字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 After three years of waiting, it’s finally here: The Sims 4 not-Pets pack! 漫長的三年之後,終於: 模擬市民4的資料片...不是「完美寵物」 Aka, Cats & Dogs, the fourth expansion pack to the The Sims 4, 而是「貓與狗(貓狗總動員)」,第四個資料片登場了 arriving at a suggested price of $40 USD. 而建議售價則是40美金 And this time around I was not provided a review code by EA, 但這次我並沒有拿到EA提供的review code so it’s back to me buying the pack myself. 這次只好靠我自己買了 Not gonna stop me so let’s get right to it! 即使這樣也不會阻止我, 讓我們開始玩吧! As the pack title suggests, Cats & Dogs isn’t as broad of an expansion theme as older, similar 如同包裝標題所說,「貓狗總動員」並沒有跟之前的「完美寵物」一樣, packs, like The Sims 3: Pets. 有那麼多的選擇 While that one included cats, dogs, horses, birds, rodents, reptiles, turtles, deer, raccoons, 畢竟那個有貓、狗、馬、鳥、爬蟲類、烏龜、鹿、浣熊, and unsettling ice cream trucks, Cats & Dogs features... cats. 還有永不停歇的「冰淇淋車」。這次貓狗總動員就是...貓, And dogs. 與狗。 Oh and raccoons once again, as well as foxes, each of which are respectively classified 但其實浣熊與狐狸也有登場, as a cat and a dog for some reason. 不過他們的分類分別在「貓」與「狗」 Anyway, the whole idea of the pack is that your sims can now own and care for various 總而言之,這次的資料片,就是模擬市民可以擁有自己的毛小孩。 fuzzy critters, of which there are over 170 premade breeds to choose from. 而當中又有超過170種品種可以選擇。 Not only that but you can make a completely custom breed or crossbreed existing ones, 你可以自創品種,或者自己混種, making for some truly inspiring combinations. 創造出一些「有靈感的」組合... Say hello to the hottest new designer dog, the Greyhound Pug! 如這隻最火熱剛出爐的品種 "Greyhound Pug" XD Scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, 科學家總是煩惱要做他們「能」做的,還是他們「應該」做的。(出自侏儸紀公園) they didn't stop to think if they should. 而浣熊現在是貓,而狐狸是狗,牠們現在可以混種, And yes, since in this case raccoons are cats and foxes are dogs, they can be crossbred 創造出更奇怪的組合。 with rather odd results. 狐狸跟狗混種我倒是可以相信, 畢竟有犬科的混種的紀錄。 Foxes and dogs I can somewhat believe since there have been Canid hybrids reported, but 但家貓跟浣熊...? domestic cats and raccoons? Biology(生物學)! Biology! EA 真的很懂 EA definitely knows it. 但不要為了生物學正確而去忽略緬因貓(Maine Coon),儘管品種名有"coon", And don’t even bother bringing up the Maine Coon cat; despite the suggestive name it didn’t 其實跟浣熊(raccoons)沒關係 descend from raccoons. 剛剛都是開玩笑啦,但「模擬市民」就是因為新奇搞怪, Besides, I’m mostly joking here anyway, because I think this kind of open-ended absurdity 讓這系列更讚! is what makes The Sims games great. 在「貓狗總動員」中,有著更高的客製化, Cats & Dogs provides the highest degree of customization we’ve seen in the game thus 更比創造模擬市民自由的多。 far, well beyond what can be accomplished with humanoid sims. 舉例來說,「顏色盤」還有「圖案工具」 終於從模擬市民3中回歸。 For example, the color wheel and pattern tools have returned from The Sims 3, although unfortunately 不幸的是,只有寵物能用。 it’s only for pets right now. 之後有沒有變化我也不敢說,不過我在創造貓狗的時候 Whether or not that’ll ever change I can’t be certain, but what I do know is that I was 相當的崩潰,而且他們就像被 seriously cracking up while creating dogs and cats that look like they were painted 一群「瘋狂的幼童」給亂畫一樣... by a group of dangerously-caffeinated preschoolers. 