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Improvement pill here; welcome to the Bee Friend course, where I show you how to befriend more people.
我是進步丸,歡迎來到 Bee Friend 課程,我會在這裡告訴各位如何與更多人交朋友。
Today, I want to reveal to you the secret to getting better at talking to people.
So, let's dive right into it.
So, the first thing you have to understand is that you were not born socially handicapped.
We humans are a very social species, so much, in fact, that you can take a baby and put him or her in a room full of people, and over time, he or she will learn to speak purely through observation.
No one needs to go up to the baby and say, "Hey! That's a cat. Yes, cat, C-A-T. Meow, meow. Say it with me."
You don't have to do any of that.
If you just talk and go about your daily activities, the baby is capable of learning your language by pure observation.
And this is because the human brain is actually extremely good at identifying patterns and rules when it comes to social interactions, which is basically what language is if you think about it.
而這是因為人腦事實上對於辨認社交互動的模式和規則極好, 想想看,那基本上就是語言。
Patterns and rules.
So, it's not that you were born socially handicapped.
The reason your social skills aren't that great is simply because you haven't given your brain enough time to observe interactions and become fluent in all of the patterns and rules.
In short, you lack practice.
And, for the most part, it's not really your fault.
Because, if you think about it, in modern times, we spend the large majority of our time behind screens interacting with each other, and it's only been getting worse and worse every generation.
因為在現今社會,我們把大多數時間花在螢幕後頭與人互動, 而每一代只會越來越糟。
I didn't get a smartphone until I was almost, like, 20 years old, but nowadays, most kids get their first smartphone before they're even 10.
我直到幾乎 20 歲才得到一支智慧型手機,但現在大部分小孩甚至在 10 歲以前就得到了第一支智慧型手機。
And we all know that it doesn't take much skill or practice to accept a friend request and shoot someone a message.
We can type and use emojis to communicate with each other, but it's really, really different from actually talking to someone in real life.
When you're texting, there are hundreds of little components that are not there, hundreds of little patterns and rules that your brain isn't able to observe about the other person.
For example, things like their body language, facial expressions, tonality, speed of talking, proximity, eye contact, etc.
像是肢體語言、表情、音調、語速、 靠近、眼神接觸等元素。
These are all components that you have to pay attention to when talking to someone else in real life if you want to make friends.
But all of these factors are completely missing when you text or message someone using your magic little rectangle.
In a way, talking to people in real life is like a completely different language.
The reason why your social skills aren't that great and why you feel nervous about meeting new people is simply because you haven't been giving your brain enough time to properly learn this language.
You're fluent in texting, but you're barely passing real-life talking.
Sort of like how I barely passed Chinese in high school.
The secret to getting better at talking to people or learning any language is to simply get more practice, to interact with more people,
to give your brain more opportunities to observe and learn the unique patterns and rules of this language.
Now you might be wondering, "Improvement pill, okay, that makes sense and all, but how do I get more practice?"
Well, when I was about 18 years old, I decided to take on what's called the "hundred interaction challenge" to improve my social skills.
在我大約 18 歲時,我決定開始所謂的「百人互動挑戰」以增進我的社交技能。
Basically, you have a month to interact with one hundred people.
基本上就是你要花一個月去和 100 個人互動。
It doesn't really matter how deep the interactions are⏤heck, you could run up to people and just say hi and then run away, and that would still count as an interaction.
互動多深都無所謂,你甚至可以跑向某人、說聲嗨,然後跑掉, 那樣也算一次互動。
The majority of my interactions during this challenge involved asking people for directions while pretending that my phone died and that I was lost.
在這項挑戰中,我大部分的互動都是向人問路, 假裝我的手機沒電,然後迷路了。
And although these interactions on a surface level seemed very simple and short, I eventually found myself transitioning into deeper conversations.
And this actually led to a whole lot of practice for my brain, and I did see a pretty significant boost in my social skills by the time the challenge was over.
Now a quick little side note: People always ask me to make a course for the hundred interaction challenge whenever I talk about it,
but to be honest, it wouldn't really even be a course; I literally just explained to you all you have to do.
But then they'd often say something like, "Oh, but it'd be helpful to have an accountability group, and also, if you can motivate us every day of the challenge."
So, if that's something you're interested in, I guess... why not?
I'll make the program 'cause I do enjoy helping you out.
All you gotta do is sign up for my mailing list using the link in the description box below, and I'll let you know the next time we run this experimental program.
Back to the topic at hand, here's a good analogy that I want to leave you with when it comes to getting better at talking to people.
Watching videos to learn social skills is sort of like watching videos when you're trying to learn how to ride a bike.
Yes, it can be very helpful to watch others do it, it can be helpful to learn exactly how bikes even work, but the fastest way to learn how to ride a bike is to just jump on and start pedaling.
Sure, you'll probably fall over and over again, but eventually, you'll get it right; eventually, you'll figure out how to balance properly.
And this is basically what happens when you go out and start talking to more people.
Sure, you'll probably have a couple of awkward interactions, but eventually. you will learn the patterns and rules of the culture.
You'll learn what's funny, what's not appropriate, and over time, you will learn how to speak with finesse, you will learn how to balance.
So, just go out there and start talking to more people.
That's the secret.
Hope you guys like this video; if you want to learn more about the theory behind making friends,
I suggest you start from the very beginning of the Bee Friend course by clicking over here or on the link in the description box below.
我建議你從 Bee Friend 課程的最起點開始,可以點這裡或是在下方敘述欄裡的連結。
Besides that, guys, stay tuned.