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Too much exercise can KILL YOU!
This is the best news I've heard all week!
Hey guys, Tara here for Dnews - with an interesting new study about exercise: the SILENT killer.
大家好,我是 Dnews 的 Tara,今天帶來的主題是一項有趣的新研究:運動——沈默殺手。
Now we've been taught to believe that exercise is great for us because most of the time it is!
But it turns out there's a small portion of the population who exercises too much, to the point where it may actually kill them.
Now chances are you've heard stories about people who are super healthy, run 20 miles every single day, and then all of a sudden boom, they just drop dead out of nowhere.
你有可能聽過一些關於超級健康的人,他們每天跑 20 哩然後突然有一天,「碰」的一聲,他們就沒來由地死掉了。
Most of the time, that's caused by cardiac hypertrophy, which is what happens when you exercise so much that your heart muscles get enlarged to the point where they obstruct your ventricles, until eventually you just die.
Now most of us don't have to worry about that because it only kills about 100 people per year in the U.S., and almost all of these people are insane crazy athletes.
不過我們一般人不需要擔心那些,因為在美國每年大約只有 100 人死於運動過度,而其中又多是瘋狂的運動員。
However, a new study out of Germany finds that high-intensity exercise puts us at risk for more than just cardiac hypertrophy.
The results, which were published in the journal Heart, show that people with existing heart disease who "overdose" on high-intensity exercise may actually increase their risk of death from heart attack or stroke.
這項刊登在 Heart 期刊的研究結果顯示,已患有心臟疾病的人若是「過度」從事高強度運動,可能會增加自己因心臟病或中風而死的機率。
Researchers looked at over 1000 people, who had been diagnosed with stable coronary artery heart disease for 10 years or more, and they found that those who completed daily, strenuous exercise were more than twice as likely to die from a heart attack or stroke, than people who simply exercised moderately.
研究員觀察了超過 1000 位患有 10 年以上冠狀動脈心血管疾病的患者發現每天做劇烈運動的人死於心臟病或中風的機率是適度運動者的 2 倍。
By contrast, people who didn't exercise at all, were four-times more likely to die of a heart attack or stroke.
相較之下,完全不運動的人有 4 倍的機率會死於心臟病或中風。
Current guidelines say that heart disease patients should do up to an hour of moderate activity at least five times a week, which is still in line with the study.
Although their results seem to take on a sort of reverse J curve where no exercise is really really bad, moderate exercise is ideal, and too much exercise is bad, but still not as bad as none at all.
儘管他們的研究結果近似於「反 J 曲線」也就是:不運動真的非常、非常不好,適度運動是理想的,運動過度雖然也不好,但也沒有比完全不運動還糟。
Now it might seem counterintuitive to think that exercise could possibly be bad for someone with heart disease, but other studies have found similar results.
Endurance training, in particular, has been shown to send the body into an acute inflammatory state that, over time, can damage the heart.
Of course, none of this should serve as deterrent to exercise, unless you're running marathons every week.
Not exercising at all, still has the worst possible outcome, but the intensity and duration of the exercise we do are also things we should be considering.
What do you guys think?
Is high-intensity exercise gonna kill us all?
I can't say for sure, but I'll tell you this much—it definitely won't kill me because I don't do it.
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