# 佳句 來源影片
1 line 愛神來了我知道!愛的科學原理 (The Science of Love)
2 dancing up a storm 超感人!繼母唸完婚禮誓詞,四歲男孩感動大哭 (4-Year-Old Boy Cries as Stepmom Reads Wedding Vows She Wrote for Him)
3 making a grand entrance 超感人!繼母唸完婚禮誓詞,四歲男孩感動大哭 (4-Year-Old Boy Cries as Stepmom Reads Wedding Vows She Wrote for Him)
4 stole the show 超感人!繼母唸完婚禮誓詞,四歲男孩感動大哭 (4-Year-Old Boy Cries as Stepmom Reads Wedding Vows She Wrote for Him)
5 shape me into 超感人!繼母唸完婚禮誓詞,四歲男孩感動大哭 (4-Year-Old Boy Cries as Stepmom Reads Wedding Vows She Wrote for Him)
6 burst into tears 超感人!繼母唸完婚禮誓詞,四歲男孩感動大哭 (4-Year-Old Boy Cries as Stepmom Reads Wedding Vows She Wrote for Him)
7 captured our imagination 愛神來了我知道!愛的科學原理 (The Science of Love)
8 prone to 【TED-Ed】腎結石為什麼產生? (What causes kidney stones? - Arash Shadman)
9 up to 【TED-Ed】腎結石為什麼產生? (What causes kidney stones? - Arash Shadman)
10 alpha blockers 【TED-Ed】腎結石為什麼產生? (What causes kidney stones? - Arash Shadman)
11 result from 【TED-Ed】腎結石為什麼產生? (What causes kidney stones? - Arash Shadman)
12 accounts for 【TED-Ed】腎結石為什麼產生? (What causes kidney stones? - Arash Shadman)
13 addressed 【TED-Ed】腎結石為什麼產生? (What causes kidney stones? - Arash Shadman)
14 the buck lies with BBC六分鐘新聞:模特兒是不是都太瘦了?(BBC 6 Minute English - Are models too skinny?)
15 to BBC六分鐘新聞:模特兒是不是都太瘦了?(BBC 6 Minute English - Are models too skinny?)
16 the ratio of BBC六分鐘新聞:模特兒是不是都太瘦了?(BBC 6 Minute English - Are models too skinny?)
17 cut-off point BBC六分鐘新聞:模特兒是不是都太瘦了?(BBC 6 Minute English - Are models too skinny?)
18 cut-off point BBC六分鐘新聞:模特兒是不是都太瘦了?(BBC 6 Minute English - Are models too skinny?)
19 wrap up 【MarieTV】90%守則讓你100%控制一切 (The “90% Rule” That Puts You 100% In Control Of Everything)
20 the shiitake hits the fan 【MarieTV】90%守則讓你100%控制一切 (The “90% Rule” That Puts You 100% In Control Of Everything)
21 in the midst of 【MarieTV】90%守則讓你100%控制一切 (The “90% Rule” That Puts You 100% In Control Of Everything)
22 for the explicit reason 【TED】脆弱的力量 (Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability)
23 as it turns out 【TED】脆弱的力量 (Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability)
24 an "opportunity for growth 【TED】脆弱的力量 (Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability)
25 knock discomfort upside the head 【TED】脆弱的力量 (Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability)
26 committed to 【TED】為什麼性別平等對大家都好 Why Gender Equality Is Good for Everyone — Men Included | Michael Kimmel | TED Talks
27 mind-body 【TED】為什麼性別平等對大家都好 Why Gender Equality Is Good for Everyone — Men Included | Michael Kimmel | TED Talks
28 photo-based 【TED】優都思.巴克實茲娜: 顛覆刻板印象的諷刺照片 (Uldus Bakhtiozina: Wry photos that turn stereotypes upside down)


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