演技不需因性別受限!艾瑪華森獲MTV最佳演員動人感言 (Emma Watson Accepts Best Actor in a Movie | MTV Movie & TV Awards)
主持人 : Kristi Yang
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MTV's move to create a genderless award for acting would mean something different to everyone. But to me, it indicates that acting is about the ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes. And that doesn't need to be separated into two different categories. Empathy and the ability to use your imagination should have no limits.
MTV 創造了這樣的不分性別獎項,對每個人來說都有不同的意義。但對我來說,這代表了「演技」看重的是你能不能將自己化身成另一個人,而這樣的能力是不需要區分男女的。同理心及想像力不應該有極限。
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