錄音限制為 6 分鐘
But, as powerful as Rome may have been, they couldn't change the rules of the universe, and neither of these calendars add up to anywhere close to the time it takes us to orbit the sun. After a few years, the seasons are out of whack with the months, dogs and cats, living together, mass hysteria!!
1. universe 宇宙、天地萬物
[ˋjunə͵vɝs] (n.) 宇宙、天地萬物
[͵junəˋvɝs! ] (adj.) 宇宙的、全世界的
[͵junəˋvɝsətɪ ] (n.) 大學
2. orbit 環繞...的軌道運行
[ˋɔrbɪt] (v.) 環繞...的軌道運行
[əsˋtrɑnəmɪ] (n.) 天文學
[əˋstrɑnəmɚ] (n.) 天文學家
[ˋæstrə͵nɔt] (n.) 太空人
3. out of whack 不正常、故障
(.) 不正常、故障
(.) 故障
[ˋbrek͵daʊn] (n.) 故障、損壞
[mælˋfʌŋʃən ] (n.) 故障
5. hysteria 歇斯底里、情緒爆發
[hɪsˋtɪrɪə] (n.) 歇斯底里、情緒爆發
[ɪˋmoʃən!] (adj.) 感情的、易動情的
[͵sɛntəˋmɛnt!] (adj.) 多情的、多愁善感的
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