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  • Professor Shelly Kagan: All right, so this is Philosophy

  • 176. The class is on death.

  • My name is Shelly Kagan. The very first thing I want to

  • do is to invite you to call me Shelly.

  • That is, if we meet on the street, you come talk to me

  • during office hours, you ask some question;

  • Shelly's the name that I respond to.

  • I will, eventually, respond to Professor Kagan,

  • but the synapses take a bit longer for that.

  • It's not the name I immediately recognize.

  • I have found that over the years, fewer and fewer students

  • feel comfortable calling me Shelly.

  • When I was young, it seemed to work.

  • Now I'm gray and august. But if you're comfortable with

  • it, it's the name that I prefer to be called by.

  • Now, as I say, this is a class on death.

  • But it's a philosophy class, and what that means is that the

  • set of topics that we're going to be talking about in this

  • class are not identical to the topics that other classes on

  • death might try to cover. So the first thing I want to do

  • is say something about the things we won't be talking about

  • that you might reasonably expect or hope that a class on death

  • would talk about, so that if this is not the

  • class you were looking for, you still have time to go check

  • out some other class. So here are some things that a

  • class on death could cover that we won't talk about.

  • What I primarily have in mind are sort of psychological and

  • sociological questions about the nature of death,

  • or the phenomenon of death. So, a class on death might well

  • have a discussion of the process of dying and coming to reconcile

  • yourself with the fact that you're going to die.

  • Some of you may know about Elisabethbler-Ross'

  • discussion of the so-called five stages of dying.

  • There's denial, and then there's anger,

  • and then there's bargaining. I actually don't remember the

  • five stages. We're not going to talk about

  • that. Similarly, we're not going to

  • talk about the funeral industry in America and how it rips off

  • people, which it does,

  • in their moments of grief and weakness and overcharges them

  • for the various things that it offers.

  • We're not going to talk about that.

  • We're not going to talk about the process of grieving or

  • bereavement. We're not going to talk about

  • sociological attitudes that we have towards the dying in our

  • culture and how we tend to try to keep the dying hidden from

  • the rest of us. These are all perfectly

  • important topics, but they're not,

  • as I say, topics that we're going to be talking about in

  • this class. So what will we talk about?

  • Well, the things we'll talk about are philosophical

  • questions that arise as we begin to think about the nature of

  • death. Like this.

  • In broad scope, the first half of the class is

  • going to be metaphysics, for those of you who are

  • familiar with the philosophical piece of jargon.

  • And roughly, the second half of the class is

  • going to be value theory. So, the first half of the class

  • is going to be concerned with questions about the nature of

  • death. What happens when we die?

  • Indeed, to get at that question, the first thing we're

  • going to have to think about is what are we?

  • What kind of an entity is a person?

  • In particular, do we have souls,

  • and for this class when I talk about a soul,

  • what I'm going to mean is sort of a bit of philosophical

  • jargon. I'm going to mean something

  • immaterial, something distinct from our bodies.

  • Do we have immaterial souls, something that might survive

  • the death of our body? And if not, what does that

  • imply about the nature of death? What kind of an event is death?

  • What is it for me to survive? What would it mean for me to

  • survive my death? What does it mean for me to

  • survive tonight? That is, you know,

  • somebody's going to be here lecturing to the class on

  • Thursday, presumably that will be me.

  • What is it for that person who's there on Thursday to be

  • the same person as the person who's sitting here lecturing to

  • you today? These are questions about the

  • nature of personal identity. Pretty clearly,

  • to think about death and continued existence and

  • survival, we have to get clear about the nature of personal

  • identity. These sorts of questions will

  • occupy us for roughly the first half of the semester.

  • And then we'll turn to value questions.

  • If death is the end, is death bad?

  • Now, of course, most of us are immediately and

  • strongly inclined to think that death is bad.

  • But there are a set of philosophical puzzles about how

  • death could be bad. To sort of give you a quick

  • taste, if after my death I won't exist, how could anything be bad

  • for me? How could anything be bad for

  • something that doesn't exist? So how could death be bad?

  • So it's not that the result is going to be that I'm going to

  • try to convince you that death isn't bad,

  • but it takes actually a little bit of work to pin down

  • precisely what is it about death that's bad and how can it be

  • death? Is there more than one thing

  • about death that makes it bad? We'll turn to questions like

  • that. If death is bad,

  • then one might wonder would immortality be a good thing?

  • That's a question that we'll think about.

