字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hi, Bob the Canadian here. 嗨!我是那個加拿大人——Bob。 In this video, we're going to look at six things that you should be doing every day to help improve your English. 這支影片中,我們要分享增進英文的「每日必做六件事」。 Learning English takes time and practice. 學英文是一個需要花時間與心力練習的過程。 Here are six things that you should be doing every day to help improve your English. 而每天堅持做這六件事會使你英文更進步。 Number 1: You should be reading. 第一:多閱讀。 I highly recommend that you read the news, especially because you may already be familiar with what is happening in the world in your own language. 我非常推薦你閱讀新聞,因為當你用自己的母語讀懂了時事新聞後, And this allows you to make a connection when you read the news in English. 再以英文讀新聞會讓你更容易產生連結與共鳴。 You should also be reading a good book. 你也應該讀一本好書。 You may wanna start at kid's books, work your way up to young adult fiction, 你可以從閱讀童書開始,逐步進階到閱讀青少年小說, and then work your way up to everyday fiction. 再提升到閱讀短篇小說。 It also helps if you read slightly above your level. 閱讀對自己來說稍難的讀物也有幫助。 You don't wanna read too far above your level as this becomes too difficult. 別閱讀太難的素材,反倒使你難以吸收。 You should also try to read books that are based on movies that you have already watched either in your normal language or in English. 讀讀看拍成電影的小說,特別是你已經看過的英文電影或是母語電影。 And last of all, and this is the hardest one: 最後,也是最難辦到的: You should always read everything at least two or three times. 不管讀什麼,至少讀兩到三遍。 I recommend that you read it two times right away, especially if it's a short news article, 我建議你閱讀兩遍,特別是短篇新聞, and then read it again later in the day or the next day. 然後在稍晚的時間或隔天再讀一次。 The second thing that you should be doing is listening. 第二,多聽英文。 You should definitely listen to the news. 一定要聽英語新聞。 Having already read the news in English, listening to the news in English will cover the same stories and allow you to reinforce what you have learned in your reading. 當你讀過英語新聞,再聽相同內容的英文報導就能強化閱讀時所學到的東西。 You should also definitely be listening to music. 聽英文歌也是百分百的好方法。 Music is catchy, and it's fun to listen to and it has the added advantage of: You like listening to it more than one time. 好聽易記的英文歌詞,不僅聽來有趣,還有個額外的好康:讓你一聽再聽,欲罷不能。 So if you listen to a good song a number of times, you start to learn the words in the song. 當你把一首好歌反复重聽很多遍後,會自然地記下歌曲中的單字。 I also recommend that you watch at least one short English TV show every day. 我也建議每天至少看一部英語電視短劇。 I find TV shows better than movies because you get to know the characters and their particular way of saying those words. 我認為看電視劇比看電影更適合學英文,因為你會更熟悉其中的角色以及他們特有的用字遣詞。 And lastly, the same as with reading, you should try and listen to things more than once. 最後,和閱讀一樣,任何素材要聽一遍以上。 When you're watching a YouTube video or another video, be sure to rewind and re-listen to parts that you've missed. 當你看 YouTube 短片或其他影片時,建議倒帶再聽一次之前沒聽清楚的地方。 The third thing you should be doing every day is writing. 第三,多寫。 You should be writing at least three or four sentences every day in English. 每天至少寫三到四句英文句子。 You should also be using some sort of online spell checker and grammar checker. 同時使用線上拼字與文法工具檢查你寫下的句子。 But writing only goes so far by itself. 但這種練習成效有限。 You should really think about joining an online English learning group, 你應該考慮參加線上學習群組, either on Facebook or another website, so that other people are reading what you have written. 不管是加入 Facebook 社團或其他網站都行,這樣其他人才能讀到你寫的句子。 This also helps to turn writing into more of a conversation, where you're encouraged to answer questions that other people ask. 這樣也能將寫作變成真實的對話,特別是當你回答別人發問的問題時。 The fourth thing you should be doing is speaking. 第四,多說。 You should be speaking to help improve your pronunciation. 開口說英文,才能改善發音。 You should find recordings where people demonstrate how to pronounce something and then you should repeat the words after them. 找出示範發音的影音媒材,然後重複唸出示範者所說的字。 You should also start to talk to yourself. 開始自言自語說英文吧! And I know this sounds a little bit funny, but if you have an opportunity when you are driving in a car by yourself, or when you just have some time to yourself, 這聽起來有點怪,但當你有機會獨處,像是開車時,或者有自己的時間時 you should try to have a pretend conversation with yourself. 試著與自己進行一場想像的對話。 This really helps to start to bring the vocabulary and other things you have learned to the forefront of your mind. 這能真正幫你思考已經學過的單字、片語等。 You should also try to record yourself speaking and then listen to it again later. 說英文時,記得錄下自己的聲音,過後再重聽錄音。 If you record yourself speaking English and then listen to it later, 如果照著做, your ear can hear some of the mistakes that you have made and you can correct them later. 你會聽到剛剛自己說錯的地方,就能改正這些錯誤了。 The fifth thing you should be doing every day is vocabulary building. 第五,多學單字。 You should set a goal for how many English words you want to learn in a year. 訂下一年內想學的目標單字量。 And then divide that by the number of days in the year. 再把目標單字量分配到每一天。 If you were to learn three new words in English every day, you would learn over 1000 words in a year. 如果目標是每天學三個新單字,一年就學會超過 1000 個字彙。 And although this isn't enough to become fluent. 雖然這樣的單字量還達不到流利的程度。 Learning 1000 words outside of your reading, listening, and other practice is just a really good idea to help build a solid vocabulary foundation. 不過,在讀、聽等練習外,再學 1000 個字是奠定單字基礎的好主意。 The sixth thing you should be doing is having an English conversation. 第六,進行英語對話。 This can be one of the hardest parts about learning English. 這是英語學習中的一項難題。 But you need to find a native English speaker that you can have a short conversation with every day. 但你得找到一位英語母語人士,每天花一點時間進行對話。 If you can't find someone to talk to every day, at least find someone that you can talk to once a week. 若找不到可以每天陪你練習說英文的母語人士,至少找到每週可以與你對談一次的對象。 If there is no native English speakers in your area, try to look at websites like Italki or Preply to find someone who you can pay via Skype to have an English conversation. 如果你附近沒有任何母語人士,試看看 Italki 或 Preply,透過 Skype 付費就可以找到人練習對話。 You can find people at very reasonable rates. 只要付合理的費用就能找到練習對象。 If cost is a problem, another option is to try and find someone who wants to learn your language. 如果你有經濟上的問題,進行語言交換也是個選擇。 Meet with them via Skype or in a café, spend 15 minutes speaking your language, and then spend 15 minutes learning English with them. 找到想學你的母語的人士,透過 Skype 或約在咖啡店見面,先花 15 分鐘說你的母語,再花 15 分鐘向你的語言交換對象學英文。 This is a great way to learn English at no cost. 這是免費學英文很棒的方式。 Well, that's a number of ways that you can practice English every day. 以上是幾個每天練習英文的方法。 If you do all six of these and make a real effort, after a few months, your progress in English will be incredible. 每天做這六件事,努力做,幾個月後你將會有非常驚人的進步。 Bob the Canadian here. 我是那個加拿大人——Bob。 Learn English with Bob the Canadian. 和那個加拿大人——Bob 一起學英文。 I certainly hope you enjoyed this video. 我希望你喜歡這支影片。 Don't forget to subscribe below. 記得訂閱我的頻道。 Thank you so much for watching and have a great day. 謝謝你的收看,祝你有美好的一天。
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