# 佳句 來源影片
1 lightening your load 每天被時間追著跑嗎?快來看時間管理三大步驟!(How to Manage Your Time Better)
2 you stared into space for 20 minutes 每天被時間追著跑嗎?快來看時間管理三大步驟!(How to Manage Your Time Better)
3 As the day progresses 每天被時間追著跑嗎?快來看時間管理三大步驟!(How to Manage Your Time Better)
4 Let's dive in 每天被時間追著跑嗎?快來看時間管理三大步驟!(How to Manage Your Time Better)
5 Are you constantly finding yourself behind at work or school? 每天被時間追著跑嗎?快來看時間管理三大步驟!(How to Manage Your Time Better)
6 Youth unemployment may partially be the result of a mismatch between the skills young adults possess and the skills employers require of their workers 【生涯規劃】三個你找不到工作的原因 (3 Reasons You Can't Find a Job)
7 firms are particularly reluctant to hire young workers who lack experience and do not have an employment record to prove that they're reliable 【生涯規劃】三個你找不到工作的原因 (3 Reasons You Can't Find a Job)
8 For obvious reasons 旅遊小撇步:安全第一! (Travel Tips: Safety First)
9 Disconnecting from an environment can make you less aware and more vulnerable 旅遊小撇步:安全第一! (Travel Tips: Safety First)
10 You wanna be aware of what you're not supposed to do. 旅遊小撇步:安全第一! (Travel Tips: Safety First)
11 you can never do too much research for a trip 旅遊小撇步:安全第一! (Travel Tips: Safety First)
12 Is the tax and tip included? 餐廳用餐的英文 (Basic English vocabulary for restaurants)
13 lift that leg up 餐廳用餐的英文 (Basic English vocabulary for restaurants)
14 Show that you're taking the steps to conquer the weakness 你必須知道的 10 大求職面試問題! (Top 10 Job Interview Questions - The Most Common Job Interview Questions You NEED to be Prepared For)
15 I didn't even know there were such a thing as competitions for public speaking 【生涯規劃】專家教你面試「眉角」(Expert Advice on Job Interviews)
16 This picture doesn't flatter you 「照騙」英文怎麼說? - 人氣Tutor Laura - Tutor4U空中家教 - AMC空中美語 (It's just a flattering photo)
17 I think the photo really flatters me 「照騙」英文怎麼說? - 人氣Tutor Laura - Tutor4U空中家教 - AMC空中美語 (It's just a flattering photo)
18 Your resume must make a great first impression 如何寫一份殺手級的履歷 (How to write a killer resume)
19 stayed tuned to 【阿滴英文】跟阿滴一起進擊國家音樂廳 (Ray Du English/ Videography for the Sacred Music of the New Era)
20 regular setting 【阿滴英文】跟阿滴一起進擊國家音樂廳 (Ray Du English/ Videography for the Sacred Music of the New Era)
21 no small feat 【阿滴英文】跟阿滴一起進擊國家音樂廳 (Ray Du English/ Videography for the Sacred Music of the New Era)
22 Most of the attractions are within walking distance from each other 【跟著影片去旅行】三種方式,旅行荷蘭阿姆斯特丹 Top three ways to get around Amsterdam
23 But to get the most out of your stay in the capital of the Netherlands, here are the top three ways to get around town 【跟著影片去旅行】三種方式,旅行荷蘭阿姆斯特丹 Top three ways to get around Amsterdam


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