  • Or, more generally, we'll worry about how should

  • the fact that I'm going to die affect the way I live?

  • What should my attitude be towards my mortality?

  • Should I be afraid of death, for example?

  • Should I despair at the fact that I'm going to die?

  • Finally, we'll turn to questions about suicide.

  • Many of us think that given the valuable and precious thing that

  • life is, suicide makes no sense. You're throwing away the only

  • life you're ever going to have. And so we'll end the semester

  • by thinking about questions along the lines of the

  • rationality and morality of suicide.

  • So roughly speaking, that's where we're going.

  • First half of the class, metaphysics;

  • second half of the class, value theory.

  • Next thing I need to explain is this.

  • There's, roughly speaking, two ways to do a class,

  • especially an introductory class like this.

  • In approach number one, you simply lay out the various

  • positions, pro and con, and the professor strives to

  • remain neutral; sort of not tip his hand about

  • what he holds. That's approach number one.

  • And sometimes in my intro classes that's the approach that

  • I take. But the other approach,

  • and the one that I should warn you I'm going to take this

  • semester, in this class, is rather different.

  • There's a line that I'm going to be developing,

  • pushing, if you will, or defending in this class.

  • That is to say, there's a certain set of views

  • I hold about the issues that we'll be discussing.

  • And what I'm going to try to do in this class is argue for those

  • views. Try to convince you that those

  • views are correct.

  • To help you know sort of ahead of time quickly what those views

  • are, I want to start by describing a set of views that

  • many of you probably believe. So I'm going to give you a

  • cluster of views. Logically speaking,

  • you could believe some of these things and not all of them.

  • But here's a set of views that many of you probably believe,

  • and I imagine most of you believe at least some of these

  • things. So here's the set of common

  • views. First of all,

  • that we have a soul. That is to say we are not just

  • bodies. We're not just lumps of bone

  • and flesh. But there's a part of us,

  • perhaps the essential part of us, that is something more than

  • the physical, the spiritual,

  • immaterial part of us, which as I say in this class

  • we'll call a soul. Most of us, most of you,

  • probably believe in souls. Certainly most people in

  • America believe in some sort of immaterial soul.

  • And given this existence of this immaterial soul,

  • it's a possibility, indeed a fair likelihood,

  • that we will survive our deaths.

  • The death will be the destruction of my body,

  • but my soul is immaterial and so my soul can continue to exist

  • after my death. And whether or not you actually

  • believe in a soul, you hope that there's a soul so

  • that there'll be this serious possibility of surviving your

  • death because death is not only bad,

  • but so horrible that what we would like to have happen is,

  • we would like to live forever. And so, armed with a soul,

  • as it were, there's at least the possibility of immortality.

  • Immortality would be wonderful. That's what we hope is the

  • case, whether or not we know that it's the case.

  • Immortality would be wonderful. That's why death's so bad.

  • It robs us of immortality. And if there is no soul,

  • if death is the end, if there is no immortality,

  • this is such an overwhelmingly bad thing that the only,

  • the obvious reaction, the natural reaction,

  • the universal reaction, is to face the prospect of

  • death with fear and despair. And as I mentioned earlier

  • then, death is so horrible and life is so wonderful that it

  • could never make sense to throw it away.

  • So suicide is both immoral on the one hand and never makes

  • sense. It's always irrational as well,

  • in addition. That, as I say,

  • is I think a common set of views about the nature of death.

  • And what I'm going to be doing, what I'm going to be arguing in

  • this class, is that that set of views is pretty much mistaken

  • from beginning to end. And so I'm going to try to

  • convince you that there is no soul.

  • Immortality would not be a good thing.

  • Fear of death isn't actually an appropriate response to death.

  • Suicide, under certain circumstances,

  • might be rationally and morally justified.

  • As I say, the common picture is pretty much mistaken from start

  • to end. That's at least my goal.

  • That's my aim. That's what I'm going to be

  • doing. Now, since of course,

  • I believe the views I believe--and I hope at the end

  • of the semester you'll agree with me,

  • because I think they're true and I hope you'll end up

  • believing the truth [laughter]. But I should say that the

  • crucial point isn't for you to agree with me.

  • The crucial point is for you to think for yourself.

  • And so what I'm really doing is inviting you to take a good,

  • cold, hard look at death, and to face it and think about

  • it in a way that most of us don't do.

