New partners tend to act like they don't exist.

  • Excellent question.

  • Um, system, like starting to date technique.

  • Question.

  • Just say it.

  • My Oh, my first day.

  • So I was like, Right, Here's what's wrong with me.

  • Enjoy any of course, after the first half an hour in which I had charmed them because the thing is, I don't have a lot of energy, and I'm not going to waste it on five dates before I've been telling you something's wrong with me.

  • And then you're like, Oh, my she handled that.

  • I mean, my question was more than like, you've already done that.

  • But because of you, because it's an invisible they forget and they pretend it doesn't exist.

  • Okay, well, that could be just an education problem, As in the person that you're dating has never met a disabled wasn't before they have, obviously, because the same people everywhere, they just don't know it.

  • Um and so they're not entirely sure what exactly it is that you need from them.

  • So I would say Just be bold.

  • Just tell them there's no harm in telling someone what you need, but that is a lot of harm and you're not telling them and pushing yourself to the limit and then you get ill or injured.

  • And then that's gonna be worse, isn't it?

  • Because they'll be like, you're so ill right now.

  • In that case, I would also like knowledge is power.

  • So if you ever feel like someone is no acknowledging something that you know very much about yourself, just get some facts about your or just general facts about disabilities or hidden disability, or people who can't away people who have chronic fatigue or whatever it is that you might find is your thing that you find that you struggle with, find some lights, facts and figures around that because if you say that to someone not only like you don't know, but like just educational point of view, then their lair.

  • Oh, yeah, like you know what you're talking about.

  • It's not just you being needy.

  • You actually have backing.

  • Like I find that really makes people respect you and also reeducate themselves a bit.

  • Yeah, one in five people.

  • You can't disparity.

  • Yeah, like just things like that.

  • When Jessica says that to someone who's just like, Oh, you don't look very disabled.

  • She's like, Oh, did you know you like 20% of disabled people actually readable chair?

  • I took that thing I was totally wrong for, like, just vaginas.

  • And I think I like that kind of stuff.

  • Yeah, So you're telling the percentage of people who have sensory issues or, um, it's really been extrapolating.

  • So it's taking your condition.

  • And then, yeah, taking away from yourself, handled that.

  • It's not like I'm not the issue.

  • Actually, it's It's able people need to realize that actually, this is a wider issue.

  • Yeah, um, I'm just a representation of that, and I'm a voice for it as well.

  • I think that's a good thing to do.

  • I think when I seeing interact with people who don't know you, you tell them a few facts in a really charming pined away.

  • And then I like Oh, thank you so much for telling me about that.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • Also, you can shame people.

  • Yeah, exactly.

  • And then if they're being here yesterday Yeah, and if they're being a bit like they've taken a step too far, then you can say if you can say the same information, but in a slightly more like a different tone rather than a helpful tone.

  • You concerned?

  • Well, actually, did you know this isn't this?

  • Yes.

  • Yeah.

  • Is that cute?

  • You know, the thing that happened yesterday is a man came up to me in a wheelchair on, so I was sorry.

  • Improvisation on that was like, Hi, Cool.

  • That's chat and then help me through.

  • He went down, Mario.

  • I'm only pretending to be a cripple.

  • Over.

  • Excuse me.

  • Excuse me.

  • Ah, yeah.

  • Anyway, and then I was, like, interesting.

  • One time job is not raising disability awareness.

  • He was like, Yeah, that was really Yeah.

  • He was definitely basically hitting on Jessica.

  • I was, like, in the studio, like, former stuff would like.

  • I could see you through the window.

  • This guy was like trying you up.

  • Um, and then when I came, I was, you know, it was good.

  • It was that guy trying you up.

  • And she was like, Yeah, but he was just pretending to be disabled.

  • Yeah.

  • I was like, What way to start a conversation as well?

  • Uh, no.

  • But also, the fact that he thought you would fancy him or he's like, Don't worry, I'm not actually cripples like a cripple.

  • You know?

  • It's like Well, actually, I probably date you more and more likely to date you, if you like.

  • If I wasn't straight, you were just an honest person who and also didn't make fun of people disposes.

  • Oh.