但也是事實, 我一直很想要有隻「墨西哥脆餅貓」,全身被噴漆上金魚圖案, And it’s true, I've always wanted a taco cat covered in spray-painted goldfish with 而頭卡著炙燒起司三明治(笑) its head stuck in a grilled cheese sandwich. 你可以說牠是"與生俱來的",哈 (譯者:音同inbred) I guess you could call him "inbread," ha ha. 當然,也有超多特性還有叫聲可以提供更多的客製。 And of course, there are a number of traits and voices to further personalize each animal, 如同創造模擬市民一樣。 just like you’d expect with any other sim. 你也可以選擇牠們是否結紮,所以如果你想要當看看 You can also choose whether or not they’ve been spayed or neutered, so if you wanna role-play Bob Barker,那就是你的權利了 (Bob Barker是有名的節目主持人,常常呼籲動物結紮) as Bob Barker from the word go then that’s your prerogative. 最後,還有相當多的髮型、配件、鞋子、外衣、 And finally, there are a good number of new hairstyles, accessories, shoes, outfits, and 還有許多衣服可以滿足那些愛狗者 clothing options for your existing sims both young and old, including a healthy dosage 與貓癡們的胃口。額... of crazy cat person attire, and uh... 這個。 This. 這個東西, This right here. 我的媽呀。 Oh my. 既然準備好跟這些毛小孩們一起玩了, All right so now that you have you furry friends where are you gonna play with ‘em? 不如試試看新的地圖:一個濱海的小鎮,有著四個區域的 Why not try out the new map location: a seaside town with four neighborhoods 虎斑灣(Brindleton Bay) known as Brindleton Bay! 看起來相當美麗,如一個舒服的小地方, It’s a pretty attractive-looking, cozy little place in my opinion, although its inclusion 儘管這些秋紅的樹,讓我想起我希望「季節」資料片的加入... of more autumnal trees makes me yearn for a Seasons pack even more. 唉! Sigh! 好吧我想我會再等個一年,在那之前 Yeah I guess I’ll wait another year for that if I have to, and until then there are 我就用這個假裝秋天來了吧! places like this where I can pretend fall has arrived. 超過300樣新的物件妝點這座小鎮,讓模擬市民在建造模式購買, And to populate these new lots there are over 300 new objects available for your sims to 大部分都是寵物主題的物品:有著掌印、或狗骨頭, buy in build mode, many of which are expectedly pet-themed with paw prints and dog bones, 但最值得注意的,是這次只有八張新椅子。 but most notably among them are no fewer than eight new chairs. 雖然有許多其餘有用的東西,但就如同有個智慧的人曾說: I’m sure there are other objects of note, but as a wise man once said: “When you’ve 「當你有了椅子,誰管它」 got chairs who cares!” 但的確,有個新東西讓我非常開心,那就是掃地機器人。 Okay actually, one new thing I’m happy to have are robot vacuums. 不僅是因為寵物帶來更多的髒亂需要整潔, Not only do pets introduce more messes to clean up than ever, but they provide extracurricular 也給你奇妙的貓科朋友一個娛樂活動。 activities for your strange felines to casually enjoy... *玩掃地機器人的音效* *sounds of strange feline enjoying SimRoomba* 除了這些能想像的家具、燈、指示牌、這些零零總總的東西, In addition to the expected litany of broad-use furniture, lights, signs, and various clutter objects, 還有很多寵物專屬的必需品。 there are plenty of pet necessities on offer. 玩具堆、寵物床、餵食器、貓砂還有小點心全都被加入遊戲中, Piles of toys, beds, feeders, litter boxes, and treats of all kinds have been added to 讓你的家更適合寵物生活,並妥善照顧牠們。 the game to make it feasible to fully care for your pet and give them a pleasant home. 說到這個,你該怎麼把寵物帶回家呢? Speaking of which, how do you get them home in the first place? 