  • If you, at the end of the semester, haven't agreed with me

  • about this particular claim or that particular claim,

  • so be it. I'll be content--I won't be

  • completely content--but I'll be at least largely content as long

  • as you've really thought through the arguments on each side of

  • these various issues. Karen, maybe this would be a

  • good time for you to pass around the syllabus.

  • Next introductory remark: A lot of today's talk is going

  • to be devoted to business. I'll get to,

  • if time permits, some philosophy at the end.

  • I want to make one more remark about what I'll be doing in

  • terms of this class. This class, as I say,

  • is a philosophy class. We'll basically be sitting here

  • thinking about what we can know or make sense of with regard to

  • death using our reasoning capacity.

  • We'll be trying to think about death from a rational

  • standpoint. One kind of evidence or one

  • kind of argument that we won't be making use of here is appeal

  • to religious authority. So some of you may believe in,

  • for example, the existence of an afterlife.

  • You may believe you're going to survive your death.

  • You may believe in immortality because that's what your church

  • teaches you. And that's fine.

  • It's not my purpose or intention here to try to argue

  • you out of your religious beliefs or to argue against your

  • religious beliefs. All I'm going to ask is that we

  • not appeal to such religious arguments, appeal to revelation

  • or the authority of the Bible, or what have you,

  • in the course of this argument. In the course of this class.

  • If you want to, you could think of this class

  • as one big hypothetical. What conclusions would we come

  • to about the nature of death if we had to think about it from a

  • secular perspective? Making use of only our own

  • reasoning, as opposed to whatever answers we might be

  • given by divine revealed authority.

  • Those of you who believe in divine revealed authority,

  • that's a debate for another day.

  • It's not a debate that we're going to be engaged in here in

  • this semester. Similarly, although I'm not

  • going to ask you in your discussion sections to hide your

  • religious views, you'll be asked in the course

  • of defending them, to give reasons that would make

  • sense to all of us.

  • That's by way of sort of where the class is going.

  • Let me now turn to some discussion about the

  • requirements of the class, grades and so forth and so on.

  • The syllabus is going around the class.

  • Almost all of you have it at this point.

  • The syllabus doesn't really say a whole lot.

  • I've already given you an overview of what topics we'll be

  • going to. The crucial point about the

  • syllabus is that it indicates what reading you need to have

  • done for any given week. Now, I've done my best to peg

  • the readings to where I will be on that week's lecture,

  • but I don't lecture with lecture notes,

  • for the most part. Sometimes I take a little bit

  • longer than I anticipated. Actually, I often take a little

  • bit longer than I anticipated. No doubt at some point I'll

  • fall behind. At some point I may rush to

  • catch up ahead. It won't always be the case

  • that the readings will exactly coincide with where the lectures

  • are at. Nonetheless,

  • in any given week, for the start of that week,

  • you should have done the readings that are listed for

  • that week. The readings on the syllabus

  • simply say the author, and there are a couple of books

  • that are available at the bookstore.

  • There are a larger packet of readings that's available as a

  • course pack at Tyco's . And so for any given week you

  • can find the reading. One or two cases,

  • maybe just one actually, where I've got more than one

  • article by the given author, I've given the title of the

  • article as well. It shouldn't be difficult to

  • locate the reading for any given week.

  • The format of the class, of course, is a familiar and

  • straightforward one. I'll be sitting here lecturing

  • twice a week, this time, 10:30 to 11:20.

  • Once a week you will break up into discussion sections.

  • The discussion sections will meet for 50 minutes.

  • Each one of you will have a single time.

  • But it'll be different times the discussion sections meet.

  • For the first time, the philosophy department has

  • just switched over to the online discussion section registration

  • system. I'm not 100% certain how that

  • works. I've not used it before.

  • I take it the idea is something like this.

  • Right now, if you were to shop the class, you could find the

  • tentative list of discussion section days and times.

  • So be sure to find some time that works for you.

  • You can't actually register for any of those discussion section

  • times yet. But as of, I think,

  • next week when you're able to begin your online registration,

  • you will be able to register for any discussion section that

  • still has a slot, still has a space open in it.

  • In fact, you won't be able to finalize your registration for

  • your courses until you've actually signed up for an

  • available slot. Once you have registered,

  • if some other slots become available that weren't

  • previously available, I gather you'll be sent some

  • sort of email by the system, in case some other time would

  • be better for you. You can put yourself on waiting

  • lists and so forth. It sounds pretty good on paper.