  • Anyway, uh, did it take a while peculiar to get used to being with someone who is disabled?

  • Did you ever get No.

  • It's just good to do something She combed.

  • I kind of wants about Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • Boza Cody comes from medical background.

  • So she's no put off my apologies.

  • What's here?

  • I'm my time personality.

  • I don't know.

  • I like when someone just tells me out front.

  • Yeah, Like what?

  • The thinning or what they need.

  • Like, I don't like I'm a good I can read people well as well.

  • But like, if you just say I don't like people who I can read Well, and they're not telling me something that I know that they need because I find that really, in a way, I'm just, like, just tell me what you need.

  • Thank you.

  • Um, yes, yes, you're kind of go with the flow.

  • But you also like all of the information before you go with the flow.

  • What's up?

  • Have What's the plan?

  • I'll be okay with it.

  • Just tell me what it is.

  • Okay.

  • Um okay, let's That's you.

  • One more question.

  • Because cars, let's go decorate a christmas tree.

  • Little because she just bought a great mystery.

  • Um o Okay, which of these questions?

  • You be careful.

  • Oh, listen, how do you help about the last one that's been cincy?

  • Ah, Uh, yeah.

  • Talk about lemon.

  • We covered this in working.

  • The question is, how is intimacy different?

  • Are you careful not to have your disabled fauna?

  • Um, you cover this in your round table chat of Hannah Witten.

  • Yes.

  • Yeah.

  • What videos?

  • You can fire.

  • Get that in the description.

  • Yeah.

  • Which you can find on Hannah Witten's channel.

  • Yeah.

  • Um, but it was like an interesting points.

  • I mean, personally, with us.

  • I mean, I can't really Her you, I guess, based on your, um, keep Wells, I got pancaked my entire body on to let you almost something for, like, ages.

  • And you're on light like, Yeah, what about that time?

  • You know, I mean, the floor on.

  • And then my hip popped out.

  • You know what I think?

  • Because we're so used to each of his buddies.

  • Now, we don't wait any more.

  • You think about him.

  • But in the beginning, um, yeah, maybe never think life.

  • I remember.

  • I was always, like, if we were cuddling Well, whatever.

  • Like I would have to be like, Oh, we're gonna move around more if I don't know why.

  • I'm not anymore.

  • Um I mean, you still do that now.

  • She's so for lamb.

  • I just don't live on my arm on.

  • We're getting really sleepy towards super sick.

  • And then she was like my arm.

  • Or even when is that?

  • Yeah, we're even when you're sleeping.

  • And I've noticed you've been in the same position since the last time I woke up.

  • Yeah, I move you, Um, but in terms of intimacy took in the dark.

  • So yeah, we forget that because see us, it's just complete, you know?

  • Yeah.

  • Talking a dark.

  • So it was the Jessica look breeze and she takes a hearing aids out when we get to bed.

  • But sometimes there's still a few things you want to, like, say to each other.

  • Like, oh, Mama, save Ben's out in the morning of July.

  • He took for an hour.

  • We here to bed, and we do not shut out for now.

  • Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • You don't want it to be like, Oh, I've taken my hearing aid are turned off the light.

  • That means we're no longer, like, able to communicate, cause obviously still got physical touch.

  • You like this till next to each other.

  • So we communicate through, um, vibration.

  • So if she put my mouth my hand didn't have my house in the country speaks.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Thanks.

  • That was great.

  • On the next she speaks.

  • I can I can get their impression of what she's saying, You know, let's just say it into my body.

  • Yeah, Like me?

  • Oh, yeah, Exactly.

  • And in something.

  • And then I'm like, and then I get a hand in the market.

  • But sometimes, also, I'm like la la la la I Yeah, having no chat, and then you just get right.

  • You're just like, I don't say anything now.

  • You just like suffocating.

  • Yeah, I'm waiting for her to tell her.

  • She's like, I'm done.

  • No, go.

  • Just leave now.

  • Yeah, and that to us, is completely normal.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah, I forget about that.

  • Yeah.

  • Um, yeah.

  • So I guess intimacy is different, but in terms of saying I'm hurting one of them.

