字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Has anyone ever given you bad advice before? 以前有人給過你壞建議嗎? Well, you're not alone. 你並不孤單。 But what made you realize it was bad advice in the first place? 是什麼讓你意識到這是個糟糕的建議? Was it just a gut feeling, a pang of doubt, or a lightbulb moment where the better answer suddenly came to you? 這只是一種直覺、一抹疑惑,還是一個電光火石的瞬間,你突然想到了更好的答案? We all receive our fair share of wisdom from friends, family and the occasional self-help book, but sometimes it's the road less traveled that leads to the most exciting destinations. 我們都從朋友、家人和偶爾的自助書籍中獲得了不少智慧,但有時少有人走的路才是最令人興奮的目的地。 So let's dive headfirst into some conventional wisdom that you're probably better off not taking to heart and why. 是以,讓我們一頭扎進一些你最好不要放在心上的傳統智慧,以及為什麼。 Money can't buy happiness. 金錢買不來幸福。 We've all heard the saying, money can't buy happiness. 我們都聽過這樣一句話:金錢買不到幸福。 But let's face it, the world's like a persistent salesperson, always trying to convince us otherwise. 但面對現實吧,這個世界就像一個頑固不化的推銷員,總是試圖說服我們不要這麼做。 Sure, not everyone's dreaming of being a CEO or having a gold-plated yacht. 當然,並不是每個人都夢想成為首席執行官或擁有一艘鍍金遊艇。 And a lot of the time, building personal can feel like a slow, frustrating uphill climb. 而在很多時候,建立個人能力就像是一場緩慢而令人沮喪的上坡路。 But let's be real, financial insecurity and instability is so much more terrible for a person's mental health. 但實事求是地說,經濟上的不安全和不穩定對一個人的心理健康的影響要大得多。 Yes, money doesn't guarantee happiness, but having enough to cover the basics and enjoy a few luxuries certainly goes a long way in helping us find it faster and easier. 是的,金錢並不能保證幸福,但有足夠的錢來支付基本生活費用和享受一些奢侈品,肯定能幫助我們更快、更容易地找到幸福。 In the end, it's all about striking that balance between financial comfort and our other priorities in life. 歸根結底,關鍵是要在財務舒適度和我們生活中的其他優先事項之間取得平衡。 Fake it till you make it. 假戲真做 Faking it till you make it seems like good advice to build a person's confidence and go after what they want, right? 假戲真做似乎是一個很好的建議,可以幫助一個人樹立信心,去追求自己想要的東西,不是嗎? But be careful not to buy too much into this idea, because it overlooks the value of time and effort in achieving success. 但要注意的是,不要過於相信這種想法,因為它忽視了時間和努力在取得成功過程中的價值。 All of the greats put in the work to consistently learn, practice and fail at what they do before mastering it. 所有的偉大人物在掌握他們所做的事情之前,都會付出努力,不斷地學習、實踐和失敗。 True confidence isn't built on a shaky foundation of pretending, but rather on a dedication to learning, stumbling and rising again. 真正的自信不是建立在裝模作樣的搖搖欲墜的基礎上,而是建立在努力學習、跌跌撞撞、重新站起來的基礎上。 Follow your passion above all else. 追隨你的激情,超越一切。 Passion is often hailed as the golden ticket to happiness and fulfillment in life. 激情常常被譽為通往幸福和美滿生活的金鑰匙。 But what if I told you there's more to the story? 但如果我告訴你,故事還不止這些呢? Sure, having something you're passionate about is great, but blindly pursuing it without considering practicality and sustainability will no doubt leave you burnt out and eventually resenting the very thing you love. 當然,擁有自己熱衷的事物固然很好,但不考慮實用性和可持續性而盲目追求,無疑會讓你焦頭爛額,最終對自己熱愛的事物心生怨恨。 Take Amelia Clarke's advice for aspiring actors for example. 以阿米莉亞-克拉克給有抱負的演員的建議為例。 She says not to become an actor unless you're absolutely sure. 她說,除非你有十足的把握,否則不要去當演員。 Most of being an actor is being unemployed, and if there's anything else you can do, I mean this is from the bottom of my heart, that would bring you joy, do that instead. 作為一名演員,大部分時間都是在失業,如果你還能做其他什麼事,我是發自內心地想說,能給你帶來快樂的事,就去做吧。 I've had some of the best moments of my life doing it, but I've had some of the worst, and you've got to ride through the worst to get the best. 我曾經歷過人生中最美好的時刻,但也有過最糟糕的時刻,你必須經歷最糟糕的,才能得到最美好的。 So rather than following your passion above all else, align your passion with your purpose. 是以,與其追隨高於一切的激情,不如將激情與目標結合起來。 