  • Maybe it'll all work smoothly. I've never been through it

  • before. I hope we won't have any

  • problems. Right now what you want to make

  • sure is that there is a time that's available--right now all

  • the times are available--but that there is a time that works

  • for you. Because if you can't find a

  • discussion section that works for you, you won't be able to

  • take this course. Any questions about that?

  • I should actually ask, any questions about anything

  • that I've asked or said so far, up to this point?

  • Let me make a remark about questions, which is--today's

  • mostly business. Hopefully, it'll be fairly

  • straightforward. But both today and throughout

  • the entire semester, as I'm lecturing I want to

  • invite you to jump in with questions.

  • Well, jump in is a bit of an exaggeration.

  • I don't want you to just start talking, but raise your hand.

  • If I'm saying something that you don't understand,

  • the chances are pretty good that there's 25 or 50 other

  • students in the class who don't understand it either.

  • I'm just not being clear. So I want to welcome you,

  • I really want to invite you, whenever you've got some

  • reactions to the things that I'm saying,

  • raise your hand, I'll call on you.

  • Say, "Shelly, I didn't really understand what

  • you were saying about the soul. Could you please explain that

  • again?" Or, for that matter,

  • if you've got some quick reactions or thoughts or

  • responses to the arguments that I'm laying out and you want to

  • share them with the class as a whole,

  • then very much I want to invite you to do this.

  • Now this class is too big for us to have some close,

  • intimate conversation between the 150-180, however many

  • students there are here. That's not going to happen.

  • But the chance for detailed discussion in the discussion

  • section, that's where that should happen.

  • But still, there is the chance for brief reactions and

  • definitely a chance for questions.

  • I very much want to invite you to do that.

  • So, if at any point you've got something you want to ask about

  • or some two bits you want to add,

  • raise your hand, wiggle it around,

  • make sure I see you. I may want to finish the

  • particular point that I'm making, but I'll try to come

  • back to you and I'll then raise your question.

  • And if I remember at least, I will repeat the question out

  • loud so that everybody can hear it.

  • I also want to say that I will try to have the practice of,

  • after class ends, if you want to continue the

  • discussion, you have some questions that occurred to you

  • towards the end, we didn't have a chance to

  • share them with the class as a whole, I will,

  • on a normal day, meet outside and continue to

  • talk with however many of you want to do that until you're

  • done. I just love talking about this

  • stuff and I welcome you to come to my office hours.

  • I invite you to ask questions in class or, if you prefer,

  • after class as well. Again, any questions about any

  • of that? Yeah.

  • Student: [inaudible] Professor Shelly Kagan:

  • When are my office hours? That's a great question and I

  • don't know the answer to it. I haven't planned them yet.

  • On Thursday, start the class by asking me

  • that and I'll give you an answer.

  • All right. Other bits of business.

  • I should say something about grades.

  • Now many of you may have heard, many of you may know,

  • and if you don't already know this,

  • I should warn you, that I have a reputation around

  • Yale as being a harsh grader. I know this is true,

  • that is, I know I have the reputation, both because I

  • periodically in my student evaluations get told I'm one of

  • Yale's harsher graders, and because every now and then

  • the Yale Daily News will have an article about grade inflation

  • and they'll always ask me, "Well Professor Kagan is

  • somebody..." Once there was a story on grade

  • inflation that the Yale Daily News began by saying,

  • "As Shelly Kagan (known at Yale as one of the hardest graders)."

  • So I know I've got at least the reputation of being a hard

  • grader. I don't actually know whether

  • it's deserved or not, because Yale does not publish

  • information about what the grading averages are.

  • At other schools I've taught at there's been information along

  • the lines of well the typical grade in an introductory course

  • in the humanities is such and such.

  • Shortly after I came here to Yale, and I started realizing

  • that people thought I was a harder grader than most other

  • Yale professors, I called the administration and

  • asked, "Do you have this sort of information?"

  • The answer is "Yes." "Will you give it to me?"

  • The answer was "No." They don't share this

  • information with the Yale faculty.

  • Seems odd. The explanation,

  • of course, actually isn't that hard to come by.

  • The worry is that those of us who are harder graders than

  • average, if the information were published,

  • would feel guilty and sort of ease up on our grading.

  • But those who are easier graders than average will never

  • feel guilty and toughen up. So the result would be a

  • constant push up with the grades.

  • At any rate, I don't know for certainty that

  • I'm a harder grader, but I believe that it's the

  • case based on reactions I get when I give the speech that I'm

  • about to give. Okay, so [laughter].

