# 佳句 來源影片
1 accessible 【閱讀素養】你讀書的方法是錯的?正確的讀書方法到底是什麼?(How to Study Smarter, Not Harder - From How We Learn by Benedict Carey)
2 cluttered 【閱讀素養】你讀書的方法是錯的?正確的讀書方法到底是什麼?(How to Study Smarter, Not Harder - From How We Learn by Benedict Carey)
3 dimly 【閱讀素養】你讀書的方法是錯的?正確的讀書方法到底是什麼?(How to Study Smarter, Not Harder - From How We Learn by Benedict Carey)
4 presented 【閱讀素養】你讀書的方法是錯的?正確的讀書方法到底是什麼?(How to Study Smarter, Not Harder - From How We Learn by Benedict Carey)
5 trio 【閱讀素養】你讀書的方法是錯的?正確的讀書方法到底是什麼?(How to Study Smarter, Not Harder - From How We Learn by Benedict Carey)
6 dedicated 【閱讀素養】你讀書的方法是錯的?正確的讀書方法到底是什麼?(How to Study Smarter, Not Harder - From How We Learn by Benedict Carey)
7 hallmark 【閱讀素養】你讀書的方法是錯的?正確的讀書方法到底是什麼?(How to Study Smarter, Not Harder - From How We Learn by Benedict Carey)
8 consistency 【閱讀素養】你讀書的方法是錯的?正確的讀書方法到底是什麼?(How to Study Smarter, Not Harder - From How We Learn by Benedict Carey)
9 brutally 當能力撐不起夢想?勇往直前別放棄! (Keep Going)
10 envisioned 當能力撐不起夢想?勇往直前別放棄! (Keep Going)
11 masterpiece 當能力撐不起夢想?勇往直前別放棄! (Keep Going)
12 cardiac 不愛運動的人有「藉口」了!?小心運動過度的後遺症! (How Exercise Can KILL You!)
13 hypertrophy 不愛運動的人有「藉口」了!?小心運動過度的後遺症! (How Exercise Can KILL You!)
14 illusion 人生課題:為什麼有時單身是比較好的選擇? (Reasons to Remain Single)
15 an exaggeration that's an echo heard in adult life down the decades of a child's or their parents' 為什麼我們總愛責怪自己身邊的人?Why We Love to Blame Our Partners
16 who wouldn't 為什麼我們總愛責怪自己身邊的人?Why We Love to Blame Our Partners
17 our partners' 為什麼我們總愛責怪自己身邊的人?Why We Love to Blame Our Partners
18 couldn't 為什麼我們總愛責怪自己身邊的人?Why We Love to Blame Our Partners
19 vulnerability, 為什麼我們看電影會哭 (When and Why We Cry in Films)
20 existence 為什麼我們看電影會哭 (When and Why We Cry in Films)
21 brief vision 為什麼我們看電影會哭 (When and Why We Cry in Films)
22 I'm so tired of performing in a pageantry of vanity that conform into this accepted form of digital insanity. 人性能不能被自動校正? (Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?)
Dengsen Xing


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