除了從創造介面中創造,你也可以去網路上認養, Well, other than just rolling your own critter in Create A Sim, your other option is to adopt 或者當你在街上漫步的時候與流浪動物成為好友 a pet on the Sim Internet or waltz on out into the world and befriend a stray. 若模擬市民有「愛貓」或「愛狗」的特質,那就根本不可能拒絕牠們了! Sims with cat- and dog-loving traits will find it especially hard to say no to strays, 如模擬市民,你自己也會覺得每隻動物是如此地 and in all likelihood so will you with how instantly cute 可愛且好玩! and playful every animal can be. 但要記得,寵物也會占用你家的模擬市民上限, Just keep in mind that a pet takes up a sim slot in your home, so if your household is 若你家成員已經滿了, 我很相信你可以想到方法來「清出」一些空間。 already full then, well, I’m sure you’ll come up with ways to free up some space. *某種清出空間的燃燒音效* *sounds of creative space-freeing... burning, mostly* 一切就緒! Once that’s sorted, great! 不論是透過機構認養,或是路上帶回,養寵物絕對是一個 Whether you adopt through a service or through the wild, getting a pet is a surefire way 如火燒般(笑)有趣的事情。 to keep things interesting. 例如,每隻動物都有各種特質,而這些特質 For example, each pet has a number of traits, and those traits affect 會影響牠們做出甚麼事情。 what they’ll able to do. 像「黏人」、「機靈」、「懶惰」、「兇」、「多毛」, 這些是比較被動的特質 Things like affectionate, clever, lazy, aggressive, and hairy are more passive, self-explanatory 也決定牠們整體的個性。 traits that determine their overall personality. 更為主動的特質,例如:「獵人」還有「潛行」, 則有許多特別的行動, More active traits like hunter or prowler will give pets a separate set of actions they 不論是你的模擬市民要求他,或者是牠們自己去做。 can perform, either on their own or if your sim asks them to do so. 如果牠們會服從,那就好。 If they decide to obey, that is. 但牠們是如此可愛小小的毛球,即使牠們是固執或不合作的壞蛋, Your pets are such appealing little floofballs that even when they’re being stubborn uncooperative 也沒辦法狠下心苛責。 punks it’s hard to be critical of them. (但,就做吧。) But let’s do it anyway! 因為動物在這次的資料片中不能被控制 Pets in this pack cannot be controlled directly, at all. 雖然能點牠們左下角的圖示,但就只是單純的把畫面 You can click their icon at the bottom of the screen, but all it’ll do it center the 對準牠們罷了。 camera on them. 但你知道嗎? And you know what? 我蠻喜歡這樣的設計。 I like it this way. 不僅僅是因為這樣比起直接控制來的真實, Not only is it a more realistic approach than being able to control them directly, but it 還在照顧牠們的時候帶來更多的挑戰 provides a little more of a challenge in taking care of them. 我常常希望更多的不可預測性與挑戰能加入模擬市民中, And as someone who’s been yearning for a bit more challenge and unpredictability in 我很樂意接受。 The Sims 4, I welcome the change. 不過我並不太同意,因為沒辦法快速簡潔的 What I don’t quite agree with is the fact that there is no way to quickly and precisely 看到寵物的現在狀況。 check the current status of your pet. 寵物只有相當少的資訊面板,也就是說像飢餓度、 There is a total lack of a dedicated user interface for pets, meaning that things like hunger 疲勞、或尿意都變成了不可得知的 level, tiredness, or bladder status are a mystery on a moment to moment basis. 不過,這倒是還好畢竟是為了真實性。 Which, okay, that’s fine if you’re going for realism. 就像我也不知道現實生活中我家貓咪的尿意,且老實說, I don’t know the precise status of my cat’s bladder in real life either and frankly I 我也不想知道。 不過如同我剛剛所說,我很期待許多挑戰, don’t want to. Like I said, I appreciate some extra challenge here and there, and I don't 且我會花更多專注在我的寵物, 來想牠們需要的是甚麼。 mind having to pay extra attention to my pet to find out what their bodily needs are. 