Balance it with pragmaticism, and you'll find yourself on the road to more fulfilling endeavors. 在務實與務虛之間取得平衡,你會發現自己正走在通往更充實事業的道路上。 Success means doing it alone. 成功意味著單槍匹馬。 In a world that glorifies self-made success stories, it's easy to fall into the trap of believing you have to go it alone. 在這個歌頌白手起家成功故事的世界裡,人們很容易掉進認為自己必須單打獨鬥的陷阱。 But here's the reality check. 但現實情況是 Behind every triumph, there's a team, mentors, collaborators, and loved ones cheering you on. 每一次勝利的背後,都有一個團隊、導師、合作者和親人在為你加油。 Thinking that success means doing it alone will make your journey so much harder and the destination much less sweeter when you reach it. 認為成功意味著單槍匹馬,這會讓你的旅途變得更加艱難,到達目的地時也不會那麼甜蜜。 So don't be afraid to lean on others and learn to ask for help when you need it. 是以,不要害怕依賴他人,學會在需要時尋求幫助。 Surround yourself with people who inspire and uplift you. 與激勵你、鼓舞你的人為伍。 In the Never give up. 在《永不放棄》中 Ever heard of the sunk cost fallacy? 聽說過沉沒成本謬誤嗎? It's like ordering a terrible meal, but finishing it because you've already paid. 這就像點了一頓難吃的飯菜,但因為已經付了錢,所以還是吃完了。 Well, life can be a bit like that too. 其實,生活也可以是這樣的。 When we're stuck in a bad situation, sometimes we don't just cut our losses and move on, but continue to cling stubbornly to a sinking ship. 當我們陷入困境時,有時我們並不會一了百了,而是繼續固執地堅守在一艘即將沉沒的船上。 Sure, resilience is important, but so is knowing when to change course and quit while you're ahead. 當然,應變能力很重要,但知道何時改變方向、見好就收也很重要。 It's okay if your business fails, or your relationships end. 如果你的事業失敗了,或者你的人際關係結束了,也沒關係。 No matter how hard you try, you can't force things to work out. 無論你如何努力,都無法強迫事情解決。 But the good news is, life is constantly moving forward, and when one door closes, another always opens. 但好在,生活是不斷向前的,一扇門關上了,另一扇門總會打開。 So instead of never giving up, learn to pivot and adapt instead. 是以,與其永不放棄,不如學會轉折和適應。 Avoid failure at all costs. 不惜一切代價避免失敗。 We've always been fed the idea that failure is the sworn enemy of the world. 我們總是被灌輸這樣的思想:失敗是世界的天敵。 In fact, plenty of the most successful people on the planet have failed more than a few times in their life, before soaring to greatness. 事實上,地球上很多最成功的人在飛黃騰達之前,都曾失敗過不止一次。 Walt Disney faced rejection and bankruptcy before turning his dreams into reality. 沃爾特-迪斯尼在將夢想變為現實之前,曾面臨拒絕和破產。 Steve Jobs was once shown the door by the very company he founded. 史蒂夫-喬布斯曾被自己創立的公司拒之門外。 Even the iconic Beatles were initially rejected by a record label. 就連標誌性的披頭士樂隊最初也曾遭到唱片公司的拒絕。 Because failure isn't a full It's a comma in the sentence of your autobiography. 因為失敗不是一個完整的句子,而是你自傳句子中的一個逗號。 So embrace failure as a stepping stone, not a stumbling block. 是以,要把失敗當作墊腳石,而不是絆腳石。 In the wise words of Michael Jordan, I've failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed. 用邁克爾-喬丹的至理名言來說,在我的人生中,我一次又一次地失敗,這就是我成功的原因。 Remember, life is not a one-size-fits-all journey, and the advice that works for one person might not resonate with another. 請記住,人生並不是一個放之四海而皆準的旅程,對一個人有效的建議可能不會引起另一個人的共鳴。 In a world brimming with well-meaning suggestions and authority. 在這個充斥著善意的建議和權威的世界裡。 After all, the most fulfilling paths in life are often the ones you forge yourself. 畢竟,人生中最充實的道路往往是自己開闢的。 So, dear viewers, got any life advice of your own you're glad you never followed? 那麼,親愛的觀眾們,你們有什麼自己的人生建議,慶幸自己從未遵循過嗎? Tell us about it in the comments. 請在評論中告訴我們。 And if you're interested in learning more, click here to watch our video on 5 life lessons to learn now for the hard way. 如果您有興趣瞭解更多資訊,請點擊這裡觀看我們的影片,瞭解 "艱苦奮鬥 "的 5 條人生經驗。 Don't forget to let us know if you found this video valuable with a like, share and subscribe to continue supporting our work. 如果你覺得這部影片有價值,請不要忘記按讚、分享和訂閱,以繼續支持我們的工作。 Thanks for watching. 感謝觀看。
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