  • When I open the blue book, the Yale guideline,

  • the Yale catalog, it's got a page,

  • as you all know, where it says what letter

  • grades mean at Yale. I didn't actually bring it this

  • year. Sometimes I do,

  • but I've got it pretty much memorized.

  • It says, for example, next to each letter grade what

  • it means. B, for example, means good.

  • A means excellent, C means satisfactory,

  • D is passing, F is failing.

  • B, let's start with B. B means good.

  • Now the crucial question then is what does good mean?

  • I take good to mean good. Consequently,

  • [laughter] if you were to write a good

  • paper for me, that would get a B.

  • And when you get a B from me--now, I say me,

  • this is the royal me. Because I won't actually be

  • grading your papers. Your papers will be graded by a

  • small army of TAs. But they will grade under my

  • supervision, and in keeping with the standards that I ask them to

  • grade with. So when you're pissed off about

  • your grade, the person to take it up with--well,

  • take it up with them. But eventually you'll want to

  • take it up with me. So when you get a B from us,

  • B doesn't mean what a piece of crap.

  • B means good job! And so you should be pleased to

  • get a B, because it meant you were doing good work and it's

  • not easy to do good work in philosophy.

  • A means excellent. Now excellent does not mean

  • publishable. Excellent does not mean you are

  • God's gift to philosophy [laughter].

  • So it's crucial to understand it doesn't mean that the only

  • way you're going to get an A is to be God's gift to philosophy.

  • A means excellent work for a first class in philosophy.

  • This is an introductory class. It does not presuppose any

  • background in philosophy.

  • Still, to get an A, you've got to show some flair

  • for the subject. You've got to show not only

  • have you understood the ideas that have been put forward in

  • the readings and in the lectures and so forth,

  • but you see how to sort of put them together in the paper in a

  • way that shows you've got some aptitude here.

  • You did it in a way that made us take note.

  • That's what we try to reserve As for.

  • Some of you will end up getting As, if not at the beginning,

  • by the end of the semester. Many of you will end up getting

  • Bs, if not at the beginning, by the end of the semester.

  • Many of you will not start out doing good work.

  • Many of you will start out doing satisfactory work or,

  • truth be told, less than satisfactory work.

  • Now look, I was an undergraduate once.

  • And I know what it is to write a typical undergraduate paper.

  • You sit down the night before and you had a couple of ideas.

  • You thought about it maybe for a half an hour.

  • And you meant to get to it sooner, but you had a lot of

  • other things to do. And you throw it off in a

  • couple of hours and maybe stay up late.

  • You know it's not the worst thing you ever wrote,

  • and it's not the best thing you ever wrote,

  • and it has a couple of nice ideas, but maybe it could be

  • better. It's sort of a satisfactory job.

  • Yale says satisfactory means C. So many of you will start off

  • the semester writing that kind of paper.

  • And the fact of the matter is, some of you will start off

  • writing worse papers than that. Because writing a philosophy

  • paper is a difficult thing to learn how to do.

  • It's exercising a set of muscles that a lot of you have

  • not spent a lot of time exercising.

  • Now it's not as though you haven't spent any time doing it.

  • You've had bull sessions, right, with your high school

  • friends or in your college dorm or what have you.

  • But you haven't done it with the kind of discipline and rigor

  • that we're looking for here. So, like anything else,

  • it's a skill that gets better with practice.

  • And what that means, of course, is you won't do as

  • well at the beginning as you're likely to be doing toward the

  • end. Some of you,

  • unfortunately, won't do very good jobs at the

  • beginning--and my TAs, I'll encourage them to be

  • prepared to give Ds. If the vices of the paper

  • significantly outweigh the virtues, that's a D.

  • If the vices very significantly outweigh whatever virtues there

  • are, that's some kind of an F. So the fact of the matter is

  • many of you in your initial papers will get lower grades

  • than you've probably ever gotten before in your life.

  • I wanted to warn you about that. Now I say this not so much to

  • depress the hell out of you, but (a) partly to warn you,

  • and (b) to make it clear that I believe that it's a skill.

  • Writing a good philosophy paper is a skill and you can get

  • better at it. Consequently,

  • most of you will get better at it.

  • So let me make the following remark.

  • Officially, each paper--you have three five-page papers.

  • Each paper is worth 25% of your grade, officially.