但,最讓我心煩的,是有些超基本的資訊, But the part that really bothers me about this is that you also can’t even do something 例如看寵物幾歲都不行! so simple as look up how old your pet is! 假設遊戲中的介面僅表示出模擬市民在意的事物, Assuming that the interface in The Sims 4 is a representation of what your current sim 那代表我的模擬市民根本不管他們自己的寵物, is aware of at any given moment, this infers that my sims don’t care enough about their 記得牠們的生日,或牠們的個性 own pets to remember their birthday or what kind of personality they have. 即便是「模擬市民2」都有基本的特性,有著有用的資訊 Even The Sims 2 had this as a standard feature, along with plenty of other useful information 我覺得是寵物主人應該知道的。例如牠們的技能、 that I’d expect a pet owner to keep up with, like what skills they have 或牠們遇到了誰 or who they’ve met. 但沒有。在「貓狗總動員」中,你必須去猜測, But nope, in The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs, you’re left with a lot of guesswork for everything 學習技巧到年齡。 from learned skills to their current freaking age. 另一個我希望要有基本介面的原因,還有因為新加入的特技(或怪癖), Another reason I wish there was an information interface of some kind is due to the addition 是跟個性不同,你不能在創造面板看到。 of quirks, which go beyond the traits that you can see in Create A Sim. Quirks(特技),是依些小小的習慣或動作:從害怕電腦, Quirks are charming little behavioral habits that range from being afraid of computers 到超愛看電視 to being enamored watching TV. 有時候你可能會有一隻超愛游泳池的狗 Sometimes you’ll have a dog that’s just obsessed with the pool. 牠在泳池中游泳,作夢夢到泳池,牠們為游泳池而生。 They swim in the pool, they dream of the pool, they are at one with the pool. 其他時候,有可能某個人打開烤箱就有貓抓狂, Other times you’ll have a cat that flips his lid every time someone opens the oven, 對一個終身貓奴是完全可以相信的 which is entirely believable as a lifelong cat owner. 雖然每次這些寵物們的小怪癖發生時, 都會讓我想起來,但我真的 While it’s nice to be reminded of these quirks as they happen, I’d really like some 希望有一種怪癖列表。 但你也知道,沒有這種列表 way to look at them in a list of some sort, but again: nope, not an option. 另一個希望能有的,就是你可以看到妳的寵物的訓練程度和習慣, Another thing that would be useful would be to be able to check your pets’ training 不論模擬市民們有沒有訓練寵物的新技巧 level and habits, both of which can be addressed 這兩者都可以讓他們來訓練, by sims with or without the new pet training skill. 無論是具體的訓練,在現場 責罵,或正向強化, Whether by specific training exercises, on-the-spot scolding, or positive reinforcement, pets 寵物們可以達到的例如:翻滾 、不去破壞家具, can be taught to do things like roll over, stop scratching furniture, 或不要打架。 and stay out of fights. 你也可以讓的寵物來快速通過一些你自己創造的障礙物, You can also put your pets to the test by creating obstacle courses, pitting them against 用一些美味的小點心來誘惑他們。 each other for a fast time and tasty treats. 說到美味,我蠻喜歡精通廚藝的模擬市民能夠 Speaking of tasty, I also like that sims skilled in cooking can opt out of store-bought kibbles 烹飪出一些特別的餐點, 從軟軟的骨頭焗烤料理, and bits and whip up their own special meals, from squishy bone casseroles 到充滿魚腥味的點心 to fishy carcass treats. 你也需要所有寵物需要的「燃料」, 來讓狗與貓燃燒牠們的慾火, You’ll need all the pet fuel you can get too, because dogs and cats can go into heat 牠們會開始瘋狂地尋找另一個伴侶, and start feverishly looking for a mate at a moment’s notice. 