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There's been a lot of buzz about dubious chemicals in the environment that might contribute to some pretty frightening stuff like obesity, breast cancer, thyroid issues.
And they seem to lurk everywhere—in pesticides, cosmetics, and especially plastic packaging.
In light of this, it's understandable to start panicking.
But before you do, let's hear what molecular biologist Bruce Blumberg has to say on the subject.
但開始擔憂前,我們先聽聽分子生物學家 Bruce Blumberg 對這個議題的意見。
He's been studying the link between synthetic chemicals and obesity for around 15 years.
他進行合成化學物質與肥胖症之間關係的研究已經約 15 年了。
So he might be able to give us a better idea of what's really going on and what to do about it.
Bad news is, Blumberg confirmed that, yep, we're surrounded by these chemicals.
壞消息是,Blumberg 證實我們身邊確實充斥著這些化學物質。
One of the most well-known is BPA, or Bisphenol A, which shows up in water bottles, cans, milk cartons, and more.
其中一個最為人所知的化學物就是 BPA(酚甲烷),會出現在水瓶、罐頭、牛奶盒,還有其他容器中。
You get them from thermal paper receipts.
Like I have... I have these receipts from a recent trip.
All of these things are coated with Bisphenol A.
It goes right into your skin.
BPA has been making headlines for years about whether or not it's harming us.
And while FDA-funded and independent studies have conflicting conclusions, the bigger heart of the issue is this: BPA is hard to get away from, because it's a key building block in the tough, clear, flexible plastic called polycarbonate.
儘管美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)資助研究和獨立研究結果有衝突,但更大的核心問題是:BPA 是難以避免的,因為它是製造堅韌、透明、有彈性的塑膠(聚碳酸酯)的要素。
And that proximity to food is what concerns scientists like Blumberg.
而它與食物間的緊密接觸,正是 Blumberg 與其他科學家所擔憂的。
You don't wanna store food in plastics because some fraction of those plastics will leach into your food.
The BPA molecules that make up plastic are bound together by what's called an ester bond, which is extremely sensitive to heat.
組成塑膠的 BPA 分子是由對熱極其敏感的酯鍵連接。
So, when you heat up your food in plastic, that heat breaks some of the bonds, releasing the chemicals into your food.
A survey by the CDC of 2,517 people estimated that over 90 percent of Americans have detectable levels of BPA in their urine.
根據美國疾病管制與預防中心(CDC)對 2,517 人所進行的一項檢測估計,超過 90% 的美國人尿液樣本中都驗出 BPA。
And BPA isn't alone.
而且不只是 BPA。
Phthalates, which make plastic flexible, can also leach into food when heated.
And reviews of hundreds of studies have linked BPA and phthalates to heart disease, obesity, and Type 2 diabetes.
數百項研究報告也都指出,BPA 和鄰苯二甲酸酯與心臟疾病、肥胖症和第二型糖尿病相關聯。
Not to mention, a 2015 review linked phthalates with impaired neurological development in children, which in 2018 prompted the American Academy of Pediatrics to announce that families should avoid plastic food containers entirely.
更不用提在 2015 年的一篇報告中指出,鄰苯二甲酸酯會損害兒童神經系統發育,這促使美國兒科學會於 2018 年宣佈,家中應該全面避免使用塑膠食品容器。
And other studies on animals like mice and monkeys have shown that these chemicals can lead to problems in the lungs, brains, and reproductive organs.
This is about the time someone like me would probably panic.
But there are ways you can avoid these chemicals.
Blumberg suggests it's best to just stick to heating your food in anything but plastic.
Blumberg 建議加熱食物時最好選用塑膠以外的任何容器。
Now, quick aside, BPA-free plastic containers aren't the answer, because research suggests that BPS and BPF, the most common replacements for BPA, might have similar effects on your body.
順道一提,不含 BPA 的塑膠容器並不是最佳解答,因為研究顯示,最常見的 BPA 替代品 BPS 和 BPF 也可能會對身體產生類似影響。
Instead, opt for replacements like ceramic or glass containers.
You have to do the best you can, and it makes sense to me to do the things that give you the most return for the least effort.
And here's the best part.
Once you reduce exposure, those chemicals slowly leave your body.
As Blumberg says, they're stored in fat cells, which eventually die, and ultimately leave your system.
如 Blumberg 所說,這些化學物質被儲存在脂肪細胞內,最終這些細胞會死亡並排出體外。
Don't stress about it, alright?
Do your best, and make conscious choices to improve things.