  • Oh, do you worry about hurting me?

  • Don't worry about it already.

  • I think we've been together for four and 1/2 years.

  • Now, on it just is the only bit such worry about hurting you a bit.

  • So you could fill.

  • Yeah, Um, but also, I think you just have to be just are aware of what you're doing.

  • You don't hand me hot things.

  • Yeah, because you know that anyone?

  • Um yeah, I think we I think everyone every relationship you have a different language.

  • You have your own language and the way you communicate and the way you are with each other is very special on.

  • But it is just to that relationship.

  • It's just finding out that language between the TV.

  • Here we go like this.

  • I get end there we go to become bills.

  • Ackles.

  • Yes.

  • Vaguely.

  • Yes.

  • Right, My love.

  • You have a fun day in L A.

  • Yeah.

  • Flying back tomorrow in the evening and then we land on Sunday, which is the 2nd December second of December on her birthday.

  • Yeah, I will officially be in my thirties.

  • Yes, this is very weird.

  • I'm in my twenties from no removal anyway.

  • Yeah, so I wasn't sure what we're gonna do about day today.

  • So anyone who knows that lives and I if you could, like, you know, I know this because we says no, no, no, no, no, no.

  • Tweet me.

  • Yeah, me know how she never looks like Twitter.

  • I made to get 20 inches in looking at my place.

  • He sent a message or a comment on two that instagram the Instagram.

  • That's what I'm trying to say.

  • The Instagram.

  • Yeah, I say that because yours is thinking of you.

  • We left you.

  • Thank you very much for joining in.

  • You are great.

  • By the way.

  • I've got Christmas much coming soon and very excited by that.

  • Currently you not mind?

  • It will be out.

  • Legs weak.

  • No.

  • Am I lie?

  • I helped design it.

  • You didn't check my Twitter onto community tab where there will be more information on that excited five.

  • Have you hip?

  • You'll have a wonderful end to November.

  • We'll see you before the event.

  • Yeah, she's good, huh?

Okay, way alive.


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殘障人士/殘障人士的關係與愛 // 生活直播 (Disabled/Abled Relationships & Love // Livestream)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日



US /stʌf/

UK /stʌf/

  • n. 物品,東西
  • v. 裝填;填塞;塞滿

US /ˈkrɑnɪk/

UK /'krɒnɪk/

  • adj. 慢性;慢性的

US /fəˈtiɡ/

UK /fəˈti:g/

  • n. 破損;疲勞 ; 勞苦 ; 破碎 ; 勞動服務 ; 雜務班 ; 弄疲勞 ; 使疲勞 ; 使衰弱
  • v. 使疲勞

US /prɪˈtɛnd/

UK /prɪ'tend/

  • v. 假裝 ; 裝做 ; 假託 ; 藉口 ; 渴望 ; 敢做 ; 自任 ; 自滿 ; 希望 ; 志願 ; 求婚 ; 裝假 ; 佯 ; 紿

US /ˈslaɪtli/

UK /ˈslaɪtli/

  • adv. 些微地:輕微地

US /ˈfɪzɪkəl/

UK /ˈfɪzɪkl/

  • n. 身體檢查
  • adj. 物質的 ; 自然的 ; 天然的 ; 自然科學的 ; 物理的 ; 物理學的 ; 身體的 ; 肉體的 ; 物理;物質的

US /ˈɪntəməsi/

UK /'ɪntɪməsɪ/

  • n. 親密

US /ˈpɑzɪtɪv/

UK /ˈpɒzətɪv/

  • adj. 積極的;建設性的;確定的;正極的;有確信的 ; 獨斷的 ; 明確的 ; 純然的 ; 積極的 ; 陽性的 ; 正的 ; 加的 ; 實在 ; 原級 ; 確定的 ; 正面;陽性的

US /əˈwɛr/

UK /əˈwɛə/

  • adj. 知道 ; 曉得 ; 注意到 ; 覺察到 ; 察覺 ; 覺

US /kəmˈpliːtli/

UK /kəmˈpli:tli/

  • adv. 十分 ; 完全地 ; 全然 ; 徹底地 ; 截然 ; 淨 ; 總體