無論是偶然、還是你引導他們的慾火, 在牠們找到另一半後,互聞鼻子 When they find one either by chance or by you guiding their gonads, a quick nose rub 產生出漂浮的愛心,然後就懷孕了。 and some floating hearts can lead to a pregnancy. 小朋友們要記得,永遠要帶上口罩來避免(笑) Now remember kids: always wear a muzzle. 不久你就會有全新的小嘴來跟你要食物,整個可愛的過程 Before long you’ll have fresh new mouths to feed and the whole adorable process 又重頭開始一遍了。 starts all over again. 最後,還有獸醫。一個新的職業 And finally, there is the veterinarian. A new career in the Cats & Dogs pack 不過,這實際上不是「職業生涯」 that isn’t actually a "career" at all. 我的意思是,它不是一份工作純粹給你賺工資,就像一個醫生或警察, What I mean by that is that it’s not a job you earn a salary for, like a doctor or a 而是它更像是在「外出用餐」中擁有一間餐廳。 cop, but instead it’s more like owning a restaurant in the Dine Out pack. 所以,如果你有足夠的錢購買自己 獸醫的辦公室,然後瞬間: So if you have enough money to buy your own vet’s office, then presto: 你就是個獸醫了! you’re an instant vet! 沒有必需的經驗,只要打開門 讓生病的動物們跳著華爾茲漫步進入, No experience needed, just open up the doors and let the sick animals waltz on in to get 就能讓完全沒資格的你治療了。 treated by your complete inadequacy. 當然,你越是醫治寵物經驗越多 你會得到更多獸醫技能,但 Granted, the more you heal pets the more experience you’ll earn in the veterinary skill, but 對我來說有點白癡。 it still seems a bit silly to me. 但任何事情在模擬市民4中,有趣的點就在於它很白癡,任何人都可以 But whatever it’s The Sims 4, things are dumb and dumb can be fun, and man 享受這樣白癡的樂趣。 can this be dumb fun. 例如,一隻貓流鼻涕? For example, a cat comes in with a runny nose? 手術時間! Time for surgery! 沒有任何人能阻止你節紮全世界 Yep, nothing’s stopping you from neutering the entire world against their will, 或者造成真正的混亂...「反節紮」整個世界, or for some real chaos UN-neutering the entire world, 都讓你隨心所欲 so go for it if you feel inclined. 或者,也許你真的想認真在遊戲中當個稱職的獸醫,那 Or hey, maybe you actually want to play it how it wants you to, and in that case it’s 其實跟「來去上班」的醫生差不多。 pretty similar to the doctor career from Get To Work. 寵物有個未知的疾病,所以你 檢查他們的症狀, Pets come in with an unknown ailment, so you inspect their symptoms and come up with a 在銀製的診斷台上,沒花多少精力就診斷好了 diagnosis that it hands to you on a silver platter without much effort at all. 有時你需要寵物進入手術室, 或混合特殊的血清, Sometimes you’ll need to take a pet into the surgery chamber or mix up a special serum, 但是,因為寵物因為你而死亡 所以感覺起來好像不怎麼重要。 but yeah, since pets can’t die from this stuff it never feels like it holds much weight. 總結來說這就是「模擬市民四:貓狗總動員」 And that is The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs expansion pack. 至少是我覺得值得關注的和有趣的東西啦。 Or at least the stuff that I find most noteworthy and interesting contained within. 所以問題依然存在: So the question remains: 它值得 40 美金嗎? Is it completely worth the $40 asking price? 我的意思是,這個遊戲已經出了三年了, I mean, this game has been out for three years now, 加入寵物足以讓這個遊戲變得新鮮嗎? is the addition of pets enough to keep it fresh? 我不知道。 I don't know. 我的意思是... I mean... 這是一個有趣的資料片,我很喜歡 它,但 It’s a fun pack and I enjoyed it well enough, but that price tag is steep 以這個資料片的新內容來說,這價格真的蠻高的 for the actual new content on offer. 蠻多都是一些我們早已看過的東西,重新包裝, A lot of it only slightly rehashes what we’ve already seen, or 而且比起上一代,也有許多東西消失了。 