  • But--the remaining 25% is discussion section;

  • I'll get to that in a minute--officially,

  • 25% of your grade is for each of the three papers.

  • But if, over the course of the semester, you get better,

  • then we will give, at the end of the semester,

  • when we're figuring out your semester grade,

  • we'll give the later, stronger papers more than their

  • official weight. For many of you,

  • the first paper will be clearly the worst paper you write.

  • And then we'll just throw that grade away;

  • give greater weight to the second and third papers.

  • If the third paper is the strongest, we will give even

  • more weight to the third paper. There's no formula here,

  • a great deal depends on the overall pattern,

  • what your TA tells me about how you've done over the course of

  • the semester. But this policy of giving

  • greater weight, if you show improvement,

  • is something that most of you will benefit from.

  • So if you end up not doing well, the moral of the story is

  • not to go running off and dropping the class,

  • but to figure out what you did right, what you didn't do right,

  • how to make the second paper better and the third paper

  • stronger, again. And if you do show improvement,

  • that will very significantly influence and emerge in terms of

  • the impact it has on your overall semester grade.

  • Because of this policy, I don't actually know when all

  • is said and done whether at the end of the semester I'm any

  • harder, whether I depart from the

  • average or not. Let me quickly mention there's

  • a fairly typical grade distribution for the overall

  • grades of this, at the end of the semester.

  • Roughly 25% of you are likely to end up with some kind of an A

  • at the end of the semester. Fifty, 55% of you or so are

  • likely to end up with some kind of a B.

  • Twenty, 25% percent of you might end up with some sort of a

  • C. Sometimes there's a couple of

  • percent that end up worse than that.

  • Unsurprisingly, you've got the ability to do

  • decent work in this class and most of you have the ability to

  • do good work, and some of you have,

  • a fair chunk of you have, the ability to do excellent

  • work, though it may take some work on

  • your part to get to that point. The last thing I should say

  • about the grades is why do I do this?

  • It's really I try to do it as a sign of respect for you.

  • I know that may seem like a surprising thing to say when

  • I've just sort of gone on my little gleeful amount about how

  • I'm going to fail all of you [laughter],

  • but it's worth my saying you guys are so smart.

  • You're so talented. You've gotten so far on your

  • ability that many of you have learned to coast.

  • It's not doing you any kind of service to let you continue

  • coasting. My goal here is to be honest

  • with you, right? Look, you're smart enough

  • probably most of you to pull off some sort of B without breaking

  • into a sweat, or at least not a significant

  • sweat. So be it.

  • But it's just lying to you to pretend that that's excellence

  • in philosophy. So what I want to do in this

  • class is be honest with you and tell you, "You've really done

  • work here to be extraordinarily proud of yourself" versus "Yeah,

  • you've done something okay" or "You've done good work.

  • Admittedly, it's not great, but you've done good work."

  • All right, that's 75% of your grade is the papers.

  • The remaining 25% of your grade is based on discussion section.

  • Now that's a lot of your grade to turn on discussion section.

  • So the first thing I need to tell you is I really mean it.

  • If you blow off discussion section, you're grade will

  • suffer. So it's worth knowing in a

  • general way what you need to do to earn a good grade in

  • discussion section and here the answer is,

  • perhaps the obvious one, you need to participate.

  • You need to come to discussion sections having thought about

  • the lectures, having done the readings,

  • having thought about the questions that they raise,

  • and you need to come to discussion section then prepared

  • to discuss this week's set of issues.

  • You need to listen to what your classmates are saying and say

  • why you disagree with them. And not just that you disagree

  • with them, but to raise an objection.

  • Or why you agree with them. And when somebody else then

  • attacks them, say, "Look, I think that what

  • John was saying was a good point and here's how I think he should

  • have defended his position," or what have you.

  • You need to engage in philosophical discussion.

  • If you're not participating in discussion section,

  • you're not doing what the section is there for.

  • Philosophers love to talk and we love to argue.

  • The way to get better at thinking about philosophy is by

  • talking about philosophy. So I'm putting my money where

  • my mouth is. I'm saying, "Look,

  • yeah, that's an important part of the class.

  • So important that it's going to be worth 25% of your grade."

  • Again, it doesn't mean--this is slightly different from the

  • papers--that you've got to be brilliant philosophically to get

  • an A. Rather, you've got to be a

  • wonderful class citizen to get an A for discussion section.

