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  • Hey everybody, welcome back to Let’s Talk, this is me Meera. Today’s lesson is going

  • to be rather short and quick and as well as fun. I found a lot of students coming to me

  • every now and then and giving me a lot of updates when it comes toInstagramor

  • FacebookorYouTubeand they are quite resourceful I must say. Why? Because

  • they are the ones who actually gave me all the vocabulary that is on the board right

  • now and I thought to myself when this was happening, that hey, you know what, why don’t

  • I make a video about social media vocabulary? Maybe you would be interested in it. Okay,

  • so let us quickly begin with our first word which is, ‘Troll’. Well, now in real life

  • the word the way I heard, the word troll for the first time, is via childrenstory books,

  • right? Story books which contains huge giant or trees which become into giant and they

  • actually, they are the ones which are trolls and they scare children. But here in social

  • media language, it actually means trolling someone it’s actually a verb form of something.

  • Now we might say and we might read a lot of news when it comes to a TV actresses or umm,

  • even web actresses and they are being trolled on social media, where there is a lot of argument

  • happening with them as a base of it and they are the actual targets or they are being targeted,

  • being trolled, right? So troll is what? Arguments with targeting certain people, right? Now

  • moving on from troll, tomeme’, what does meme actually mean? Now all of us might

  • see these funny images and when they actually started coming in, none of us knew what to,

  • you know, how to call this weird faces or smileys. I remember this time when I used

  • to call it smileys, have you seen those weird smileys with funny jokes on it? But they are

  • the ones which are memes, they actually target someone’s personality or character or something

  • that is, a situation that has become so funny and created into a massive joke. Do meme is

  • nothing but funny pictures with text written on it, right? Images with text. Funny texts

  • specifically. Let me just write funny so that I don’t miss out on it. Okay, now those

  • are memes and I’m sure all of you are so used to be or still are involved in forwarding

  • these memes or jokes to one another maybe on WhatsApp or Instagram or Facebook, are

  • any one of you out there creating these memes by the way? I must say you guys are very creative

  • and so funny, sometimes. Okay, all right, moving on from there, we haveclickbait’.

  • Have you ever heard or read these headlines which says this one time I started reading

  • and you know what happened….? They actually create a mystery, a sense of, woo, what is

  • the story? Inquisitiveness and you suddenly, it becomes a mysterious situation and all

  • of us want to read what it is. Some times its literary nothing, sometimes it’s absolutely

  • the end of story but, they create so much mystery about it, a headlines, interesting

  • headlines, that you want to click and that is what it means, a bait is what? What does

  • bait means? Something that attracts. So for example, goats are usually when it comes to

  • forest or people, when they used to hunt, before, they used to put goats as baits and

  • they tigers, lions used to come towards it and that is what a bait means. For example

  • when you go fishing, you put these little worms and then you get big fish and they start

  • eating and how you catch a fish, well that’s a bait. A worm and a goat but, here an interesting

  • headline becomes your bait and that’s why people keep clicking on it and that’s how

  • it becomes viral at some point of time, okay? So clickbait are interesting, catchy headlines,

  • okay? Moving on, from clickbait we haveVloggeror Vlogger is what they call it, my students

  • told me it’s not v-logger maam, it’s vlogger. Okay, so vloggers are nothing but

  • people who log videos, who blog via videos. A quick questions for you guys, do you think

  • I am a vlogger as well? If you think so write to me in comments as to what you think. Am

  • I a vlogger or not? Okay, moving from vlogger who is a person which blogs about any video,

  • ideas, travelling, clothes, a lesson like this even are the ones who vlog. All right

  • hater’. I don’t like this word of course, nobody does. Especially on social media where

  • it’s, where it’s visible for the whole world to witness or to see but these are the

  • people, who usually target someone and talk ill about that person, all right? And they

  • usually, people refer to them as haters. There are lot of people who protect one another

  • on social media and ask the haters not to talk ill. It is actually, I have seen a lot

  • of articles been published in newspapers where the publisher or the journalist are also requesting

  • people not to just go on hating people and that’s why I always end my session by saying,

  • spread lovebecause guys we don’t need people who speak ill, right? People who

  • speak ill are haters. Guys, do you know what isblogosphere’? Sounds a very, it’s

  • such a nice terminology right here and such a new age term, but do you know what it means?

  • It actually means where a lot of bloggers talk about a certain issue, right? When a

  • lot of bloggers, and there is a huge discussion that goes on, on that particular topic when

  • a lot of bloggers talk about it and that actually becomes a blogsphere. Okay, moving on from

  • blogsphere we have, ‘AMA’. A system, that means, ‘Ask Me Anything’. Well a lot of

  • YouTubers started this and it simple means that, hey, they welcome all of their subscribers,

  • new subscribers old ones to come on the platform and ask them anything, literally anything

  • and they keep the platform free and liberal to people to ask them questions, about them

  • and they are there to answer it. And that’s how they connect with their audience, specially

  • when it comes to a lot of subscribers or attracting a lot of subscribers and that is an AMA video,

  • okay? All right, moving on from AMA we have something called as a mash-up. Now what does

  • a mash-up mean? It’s actually a mix of all the best things, so don’t you have songs

  • on mash-up Bollywood songs, mash-up gym songs or pop songs or hip-hop songs where the best

  • of all the videos are actually put up together in one video. SO a mix of best parts okay

  • in a video form and that becomes a mash-up. You actually have a lot of mash-ups about

  • when it come to a YouTube celebrities or even actors and actresses and their best work or

  • their songs to acting or dancing make sure that you go and check some today that you

  • understand better what a mash-up is. And last but not the least something that so many of

  • us want these days is togo viral’. Now obviously when we talk about viruses getting,

  • probably just like creeping in your computer system or even when it comes to a viral being

  • you know getting into human body causes sickness and illness and nobody likes it but, do you

  • think people not like going viral on social media? Of course everybody wants to go viral.

  • Something that is spreads like a wild fire and it happens probably overnight for certain

  • people and that actually gains a celebrity status for some people. Well guys I’m sure

  • you guys know so much more than what I have for you, why don’t you write to me in the

  • comment section but, that is it for the day, I will get back right here and talk to you

  • about something so much interesting and new topics as well until then make sure that youre

  • smiling, make sure that you are practicing, don’t be a hater, spread lot of love, this

  • is me Meera, signing off for the day, bye guys.

Hey everybody, welcome back to Let’s Talk, this is me Meera. Today’s lesson is going


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A2 初級

社交媒體詞彙 - 高級英語口語課程|提高英語詞彙量。 (Social Media Vocabulary - Advanced English Speaking Lesson | Improve your English vocabulary)

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