falls short of providing what we've seen in previous pet packs. 然後是一些「改進(?)」,有關寵物的狀態顯示太少, And then the legit improvements are sometimes held back by things like the 玩家都無法得知。 lack of player feedback for pet statuses. 在另一方面,我完全知道很多模擬市民玩家,一看到動物出現在遊戲, On the other hand I’m entirely aware that for many simmers, having animals in the game 就直接掏出你們的錢包了。 *at all* will be enough for you to hand over your money. 如果你喜歡有貓狗,能讓你可以分享給"Simstagram"的粉絲 If having cats and dogs that you can pimp out for Simstagram followers is your thing, 那麼這就是專屬於你的資料片了! then this is the pack for you. 它提供了許多有趣的遊戲性, 可愛的時刻,還有使你的模擬市民快樂。 It provides plenty of enjoyable gameplay, cute moments, and happy sims. 就我個人而言, 其實我蠻難去描述這個能讓我重溫 And personally, it’s tough to explain the ability to bring back a lost childhood pet 我兒時寵物的方法。 in some way. 最近我失去了我17歲的貓咪..... 但一見到她能以模擬的形式出現 Somewhat recently I lost my cat of 17 years and... well, just seeing her again in virtual form 總讓我難以控制地想念與惆悵... is enough to make me uncontrollably wistful. 我想,「模擬市民」總是有帶來的一種特殊的方式 來達成你的夢。 The Sims games have always had a special way of bringing about wish fulfillment, 讓這款遊戲真的很特別,很獨特, 也超讚的。 making them really something special, unique, and awesome in that respect, 而「貓狗總動員」對我來說,讓這樣的特性更加的突出。 and the Cats & Dogs pack makes that clearer than ever to me. 但回到客觀的角度, 我仍覺得這個價位應該還是要打到一半, But in an objective sense, I still think the initial asking price should be slashed in 才比較符合你所得到的。 當我玩越多,我越覺得我在玩 half for what you actually get. The more I played it, the more it felt like a 「一口大小的」擴充包(Game Pack), 而不是完整的資料片(Expansion) bite-sized Game Pack than a fully-fledged expansion. 我想是因為我以前玩過更大的 And that largely has to do with my expectations coming from having played 寵物資料片。 the larger Pets packs of the past. 但其實我更想要輕鬆看到寵物的資訊, But even more than that I miss having an easy way to look at simple information 例如:甚麼時候我的寵物會長大。 like when my pet will age up. 如果這是20美元的擴充包 我會完全推薦, If this was a $20 game pack I’d recommend it completely, 這點毫無疑問。但, no doubt about it. But, 作為40美元的資料片,我覺得你的評價會取決於你的期望。 as a $40 expansion, I think your mileage may vary depending on expectations. 然而,若你的期望就是 And yet I also truly understand if those expectations don’t go beyond wanting to 能再一次跟你的寵物玩伴玩耍, have some fun with an animal friend one more time, 即便他們只是虛擬的,我很懂你的想法(淚) even if it's just virtually. 如果你從很喜歡我對這次資料片的觀點, And if you enjoyed this look at this pack from this thing, 那麼也許你想看到我的一些其他的影片(LGR) then perhaps you'd like to see some of my other videos here on LGR. 或者,你也許想常常來看,我禮拜一跟五都會有新的影片 Or you maybe wanna stick around, there are new videos every Monday and Friday 所以歡迎你訂閱囉! so subscribe if you would like. 如同往常一樣,非常感謝你 And as always, thank you very much 能來摸摸LGR我!(OwO) for petting LGR! ... ... ...別真的這樣做,這真的有點怪XD (譯者:希望大家喜歡LGR的Review與我的翻譯,祝我留學順利XD) Actually maybe don't do that, that's a little weird.
B1 中級 中文 寵物 市民 浣熊 獸醫 動物 品種 LGR - 模擬人生4貓和狗評測 (LGR - The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs Review) 17 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字