  • So, as I put it, in fact I think I put it this

  • way on the syllabus, participation--and here I mean

  • respectful participation, not hogging the

  • limelight--participation can improve your grade,

  • but it won't lower your grade. Nonparticipation,

  • or not being there, that will lower your

  • participation grade. Any question about any of that?

  • All right. So I'm sorry to have sort of

  • the long gloom and doom, but it seems that it's only

  • fair to let you know what you're getting into.

  • One other remark about the discussion sections.

  • The way I think of it is like the conversation hour for your

  • foreign language class. How many of you have had a

  • philosophy class before? Thanks.

  • Maybe 15% of you. Maybe 20% of you.

  • Most of you have not. That's pretty normal.

  • Don't go into discussion section thinking,

  • "Oh, I can't talk. I don't have any background in

  • philosophy. I've never done this sort of

  • thing before." That's true for most of you.

  • The way you get better is by talking philosophy.

  • All right. Next remark.

  • I guess this is sort of just one last connection with regard

  • to grades. This is an intro philosophy

  • class. The crucial point about intro

  • is it means first class in philosophy.

  • It doesn't presuppose any background in philosophy.

  • It doesn't necessarily mean easy.

  • Some of this material for some of you is going to be very,

  • very difficult. And although the number of

  • pages that you'll have to read are not--there's not a lot.

  • Probably in a typical week, 50 pages, maybe less.

  • For many of you, you're going to find it dense

  • material. And although I don't really

  • have the fantasy that many of you will read this stuff twice,

  • if you had the time to do it, that would be a wonderful thing

  • to do. Philosophy is hard stuff to

  • read. Other remark about this being

  • an intro class is that it's introductory in that the issues

  • that we're talking about are kind of first run through.

  • Every single thing that we discuss here could be pursued at

  • greater depth. So, for example,

  • we'll spend whatever it is, maybe a week and a half talking

  • about the nature of personal identity, two weeks.

  • But one could easily spend an entire semester thinking about

  • that question alone. So don't come away thinking

  • that whatever it is that we've talked about here in lecture is

  • the last word on the subject. Rather, it's something more

  • like first words. Actually, one other word about

  • the readings and the lectures. With one exception,

  • I won't be spending very much time talking about the readings.

  • The exception is Plato, where I'll lecture,

  • maybe two lectures, trying to reconstruct Plato's

  • central arguments, at least the arguments relevant

  • to our class. We'll be reading one of Plato's

  • dialogues. But for the most part,

  • although I'll occasionally, periodically refer to the

  • readings, I won't spend a lot of time

  • talking about the views in the readings.

  • The readings you should think of as complementary to my

  • lectures. The idea is that there's more

  • to say than what I've said. And you'll find some more of

  • what there is to say in the readings.

  • Or there may be positions that I mention, but I don't develop,

  • because I'm not perhaps sympathetic to them,

  • and you might find somebody who is sympathetic to them,

  • developing them in the readings.

  • The readings are a crucial component of the class.

  • You won't get everything you need simply by coming to the

  • lectures. But equally the case,

  • that the views that I'll be developing in the lectures are,

  • although not necessarily unique to me, aren't all laid out in

  • the readings. You won't get everything I'm

  • talking about in the lectures, if all you do is the readings.

  • They're both parts of the class. All right.

  • I want to end by--I'm not close to ending, but the last thing

  • I'm going to do is read aloud some student evaluations.

  • I have found over the years that some students like me;

  • some students don't like me. I don't know how to make this

  • point any clearer than to share with you a sampling of the

  • student evaluations. These are not actually from

  • last spring, but they're typical enough that I was too lazy to

  • make some new quotes.

  • Quote one. These are actual quotes from

  • former actual students. (1) "The lectures were clear

  • and followed a very logical order."

  • (2) "I thought the class was not always organized."

  • (3) "I thought it was a very well organized class."

  • (4) "Overall, I was unsatisfied with this

  • course. Few substantive conclusions

  • were reached." (5) Along the same vein,

  • "I think he should avoid saying at the end of each segment of

  • the class, ‘Ultimately,

  • you'll have to decide what to think for yourself.'"

  • [laughter] I should end the class by

  • saying, "You will believe." Actually, I started the class

  • by saying that. You will believe what I believe.

  • (6) "It might be improved by presenting other views better

  • and more objectively, since Kagan always ended a

  • particular line of reasoning by defeating the argument if he

  • didn't agree with it. He could be a bit more unbiased

  • and tolerant of other perspectives."

