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  • But there was a swab from above.

  • Big, strong mission creep going up against Cats for where Golden can't in the corner successfully break point.

  • Acting its first championship as United trying to capture the city's 12 title from KC, takes them a little closer.

  • Supported by Golding dolled ing in the top three.

  • It's good for three more across court to dreaming.

  • Now Side.

  • Be able to sit. 00:00:55.360 --> 00:01:0.450 He's got a good look on more with the finish. 00:01:3.800 --> 00:01:8.730 Fifth tonight would be their first title since 2000 to Sydney. 00:01:9.020 --> 00:01:15.020 Golding might get really hard for the play from private on the right, but he went to the hot hand.

  • Didn't go Daniel Johnson high off the glass and successfully getting the ball who heads a little bit more.

  • I feel like they're Russian, a lot with their office.

  • Little fumble.

  • Before he's finished icing it up, I'll give you more uptight as it comes.

  • Thank you, Brad is Maddie Hudson has Melbourne enought applies landing alive him.

  • The two will count.

  • They go to the lawn for one.

  • Maura's well, Rose gave him his energy, got his blood boiling, and now he's coming out over aggressive, looking to score every time he touches the ball.

  • I shot Anthony dreaming.

  • Yeah, suddenly, Adlai, looking at single figures again. 00:02:0.330 --> 00:02:2.560 Highways Lee spinning on a satellite. 00:02:2.640 --> 00:02:4.560 Beautiful finish recorder. 00:02:4.820 --> 00:02:7.670 Court pressure back into a 23 zone. 00:02:8.040 --> 00:02:10.500 But he said, You gotta communicate in this thing.

  • Five 16 10 15 14 That my recent one along with eight rebounds.

  • Speaking.

  • You're rebounding.

  • Just burn it.

  • Old satellite Melbourne Great spinning on Bo.

  • Next, Craig on in the car.

  • That could be the reason why they come out.

  • Rumblings that Leslie shoulder awake is so drains A big tray really sold it again, as has been this man Casey Price, five.

  • In front of the game clock.

  • Somebody. 00:03:3.300 --> 00:03:11.860 Why didn't you shoot the booth a bit more on those flicks for Shannon.

  • Sure that sports being does that line in terms of hold on.

  • Hold on.

  • He was ejected, Maur injured, and still I almost took a game here.

  • Great part mad late.

  • Right now it's all Melvin a running out of fights.

  • You're right.

  • Shane so brave through the series more than flying their role in Mike.

  • It's a great one.

  • Gives it the cast away.

  • Put on your nightstand.

But there was a swab from above.


B1 中級

影片突出:總決賽第5場 - 墨爾本聯隊 vs 阿德萊德36人隊 (Highlights: Grand Final Game 5 - Melbourne United vs. Adelaide 36ers)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日



US /əˈɡrɛsɪv/

UK /əˈgresɪv/

  • adj. 激進;侵略的 ; 攻勢的 ; 挑釁的 ; 氣勢洶洶的 ; 進取的 ; 精力旺盛的 ; 氣勢洶洶 ; 忮

US /ˈprɛʃɚ/

UK /'preʃə(r)/

  • n. 壓力;壓;擠;緊迫;催促
  • v. 施壓;迫使...做某事

US /bɪt/

UK /bɪt/

  • n. (馬)嚼口;馬勒;一小片 ; 少量 ; 一點
  • v. 咬住(誘餌)

US /kɔrt, kort/

UK /kɔ:t/

  • v. 求愛;取悅,討好;法庭
  • n. 皇宮 ;;法庭 ;;場地(如網球場);法院

US /ˈsɪriz/

UK /ˈsɪəri:z/

  • n. 系列
  • noun pl. 一連串 ; 連續 ; 分卷書籍 ; 系列 ; 級數 ; 音列 ; 串連 ; 統 ; 列

US /ˈpraɪvɪt/

UK /'praɪvət/

  • adj. 隔離的;隱蔽的;私人的、私有的;私人的
  • n. 士兵

US /kæst/

UK /kɑ:st/

  • n. 演員;分配角色;小塊;鑄造;鑄件;石膏
  • v. 選派...扮演角色;表達;已鑄造;看待;投;擲;投擲

US /əˈplaɪ/

UK /ə'plaɪ/

  • v. 塗;敷;致力於;專心於;應用;運用;使起作用;使適用;註冊

US /spɪn/

UK /spɪn/

  • v. 紡紗工;旋工;旋轉匙形誘餌;旋轉;暈眩;紡紗;旋轉
  • n. 暈眩;對一件新聞的看法;詮釋;旋轉

US /kəˈmjunɪˌket/

UK /kə'mju:nɪkeɪt/

  • v. 傳 ; 傳達 ; 使改感染 ; 給予聖餐 ; 溝通 ; 相通 ; 通信 ; 傳染 ; 接受聖餐


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