  • (7) "Lectures were sometimes repetitive or obvious,

  • but occasionally, they provided new insights."

  • (8) "I know that some felt the pace of the arguments was a

  • little slow, but I felt that this was generally necessary,

  • not only for the unphilosophy-savvy population,

  • but also to cover all points." (9) "Extremely thorough and

  • thoughtful. Receptive to questions.

  • Brilliant." I like that one [laughter].

  • "Often long-winded." Hmmm. (10) "He does go around and

  • around the same idea a number of times, which does cut down on

  • the notes for the class, but it can get a little

  • boring." (11) "Though I've heard

  • students say he often repeats himself, I think this is a merit

  • in a philosophy course in which arguments and thoughts can

  • quickly become confusing." (12) "Shelly Kagan is a

  • fabulous, resourceful, utterly convincing lecturer."

  • (13) "He would work through arguments right in front of--" I

  • like this one, because this is what I at least

  • aim to be inside my head. Here's what I'm doing.

  • Thirteen: "He would work through arguments right in front

  • of us, which then helped me work through them on my own."

  • (14) "Shelly is an incredibly dynamic lecturer."

  • (15) "He's just in his own world babbling on and on

  • [laughter]. I'd zone out with regularity."

  • (16) "I have to say that Shelly Kagan is probably the best

  • lecturer I had in my four years at Yale."

  • (17) "He's the type of teacher you either love or hate."

  • Now that's pretty clearly true. I wish there were some easy

  • litmus test that I could just give you so you'd know which of

  • you would be making a mistake taking this class.

  • I don't know how to give it to you.

  • Next topic, grades. (1) "He tried to intimidate us

  • too much with his promise of impossible grading so that

  • everyone took the class credit/D/fail,

  • when we all probably ended up with As or Bs.

  • His grading was not hard." (2) "I recommend it,

  • but only credit/D/fail. Professor Kagan is harsh with

  • grading." (3) "When Shelly says he's the

  • harshest grader on campus, he isn't lying.

  • I was consistently surprised by how poorly I did on papers

  • [laughter]. The standards in this class are

  • just different from all other classes."

  • (4) "Kagan's reputation as a harsh grader is unfounded.

  • If you put in the effort, the grade will reflect that."

  • So that settles the question am I a harsh grader or not.

  • The last question for the evaluation is should you take

  • the class or not? Would you recommend it to

  • somebody else? (1) "I believe this class is

  • one of the most mind-opening experiences of my life."

  • (2) "No. It's a waste of a course."

  • [laughter] (3) "It gets kind of depressing

  • at times, but I suppose that's due to the nature of the subject

  • [laughter]." (4) "This course stands out as

  • one of the more unique and stimulating courses I've taken

  • at Yale." (5) "Excellent class.

  • It made me think about life and death in a new way.

  • What more can you ask for from a class?"

  • (6) "I would not recommend it. The class just seemed to be a

  • platform for Kagan to throw out random ideas and the students

  • were never required to engage in any thought."

  • Well, that clears that up. Let me end with a couple of

  • other quick remarks. One--these are some of my

  • all-time favorites from previous years.

  • (1) "Not doing the reading didn't hurt me at all."

  • Now, these are anonymous comments.

  • I don't know who wrote this comment.

  • But I do know this. Whoever wrote this remark is an

  • idiot [laughter]. Whoever wrote this remark seems

  • to be under the impression that the point of being at Yale is to

  • spend $40,000 a year of your parents' money and get away with

  • learning as little as possible. Well, for those of you who want

  • to try it, you probably could pass this class and maybe even

  • get an okay grade without doing the readings.

  • There's no final exam. But still, it's crucial to

  • understand, doing the readings is an important part of learning

  • what this course has to offer. Different quote.

  • "Kagan is a self-righteous little man" [laughter]" Now I've

  • got to tell you, that bit about being little,

  • that really hurts. Another one.

  • "Great course. Wonderful professor.

  • Fascinating subjects. The deepest thinking I've done

  • in my life." Final quote.

  • "This class taught me how to think more than any other at

  • Yale." I don't know whether I pull it

  • off. Pretty obviously,

  • for a number of students, I don't manage to pull it off,

  • but that's at least what my aim is.

  • I'm trying to help you think. I welcome you and I hope you'll

  • be back on Thursday.

Professor Shelly Kagan: All right, so this is Philosophy


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1.課程介紹 (1. Course introduction)

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